You’re battling a defeated enemy! (Page 2)

(Post deleted by prairwarur 3 years ago)
kai malon labe
(Post deleted by kai malon labe 3 years ago)
kai malon labe
kai malon labe: The definition of 'political ploy'....

kai malon labe's Picture
3 years ago Report
kai malon labe
kai malon labe: Someone clue in the woman behind Pelosi so that she put down her iphone and pose for the political ploy photo op.
3 years ago Report
kai malon labe
kai malon labe: Would not matter if he was a Moslem..the message was clear: 1A is to be protected. His Christianity matters not. No one expects him to preach a sermon but if he did, the same folks who think themselves capable of judging him for standing for 1A would be condemning him for preaching. This judgmental stuff is no longer effective on those who make decisions based upon facts, not feelings.

As for it being a political ploy, it was a scheduled meeting with the priest, who admitted to being oblivious to the outside disturbance but caved to the Left and msm pressure to mock the president.

With the last president, first lady and children attending an anti-white church for decades, what this president worships or does not worship is a relief from the hate spewing, Obama mentor, Reverend Wright.

I am no longer astonished by those whose knowledge goes no further than the msm fake news headlines. One has to be seeking the whole Truth to find it.
3 years ago Report
Zanjan: Kai wrote: " it is not true that these were the thoughts of any apostle."

The author of Ecclesiastics is unknown but the book had been attributed to Solomon. The Apostles believed the whole of the Old Testament and likely had memorized everything in it. Why would they think otherwise? Undoubtedly, their lives had been monotonously tedious before they met Jesus.

Jesus, on the other hand, was thinking about something new to them - brotherly love, the next lesson.

Hardly anything changed back then; like the Jews before them, they had no vision of the future of the faith's impact on the world.

Christians maintained that belief because it's reflected throughout the ages in their own writings, including Shakespeare and Jane Austin. However, we best remember the famous statement by Charles H. Duell, who was the Commissioner of the US patent office in 1899. He said, "everything that can be invented has been invented".
(Edited by Zanjan)
3 years ago Report
chronology: Interesting as ever Zan. But it is debated if Shakespeare was a Christian. Publicly he was a member of the church of England. But most likely that was just for socializing. His real loyalty appears to have been to Freemasonry. Shakespeare died a hundred years before official freemasonry was organised, but mason's who have studied his works say they are filled with references to masonic teaching's. You see the same kind of references in Herman Melville's books, especially Moby Dick.
3 years ago Report
(Post deleted by prairwarur 3 years ago)
kai malon labe
kai malon labe: The apostles were not learned men, hence the famous line included in Protestant hymns, "I will make you fishers of men."

There is no evidence that any apostle owned their own set of scrolls nor memorized Scripture. There was no mass communication nor mass distribution back then and no personal bibles.

Presuming to know the thoughts of anyone, even two thousand year old apostles, is a bad idea. It leads to adding to Scripture that which is not there nor can be supported by historical writings.
3 years ago Report
Zanjan: Jesus chose a diversity of individuals, each for their own skills and gifts. He said that to the first guys He chose; they happened to be fishermen, who are hunters by trade and able to read the waves. There were four - two of those were busnessmen.

How do you think religion is practiced? EVERYBODY memorizes scripture. In those days, everybody sang it. One doesn't need to be literate to learn a song/chant/prayer. One wouldn't be able to teach the faith without that.

However, all Jews were literate. Who said anything about scrolls? On that subject, it was customary for all male Jews to write a scroll at least once in their lifetime.
(Edited by Zanjan)
3 years ago Report
(Post deleted by prairwarur 3 years ago)
Campion: Zanjan ---- it is estimated that up to 90% of the Jews in Judea and Galilee in the first century were illiterate. The Pharisees were trying to remedy that in schools attached to the synagogues.
3 years ago Report
kai malon labe
kai malon labe: "The Apostles believed the whole of the Old Testament and likely had memorized everything in it."

To this day, you would be hard pressed to find one Jew that had memorized everything in the OT. Nor would you be able to locate one Christian that has memorized the entire NT. Prayers, passages, stories, snippets... these are more likely to be memorized.
3 years ago Report
Campion: Yes, proof texts --- most of which aren't.
3 years ago Report
Zanjan: Campion, I'm not sure where you're getting your information from. Mine came from scholars, back 30 years ago. Have there been new discoveries? According to them, in the first century, Christianity won a lot of Gentile believers - those were illiterate, yes. They'd be from Roman families and slaves.

Among the Jews, men and women alike could read, not their slaves. How much reading material they personally owned can't be established but they didn't have to go far to find it.

Traditionally, all religions of God have schools attached to their religious centers, also libraries, healing centers, and food distribution points for the poor. They took care of orphans as well. I think Islam had the first Hospital and it was in the same complex as the Mosque. Obviously, it takes a few centuries to reach the point of having enough funds to build something like that.
3 years ago Report
Zanjan: Kai, today's believers are not yesterday's believers. Every religion has scholars and those memorize everything. I personally know people who memorized the whole of the Quran before they reached adulthood so it's not like it's an impossibility.

What bothers me about modern Christians is their focus on music has nothing to do with scriptures. The Word of God was meant to be sung/chanted - those were the hymns, not inventing one's own words. Songs of faith aren't religious music. How far they've strayed!
(Edited by Zanjan)
3 years ago Report
Zanjan: Here's how you do it:

3 years ago Report
Campion: The widespread literacy among the Jews came after the first century.
3 years ago Report
Zanjan: Perhaps I should have clarified that was urban skilled Jews. Farmers had no need to read before AD nor did they have access to Synagogues out in the boonies, only to scriptoriums, scattered here and there. We were referring to the Holy Land, specifically, and that's not a big place.

I'll grant that widespread percentage of literate Jews did increase after Christ appeared. However, this doesn't mean their knowledge of religious text wasn't as good prior to that.
(Edited by Zanjan)
3 years ago Report
prairwarur: Shalom, beloved!
If you care about Jesus, if you love Him, then I think the first thing we'd be doing here is obeying Him. He gave us what He called "The Second Greatest Commandment." Love one another. The thing many here overlook is that God is alive. TALK TO HIM!
Jesus is alive, call out His Name. Only then can you have wisdom, discernment and knowledge. But without love even these wonderful gifts are still nothing more than ashes and dust.

Kai, dear friend, as usual you've nailed it! I have asked Jack on many occasions to tone it down a bit. I have asked him to not sink to slinging mud and calling names, but he just enjoys it so much that I regret to have to take away his toy, but I will when needed. I deleted several of his juvenile rants and if I have to do it again, I will. I'd regret deleting the whole thread just because of him and those like him who lack any trace of love, but for now we have to realize this is life. There will always be those who enjoy inflicting pain and insult onto others.
How was it my Dad said to me? "The type that kicks a dog when he's down." Even the Bible speaks on the fact that the righteous are even kind and caring of their animals. Some folks are not kind and caring of anyone but themselves.
But, I have also come to know that it is hurting people who hurt other people. There are scars that cover the heart and try to make it tough. Scars build up as the insults and injuries come to us throughout life. Some begin when we are children. Dr. Victor Frankl wrote that in any given situation we still all have our own will, the free will, to choose how we will respond. It does not matter what happens to us, we are still in complete control of how we choose to respond.
The spiritual realm still plays a part in these responses and choices. There is an unseen world affecting our world and there is an unseen battle going on in the heavens. The Bible informed us about this realm and Jesus warned us of these days. Even a moron can read Jesus' Words and understand. That is, unless the "god of this world has blinded him." satan has blinded many, as we are witnessing. The Bible has many passages on the "End Times," and they are here, they have been here since the time of the Disciples, we're just cluless. And as Daniel said, now, they are escalating exponentially.
If you've not call upon the Name above all names, JESUS! Today is the day. He is nearer than you know. Maranatha

3 years ago Report
Shrapnal: 🥓
3 years ago Report
kai malon labe
kai malon labe: Welcome back, prair!
3 years ago Report