Decline in church attendance

HydroMan: Are Christians aware that church attendance is declining rapidly, and if so, what are we to do about it?
4 years ago Report
The giant midget
The giant midget: interresting
I had no idea of that
It's a shame
Maybe people are busy working on worship days , family issues , political rallies , sex , weather , it's boring , road construction , sporting events , delivering grannies dentures dental clinic , picking up bullfight membership card , endless possibilities.
Pope must be really pissed about this eh ?

No monetary income for the church

4 years ago Report
tix mascot
tix mascot: People tend to devolp faster than most denominations manage to follow up and youngsters hardly want to be a part of an outdated community with little appeal to their preferences. Churches must adapt quickly or die a quiet death.

Also, they are seemingly losing the battle with new age and spiritual directions without rigid doctrines and routines.
4 years ago Report
The giant midget
The giant midget: Give the youth of today some incentives to attend church
Concert tickets , tuition fees , sex , vacation trips, electronic products, beatings , free housing , drugs , electric powered vehicles , sex , cash
Endless possibilities to attract young people into church
4 years ago Report
MJ59: "Are Christians aware that church attendance is declining rapidly, and if so, what are we to do about it? "

4 years ago Report
tix mascot
tix mascot: I think they already do what they can within the framework of their belief, but it will take more than just faith to plug all the holes in the leaking ship...
4 years ago Report
Zanjan: I suggest they work better with other religions.

This calls for a change in perspective that aligns with the *reality* of their place in the world.
The golden age of Christianity is behind them - admit it - so it can't grow or influence anymore. Their interest should turn to preservation, where it belongs. They should see themselves in a supportive role in the Cause of God instead of a ruling position.

We live at a time in history where no group or nation is independent anymore. In the face of widespread increasing atheism, agnosticism, and humanism, those in all of the religions of God must stand together in unity, as brothers, sisters and co-workers. That's far more attractive and convincing than pontification.

Institutions of the old civilization are crumbling - society is flailing in the tumult and souls have been swept away by the storm. Understand this is the transition period as old ways are being replaced with a new civilization. One either hops onboard the new or sinks with the dilapidated vessel.

If one religion is attacked, those from all religions must rise to defend them. No religion will get through this unscathed without pulling together.
(Edited by Zanjan)
4 years ago Report
Seraph Korr
Seraph Korr: PLEASE HELP ME!

I'm in dire need of whatever you can send my way. Because of the pandemic, my work contract has been suspended and now I'm facing starvation and maybe even homelessness if I can't pay my bills. Please, this is deadly serious. I know there are probably many people out there in a similar situation, but I can't think of any way to get through this. Please help! Anything you can send my way is really appreciated. You may think a single dollar may not do much, but considering the fact that a dollar is now worth five times my country's currency, your one dollar can make a huge difference! I beg you, please send me anything. This is my Paypal address:

Thank you in advance for anything you can send me. I mean, really, thank you!
4 years ago Report
Zanjan: Ask God to send you another job opportunity.
4 years ago Report
The giant midget
The giant midget: very interesting
If you can maintain your household clean and cook , you should Atleast attempt to volunteer at your local homeless shelters or even your local hospitals during these troubled times
Use your energy into being a productive person instead of being a lump of human waste
Don't be a leach
4 years ago Report
Motati: I wouldn't be surprised if he sees what he is doing as working.
3 years ago Report
Motati: Other people felt that they have finished studying the Bible now they can stay away. I guess that's what you will do when you finish school. You stay away from attending lessons and apply what you studied in school. With the Church you don't go to the next level.

This makes the Church to be redundant.
(Edited by Motati)
3 years ago Report
Motati: Church attendance has declined because of some churches defending hypocrites and rapists who stand on the pulpits every Sunday preaching to their rape survivors and victims
3 years ago Report
Zanjan: Really? Like there arent any rapists or hypocrites in the pews? What's the diff? Why should the main speaker be a better person than the Christians in the congregation? Isn't that setting one's sights kinda low?

I woulda thought poor attendance is because church is boring - same lecture every Sunday by the same person, preaching to the choir. Maybe if they turned it into a Bible study class where people gave their own responses, that would be interesting.

One time, I attended a Sunday service given by a substitute pastor; he turned it into a workshop. The room was full. When he asked questions, anyone could raise their hand. It was hilarious - nobody knew the answers. (I did but, not being a Christian, I wanted to hear theirs)

Really, I felt embarrassed for the speaker - I mean, for the lack of co-operation. We're supposed to help each other.

Don't get me wrong - I'm not mocking. It's factual. This is simply the result of people going to church to be entertained, rather than to work together. They've got the Bible in their hands and have memorized a few quotes but know zip all about religious themes.
(Edited by Zanjan)
3 years ago Report
Motati: Are you for real? Do you want to tell me that you don't know the power difference between the pews and the pulpit.

I fully agree with you, repetition of verses without putting the teaching into the real context can also be another reason why the numbers are dwindling.

The substitute pastor's approach could have been appreciated if he was with a different congregation. As human beings we get used to the way things are done, and we are not open minded. I would have loved that service, getting people to think out of the box, and leave out their memorised Bible quotes.
3 years ago Report
Zanjan: It's not that I don't know the difference in power - it's that I don't see any power. There's no power in doing your job or in watching someone do it. The pulpit is only a status symbol.

Society reckons that a leader is a star performer. A religious leader should be energetically doing what nobody else is doing - he/she should be on the cutting edge, making a positive contribution and change to society and country. He/she would be known for such creative achievements. The world is better off because they've left behind something enduring.

In the example I gave, the substitute pastor was speaking to his own congregation; his questions were on the same theme he'd presented at a retreat for church regulars the previous week. He'd set everyone up for success. The feedback revealed the people weren't absorbing. What could cause that? It's as if they'd been asleep the whole time.

Where Christianity is today: The clergy aren't leaders, the priest/pastor hasn't recognized he's not the owner of the flock, and the congregation prefers to be served rather than serve.

The question: what will it take to wake people up? Obviously, a big blast of something.
3 years ago Report