Once saved always saved? (Page 4)

3 years ago Report
Zanjan: "No physical concrete reality explains its own existence". In scriptural terms, it displays a sign of God - that is, evidence of intelligibility. In short, no thing creates itself.

As such, no thing can be something or somebody it’s not. It can pretend but has no power to sustain the pretention so the ruse will quickly be sorted. You see a lot of this in the natural world, mimicry used as a defensive mechanism or predatory lure.

Meanwhile, some things do transform into something new but not on their own. From larva to butterfly and tadpole to frog, those are outcomes *only* for the survivors.

Likewise, all these are true in the spiritual world. The only one who can transform and make us new is God. He has a method and one has to be prepared to submit to it. By following His directions, obeying all His laws and guidance, we survive long enough to realize our potential.
3 years ago Report
Blackshoes: WOW That doesn't make any sense Zanjan Maybe you misunderstood what he was saying ?
He is simply giving a good explanation of the reality that Nothing can create something

In other words. We nor anything else could have come into existence without God
(Edited by Blackshoes)
3 years ago Report
Zanjan: Read it again. I agreed with him. Then I put it into religious context, which he didnt.
3 years ago Report