Are all religions just made up ?

GeraldtheGnome: Are all religions just made up ? Are they only human interpretations of the unknown ?
2 years ago Report
ipirate2: All gods are man made.

For your files.

(Edited by ipirate2)
2 years ago Report
GeraldtheGnome: What does that mean ?
2 years ago Report
GeraldtheGnome: Thanks for the explanation.
2 years ago Report
GeraldtheGnome: I now understand what you mean by files from what you added after that. It is mentioned that something came from nothing in regards to abiogenesis and the Great Singularity. Does any religious story, not just the Bible, have at least one example of something coming from nothing ?
(Edited by GeraldtheGnome)
2 years ago Report
m_leonora1111: If any people that cannot prove you from the Bible, that their teaching is Biblical, then it is from satan.
2 years ago Report
GeraldtheGnome: That didn’t make sense. Can you please clarify to me what you meant by all of that ?
2 years ago Report
DontNeedChrist: I can only speak from the perspective of Judaism when I say the G-d of Israel is certainly not made up by man.
2 years ago Report
GeraldtheGnome: Technically no one is speaking here, but I know what you mean. However you are ruling out one fact, no one knows. You are only going off what you think is certain, once you find out that there certainly is a God then you should show that to every living person in space and within Earth’s atmosphere, including me, because so far none of us know. The unknown is possible, it cannot be claimed to be certain. I can’t show you damning proof that there is a Heaven is one example. I hope that there is but it doesn’t mean that there is.
2 years ago Report
DontNeedChrist: I'm not obligated to prove G-d's existence. You can choose to research it for yourself or just deny it and go on with your life. It's YOUR choice, not by obligation.
2 years ago Report
GeraldtheGnome: That’s what every gnostic theist tells me when none of them has evidence for what they believe to be certain. Certainty of what in reality is unknown is a denial of reality, me opposing that is a denial of what is unrealistic only. I won’t deny what is certain, I left you with some homework to do, that is show me for certain that there is a God and I will accept that that God certainly is around, until then join me and other agnostic theists for we know that for the moment you are only possibly right. Work on that grammar.
2 years ago Report
GeraldtheGnome: Agnostics don’t have a burden of proof, we agnostics admit that so far we cannot find any evidence and that we most likely never will while we are alive. Gnostic theists and gnostic atheists on the other hand do have a burden of proof, so I just wait to find out if there is or isn’t a God. There is more than one God, your God is a ghost so even if he is real he does not exist for only those that are alive exist. I’m not obligated to prove a God’s existence not I’m not obligated to prove G-d’s existence and it’s your ot YOUR. You are right, you aren’t obligated to show me whatever is or isn’t so, no one has to, it’d be better if you just used the words I don’t know instead though. After all you and I don’t know nor do the gnostic atheists and all gnostic theists apart from you.
(Edited by GeraldtheGnome)
2 years ago Report
DontNeedChrist: I see you've made your choice. Good for you.
2 years ago Report
GeraldtheGnome: The same to you. The difference is that you may or may not be in for disappointment in the future, I will not either way.
(Edited by GeraldtheGnome)
2 years ago Report
ipirate2: GeraldtheGnome:

What burden of proof do Gnostic Christians have?

We make no supernatural claims.

We are not as stupid as some. We need not lie to explain reality and how Nature creates and sustains us.

2 years ago Report
(Post deleted by GeraldtheGnome 2 years ago)
GeraldtheGnome: I just realized earlier that I put agnostics when I meant gnostics, I have no corrected that. Sorry, that error was misleading, I didn't mean it. Gnostic christians must show that there is a God as well as that there is a certain Jesus around somewhere and gnostic atheists have to show that the God is made up. I gave the guy the thumbs up because I have made my choice, I made it due to the lack of evidence for that a God is around and due to the lack of evidence that a God isn't around, that also applies to if a certain Jesus is around or not. If someone wants to believe that a God is certainly around then they can but without certainty there still is the very strong possibility that that is going to end up being wrong.

As it is every religious story can be checked up and found to be false, that however doesn't mean that every God, Goddess and other supernatural entity is imaginary, it also doesn't mean that all aren't either. All it really means is that no one knows for sure. So I hope that helps.
2 years ago Report
ipirate2: "So I hope that helps."

What is helpful is recognizing that supernatural thinking is not the best thinking.

It is fact, stupid thinking.

2 years ago Report
GeraldtheGnome: It is possible that religion did start with tribal societies roughly 70,000 years or so ago, the problem is that I don’t know of any confirmed examples of religion that were practiced hundreds of thousands years ago or even 10,000 years ago anywhere on the planet. I wish my all of my religious history forums were still around but a one of the forum moderators on this site had a hissy fit one day and wiped most of my religious and non religious forums for no valid reason. Sure it’s not the best way to think that there is something supernatural that once happened but there are certain things that those of science and religion can’t explain. The best answer to everything that can’t be explained is to use the words I don’t know, not to be so ignorant and arrogant as Blackshoes, Zeffur, Zanjan, Chronology, Rhia and every other gnostic theist is.

Religion wise there is no evidence for or against that what we know of the past, the present and the future is linked to any supernatural being and/or supernatural thing. The problem is that everything has a start and something caused that start, therefore no one had, no one does and no one ever will have an answer to if there ever was a start or not.

Even with science lies the same problems as I just mentioned, even with science no one can really rule in or out what can never be answered so there’s always the possibility of some supernatural thing being factored in to anything about the past, the present and the future. Was there ever a beginning and will there ever be an end ? Do we just die and that’s it ? Sure decomposition of our bodies will happen and the matter that we are made out of will turn into another form of matter, but that is still not what I mean. At the moment the best belief that scientists have is that there once was a Great Singularity, that doesn’t explain what started it and why a Big Bang happened that tore it apart and started the Red Shift. Even how exactly stars, other things in space formed, it doesn’t even tell us how the Earth was formed. No it gives us a rough idea how they were. Then there’s how exactly each form of matter roughly came about, sure there’s a rough idea how, but in all cases none of it tells us why and religion too can’t explain any of that. The other unknown is abiogenesis which possibly did happen, there is the religious belief of spontaneous generation but unlike abiogenesis spontaneous generation has been proven to be false. So at the moment abiogenesis is the best possibility around even though it has so far not been proven, it also seems supernatural if not supernatural though. After that then there’s why evolution did happen even though most people know that it did happen. We can’t really explain why everything happens to us, to other life forms and to non life forms. Most of what is unknown to everyone will never be answered.

Now though there are certain problems with science and politics where a kind of ridiculous religious like fervour is occurring, people, me for example, who go against it all are vilified and told that we are in denial. I’d rather be realistic than join a rent a cause who are in the wrong, that is what the far left, the far right, the gnostic theists and the gnostic atheists don’t understand. Agnostic theists, agnostic atheists, most of the sceptics, all realist, all of the centre left and all of the centre right all have the right idea.
(Edited by GeraldtheGnome)
2 years ago Report
m_leonora1111: The earth is about 6500 years old. Not religion.

Start reading the Bible, and ask questions when you finished.
2 years ago Report
ipirate2: GeraldtheGnome: It is possible that religion did start with tribal societies roughly 70,000 years or so ago"

Religion and tribalism are related terms.

Human kind has always been tribal.

We begin in family and kin tribes, then merge into religious and or political tribes.

It is impossible for us not to be religious as our instincts and DNA demand that we live in a political and or religious groups and families.

Change 70,000 years to at least 75,000 years as science has dated the Serpent Monument and shrine in Africa at that age.

The year that is true, is when the first homo-sapiens got together.

That was what, over 300,000 years ago?

2 years ago Report
ipirate2: m_leonora1111: The earth is about 6500 years old. Not religion.

Start reading the Bible, and ask questions when you finished."

Why bother with Christianity shrinking so fast?

Good morals and modernization will not relent in killing it.

Mind you, reading the bible is the best way to learn that the Yahweh/Jesus gods are ass holes beyond compare.

They are in the hell they created.

As to your dating, I see that you never went to school, but if you know that date as a fact, then where are the talking serpents that are to plague us?


2 years ago Report
GeraldtheGnome: I can see mistakes by both of you. first of all I’ll deal with the creationist on here. I still don’t understand what the first sentence means because it wasn’t in proper english, it ended with something about if it’s not something or rather then it’s from Satan. I know that those aren’t that person’s exact words but I was told something similar to that. The Bible is a fantasy book and it has been shown to be a fantasy, therefore if it is being claimed that someone can tell just by the Bible that the Earth was created roughly 6,500 years ago certainly is so then I have some bad news for that person. The Earth was not created roughly 6,500 years ago, also everything in the Bible is imaginary.
2 years ago Report
GeraldtheGnome: Maybe most things in the Bible are imaginary if even one thing in there is found to certainly be true.
2 years ago Report
m_leonora1111: Unfortunately you cannot understand even if you have seen a miracle happened in the name of Jesus Christ!!
(Edited by m_leonora1111)
2 years ago Report
ipirate2: Only the less mentally astute and gullible will believe in miracles and the supernatural.

That would include those who think the world is only 6-7,000 years old.

2 years ago Report
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