Why Is every human an atheist ?

GeraldtheGnome: Why are all humans alive atheists ?
(Edited by GeraldtheGnome)
2 years ago Report
ipirate2: I see most as believers, thanks to material dualism, bolstered by the Princes Alice syndrome, for lack of a better word.

A religion, first and foremost, is a tribe.

We are all tribal by nature and thus religious.

The only basic difference I see between atheists and theists, is the belief in the supernatural.

As naturalist, Gnostic Christians side with atheists, mostly, but I did so grudgingly because they were not listening to their intelligentsia and forming churches.

They have finally gotten their act together and now get my full marks for the atheist churches.

I think they should be calling them Mystery Schools.

2 years ago Report
GeraldtheGnome: I don't agree, I used to have forums on here about the history of religion, not once did I ever notice that 100,000 years ago or more there was any form of religion anywhere, at least not one that can be confirmed, even 50,000 years ago I can't see that there was, not even 25,000 years ago. Under that, possibly so before 10,000 years ago, but the problem is, just like Zeffur, Blackshoes and Rhia, those that checked out the possibility of early religion used their own religious bias and confirmation bias so any actual scientific approach was not used by those that were supposed to be scientists. I'll put it this way, it's like a corrupt cop that contaminates a crime scene, yet in this case it is researchers contaminated a prehistoric site with guess work, they had a religious way of thinking therefore they guessed that so too did prehistoric people due to what to them looked like religious practices and religious statues.

So far as atheism goes every person alive is an atheist and every person that once lived is an atheist, maybe like most people you don't understand what I mean, but the thing is that non religious atheists are the biggest atheists, after that monotheistic atheists, such as Zeffur, Zanjan, Rhia and Blackshoes are the next biggest group of atheists. I'm actually less of an atheist than most people are.
2 years ago Report
ipirate2: Disagreements without arguments are ------

If you cannot fathom your tribal instincts and how they work, so be it.

For your files.
The oldest serpent shrine is 75,000 years old.

2 years ago Report
GeraldtheGnome: Is it of a God or is it just a work of art ? Too many times art has been mistaken as some form of religious significance.
2 years ago Report
GeraldtheGnome: I mean if someone in the future finds a house with a stuffed Bear it doesn't mean that there was a religion where a Bear was worshipped before that time in the future when the archaeologist discovers it.
(Edited by GeraldtheGnome)
2 years ago Report
ipirate2: " Is it of a God or is it just a work of art ?"

A God is just whatever the tribe uses to circle around. They are all man made.

Having/coning people into doing that circling around a lie is the art of the con.


2 years ago Report
GeraldtheGnome: I was wrong with what I put, I meant ‘Is it about a God or is it just a work of art ?’ . Either way there is no evidence for or against that a God is around. The answer agin is that we just don’t know. No offence, I don’t know what country you are from but I think you meant the word conning. Every religion is a Human interpretation of the unknown. Every belief that someone knows anything about a God are just examples of people fooling themselves and most of the time it is because each fool is fooled by a fool, that repetitive action has been repeated for thousands in most cases, even any God as he is depicted in any religious story is just someone that someone dreamt up. Those who believe in the imaginary story are just as foolish as those who originally came up with the fantasy in the first place.
2 years ago Report
ipirate2: GeraldtheGnome

"Either way there is no evidence for or against that a God is around."

Perhaps, to those who do not know how to look.

Fantastic claims need fantastic evidence or proofs and there is absolutely nothing you can point to that indicates a supernatural god.

The Christian god is a work of art.

The bible depicts a vile god and I wonder why stupid people cannot dither out that Yahweh is evil and quite immoral.

2 years ago Report
GeraldtheGnome: When there is no evidence for against that any God is around then that God, as well as every other God that there is no evidence for or against are possibly real and possibly made up. There is no for those that don’t look nonsense with what I mean. Gnostic theists who so far are certain that a God or Gods or Goddess or Goddesses or whatever are real have the burden of proof to show that it is so. How can anyone even do that ? Gnostic atheists who are certain that the gnostic theist is for an imaginary God or whatever else I just mentioned have the burden of proof to show that they are right.

The word is proof, not proofs, if you have failed so far to notice that I am an agnostic theist then you have failed to notice that you are stating the obvious to me. I don’t make fantastic claims, things that are unknown are possible and so far unanswered obviously. The people that were around before everyone alive today never knew what happened before the earliest known thing that any human alive knows. What happened before then is literally anything that each gnostic theist and gnostic atheist doesn’t know.

My reference to Jesus is like that to what was mentioned about Aphrodite and Merlin, possibly an imaginary character based on two or more mere mortal men that were alive in the past or it could be just of a mortal man who simply was a missionary, it doesn’t mean that he heard or saw Yahweh or any other god for that matter or maybe he just was a man and some brainwashed religious guy made him out to be the son of a God. The other more likely scenario is that the Jesus idea came from at least one religion that was around before Judaism started. The Bible, which is a fantasy book, has an imaginary God and an imaginary Jesus in it, neither of which are worthwhile believing in.
(Edited by GeraldtheGnome)
2 years ago Report
(Post deleted by GeraldtheGnome 2 years ago)
GeraldtheGnome: What fantasies ? I have none except dirty ones.
2 years ago Report
GeraldtheGnome: The God of the Bible is false. If there is a God or not is unknown. What any God is like if there is one is therefore unknown.
2 years ago Report
GeraldtheGnome: Your whole entire message is not only grammatically incorrect, it is also wrong in any other way. Why the word fallacy ? There are better alternative words to replace it with.
2 years ago Report
ipirate2: How cruel to use such a deflection.

You accuse without correction.

The bible says that that is the reverse of love.

Whoever or whatever you call god has discarded one of the good biblical plagiarised sayings.

Show the wrong to redeem you lost argument and talk of the moral aspects if you have any stones left.

To you from Jesus.

2 years ago Report
GeraldtheGnome: How can I lose an argument that I never took part in ? What are you even on about ? None of it makes sense.
2 years ago Report
GeraldtheGnome: This is text, not a Zoom chat session. So I haven’t talked on here. The Bible is a fantasy book. Some nutty christians even think it’s the work of Satan. Books can’t say anything, literally.
(Edited by GeraldtheGnome)
2 years ago Report
GeraldtheGnome: I understand and even accept criticism of me and of others, however no matter if any gnostic theist, agnostic theist, agnostic atheist or gnostic atheist decides to be unfair to me and/or to anyone else, even to you then I will delete it. From Blackshoes and Zeffur they will delete anything just because they don't agree with it, I will delete only when things are unfair to me, to you and to anyone else. Sure there is one exception but it was due to that guy being unfair to me in someone else's forum all because I mentioned that the Bible was not well written.
2 years ago Report
(Post deleted by GeraldtheGnome 2 years ago)
GeraldtheGnome: If a certain Jesus is real, then when he was alive he was a mere mortal without magic tricks.
(Edited by GeraldtheGnome)
2 years ago Report