Anyone who isn’t a Christian is rooted/stuffed.

GeraldtheGnome: Anyone who isn’t a Christian is rooted/stuffed/buggered/doomed. My last sentence is a statement that I don’t agree with, the problem though is that many Christians believe that it is true. There are also those of other religions, not just of those based on the mythical god of the mythical Abraham that think that you are buggered or rooted if you are not of their religion as they wish you to be.
(Edited by GeraldtheGnome)
2 years ago Report
(Post deleted by GeraldtheGnome 2 years ago)
GeraldtheGnome: I am not under the hypnosis of a claimed to exist Satan. The Satan of the Bible is made up, maybe there is a Satan but if there is then he isn’t the type in any religious story and we know nothing about him if he does exist. If he is real then we are all still waiting for proof of his existence. Every time you claim that a possibly imaginary Satan has control of me or where you claim that I am the son of Satan I will delete it because it’s unfair. Criticize me in a fair but harsh manner if you wish to criticize me because every time you are unfairly critical I will delete your crap.

True Christians died out after the original version of Christianity was changed and the guardians of the faith died out, only false Christianity and false Christians are around now. mythology replaced the former mythology. Never use too many capitals and never use a comma before the word and as well. Each Jesus of all religious stories and the god of The Bible are made up. Your lot aren’t ‘growing’ and Christianity itself is diminishing worldwide. Despite that being a fact I am a Christian who many would mistake for being non-religious, I have to admit that in Christian majority countries Gnosticism is on the decrease while the agnostic theists (in the narrowed down sense) and the atheist (in the narrowed down sense) is on the increase. So your fanaticism/brainwashed way of thinking and that of others like you is the reason why some leave Christianity completely, so you and your mates are helping those who you oppose, well done. I don’t hate a certain Jesus of The Bible and I don’t hate the god of The Bible because they are made up. Your last paragraph doesn’t make sense so I cannot answer it because it doesn’t make sense. Work on that grammar. We are both atheists by the way.
2 years ago Report
(Post deleted by GeraldtheGnome 2 years ago)
(Post deleted by GeraldtheGnome 2 years ago)
GeraldtheGnome: Maybe I was too hasty just then. Sorry if that is the case.

Now to you Leonora. I'm not a teacher of nothing and I wish you were a bit better with English as well. Jehovah, just like the name God are names that early Christians did not use and that Jews do not use. Satan is made up, no one is proof that God, Demons, Satan and anyone else that you can't prove exist right now does exist. So stop this crap about Satan being my father, it is just stupid and you are so brainwashed that you believe it. Just work on improving your English as well. No one hates the god of The Bible because the god of The Bible does exist. I just don't want stuff on here that is too way off the subject and/or is unfair. There is no hatred within me due to you imaginary Satan or from any other mythical being that you believe in.
2 years ago Report
(Post deleted by GeraldtheGnome 2 years ago)
GeraldtheGnome: You think you can defend yourself with English, Spanish and so on yet you so far are unable to defend yourself with English, your English is terrible and you make many grammatical errors apart from that. Nothing is a gift from God, God is a myth of The Middle Ages based on a mythical god of The Bronze Age. I don’t hate Christians, religious extremists do annoy me though, that means that you do annoy me. I myself am a Christian though barely one at all. Please stop using the word and incorrectly, use spaces before question marks and exclamation marks as well. You keep claiming that I am evil when I’m not, solely for that I will delete your message. The Bible is a fantasy book, a myth. Respect is when someone stops claiming that someone is evil who isn’t, doing what you are doing is evil.
2 years ago Report
m_leonora1111: Again, go now attacking Buddha, Zeus, and all the other gods made by man.

Stop attacking Christians now, if you will have peace ✌ with me. It is enough, I have let you all those years pass by.

If you grammar are getting weak, stop attacking Christians before their God coming upon you. Take care!!
2 years ago Report
GeraldtheGnome: All gods were made up by mere mortal humans that didn't even know if there was a god at all when those people were alive. The word and is not to be after a comma. Anyone on the internet who claims that something is true when in reality what they believe in is false then I will tell those people that it is not true, it doesn't matter if it's about religion or politics or about anything else. Peace is a myth, things being calm and tranquil is realistic, the Ankh and the way to sanctuary are the way to go. Please work on your grammar, your last sentence made no sense whatsoever. Is Buddha a god ? I never thought of him as being so, I thought it was instead more about that he just became a supernatural being after death, I thought that was what the myth about him was about. I go to the Buddhist Temple once a year to visit it, it's lovely, I do enjoy my time there, it relaxes me and makes me very happy. They had an inter-faith meeting there last time that made it very interesting to me. Buddha makes butter better. The god named God is a made up god originally named God by an Arian.
(Edited by GeraldtheGnome)
2 years ago Report
GeraldtheGnome: As you already know by my other forums, I was misled to believe that the name God first appeared that far back and by an Arian, it still is a Medieval name back so far as I found it’s a far more recent name than I was led to believe.
(Edited by GeraldtheGnome)
2 years ago Report
dschmidt: Over 2600 "gods" so far in recorded history. EVERY one of them insisted IT was the "true" religion. xtians are the same way. OF course! Why have a religion and then say "...well, that guy's is pretty good, too..." The need for ANY gods is a sickness of the mind. I'm sure modern closed-minded xtians, if they'd been born a few thousand years ago, and worshipped Baal, would have gladly sacrificed their children to think of themselves as good little followers. Such mentality is dangerous to humanity.

2 years ago Report
Sage Paradox
Sage Paradox: Followers of Buddha and Zeus don't knock on my door trying to tell me how I better buy whatever rubbish they are selling. We don't have to worry about public schools replacing actual science with "Buddha and Zeus did it" as an alternative. I can't even remember the last Buddhist crusade or jihad.
(Edited by Sage Paradox)
2 years ago Report
GeraldtheGnome: The second last message was grammatically incorrect, I did however understand what it was about and I agree with it. Then the last message was alright except for one thing, I haven’t checked lately if the Syrian War is still on, the last time I looked at anything about it I was shown that it was still on and that there’s at least one Jihadist group fighting against the Syrian dictators forces and their allies. I like Buddhism and even though there is no Buddhist crusade as such there are some militant Buddhist Monks (who at least use hate filled speeches) in Southeast Asia, mainly in Burma (since I refuse to use Myanmar) and there is also a sizeable amount of them in Thailand. At least in Vietnam there is no longer a case of a Buddhist Monk who deliberately burnt himself to death unlike back when there actually was a country named South Vietnam.

There’s two creeps on this site one named Blackshoes (who has the real name Robert) who is a fake creationist and the other crawls to him, the former fake creationist but now a creationist named Zeffur. They have lied at times, most of the time they have been falsely accused of lying when in reality they made error ridden assumptions. They believe that the theory of evolution is false even though one of them unknowingly partially supports it. The contradictory ‘The science of evolution is anything but science’ is a forum of the major fool of the two of them, he also has the forum named ‘Faith’ that I countered with a forum named Blind Faith. Anyway if you don’t agree with those two evil old men who behave like spoilt brat five year olds having tantrums you will be told that you’re lying, that you have comprehension problems just after they show that it is them that have those problems, not you and not anybody else. You will be slandered by them, insulted, you will be told that their book is error free, that it’s due to a god named God, that Jesus is alive and that everything that they believe in is true.

They’ve never made a mistake according to themselves, you will falsely be accused of bullying them, insulting them and slandering them when in reality it’s them and whoever else they allow to do so do all of that. If your messages are too strongly against them as mine are most of the time then they will delete them. They claim that they have read the entire Bible and that they agree with all of it. They don’t believe that things about a flat Earth and so on are in there. To top it all off they will tell you that you will burn in Hell for your sins, that they are true Christians, that they are not agnostic atheists and that they will go to heaven.
2 years ago Report
dschmidt: I'll gladly tell them that I will pray to Harry Potter for their salvation.
2 years ago Report
GeraldtheGnome: Whatever floats your boat.
2 years ago Report
Sage Paradox
Sage Paradox: This is still going? I feel like after credits Farris Bueler
2 years ago Report
(Post deleted by GeraldtheGnome 1 year ago)
GeraldtheGnome: You just made a lot of mistakes. There is no god named God, he is made up, The Bible is made by anonymous authors who were mere mortals. No one is pretending and this also isn't a Christian forum. Jehovah is also a made up name for a god and Jesus Christ is imaginary. I'm not pretending to be an atheist, just like you I am an agnostic atheist, the difference is that I know that I am. Lose, not loose, I at least understand what you mean. No this is about how an alien god who is imaginary is supposed to bring everyone who doesn't please him to their doom according to you and other religious extremist. I am not against a god who is imaginary, no Satan is not my father but as per usual when you keep telling me that rubbish I will delete it. Also imaginary demons aren't my brothers. Maybe there is a Satan but the religious Satan is made up.

Here's one of those fantasy versions of Hell.

If you are going to have a go at everyone who doesn't believe in your form of Christianity then at least tell everyone here how if they aren't Christians they are doomed.

1 year ago Report