Blatant Mistranslations?! Contextual Dishonesty?! Why did christianity paint Jesus into the Jewish Scriptures? (Page 5)

E s s e n c e
E s s e n c e: Well said Amore.
3 years ago Report
Apokalupto: amore am I correct in understanding you that the talmud states that there were 75 persons?
(Edited by Apokalupto)
3 years ago Report
amoregrowers: No the Talmud makes clear that 70 went to egypt. Joseph and his family were already in egypt.

The Talmud explains who was pregnant which counts as 2. Who died while Joseph was in egypt. In Canaan. Rachel was already dead.

Steven in acts may have counted daughters
Leah, Bilhah, Zilphah, Dinah (daughter of Jacob) and Serah (daughter of Asher - Gen. 46:17).

Not everyone was numbered lea and 2 other mothers were not counted. The house of Israel numbered by G-d to be Israel is 70.

So you could probably add up more then 75 actual humans.... but G-d was fulfilling His plan. And he determined who was Israel.
3 years ago Report
Apokalupto: these were actually my same thoughts. except I don't believe in the Talmud.
(Edited by Apokalupto)
3 years ago Report
JX Amaro
JX Amaro:
@amoregrowers: Your response was interesting. I contend that my point was accurate that Stephen using the number 75 accorded with the common practice of the time as validated by Josephus, the Septuagint, the Dead Sea Scrolls etc and as such was not a by-product of Christian stupidity or purposeful mistranslation or contextual dishonesty. However, your response has convinced me that the reason for the changes in the Masoretic text were probably done for artistic purposes and not malevolence. So I will concede to you that point.

3 years ago Report
Apokalupto: good point. this is also a well considerable option. there's even another but it doesn't need to be presented at this point.
3 years ago Report
E s s e n c e
E s s e n c e: There is no reason why goyim need to believe in the Oral Torah, which is Talmud, they are not Jews and they are not expected to adhere to Judaic teachings, this is simple and direct.
If a goyim wishes to know and understand Oral Torah and Torah they are welcome to be taught but never demand.
3 years ago Report
(Post deleted by amoregrowers 3 years ago)

It's time to address the attempted manipulation of the Hebrew in Psalm 22 which these two "Hebrew experts" claim means "pierced" and not "like a lion" or "as a lion."

There are two fragments containing Psalms 22:17[16] in the Dead Sea Scrolls (DSS). 4QPs-f; known as the Qumran MS, does not have the word in question.

In the second fragment, found at Nahal Hever (HHev/Se 4 (Ps); known as the Bar Kochba MS, the word is preserved. Christians claim it's "pierced" -- and this is 100% INCORRECT.

The word claimed to be pierced by christians in this psalm is כָּרוּ karu -- which actually translates to "they dug" -- and is not the word for "pierced." So "they dug my hands and feet?" Makes no sense in English either.

This verb is never used in the sense of "pierce"; it means to dig (excavate) in the ground. "Pierce" would be a completely different verb.

The word כָּרוּ karu ["they dug"] occurs in Psalm 57:7 and 119:85, as well as in Jeremiah 18:20 and 18:22, but nowhere in Psalm, chapter 22. This form is past tense, 3rd person masculine singular.

But the christians have an even bigger problem. The DSS scroll fragment containing this word does NOT have the word כָּרוּ karu ["they dug"].

The word they're claiming is there actually DOES NOT EXIST in the Hebrew language. Those who claim the word 'karu' has an alef in it are being dishonest. There is no such word in the Hebrew language, nor is there a root of a verb that spells "kaf-alef-resh" in the Hebrew language.

The fragment HHev/Se 4 (Ps) shows the Hebrew letters (kaf), (aleph), (resh), and what appears to be a somewhat elongated letter (yod), which some perceive to be the letter (vav). Thus, the reading of this word would be either (ka'ari) or (ka'aru).

It cannot be ka'aru as many christians suggest, because there is no root verb containing the letter (aleph) in it, conjugated in this fashion (3rd-person, plural masculine gender, past tense), with the meaning of they pierced -- as in most christian translations, or even as "they dug."

Without the letter (aleph), and using, for the moment, the argument that the last letter [the elongated (yod)] is a (vav), the word would be (karu), for which the Hebrew root verb is (karah), [to] dig [in dirt], such as digging a ditch (e.g., Psalm 57:7). In other words, (karu) has the meaning [they] dug [in dirt]. This verb is NEVER used in the context of piercing, either literally or metaphorically, in any of its 15 applications in the Hebrew Scriptures.

The fragment has caused debate because it contains an elongated letter (yod) that resembles the letter (vav). Since the word (ka'aru) does not exist in the Hebrew language, the most plausible explanation is that such discrepancy in the fragment is simply a case of intentional scribal variation or simple error.

Throughout Tehillim (Psalms), David uses animals as metaphors for his enemies. Lions, bears, dogs, bulls, etc. Psalm 22 is no different and maintains that consistency. CONTEXT is key.

Here are accurately translated online postings of Psalm 22:17

It’s amusing that these two christians cast aspersions at the Masorete scribes saying that they "changed" the meanings by adding the cantellation (marks indicating how to vocalize words). The simple fact is that although Hebrew is written without vowel markings most pronunciations are pretty straightforward. Most newspapers in Israel (for example) do not use vowel notations -- and yet Israelis manage to read the morning news JUST FINE.

This "conspiracy theory" also ignores the fact that Jews have been reading Hebrew for thousands of years -- long before the Masoretic Text. If someone tried to change the meaning of a word through its pronunciation [think "cloud" instead of "clod"] then many Jews would stand up and shout about their errors. We are not shy about such things! Go to any synagogue during the parsha reading and note if a word is mispronounced. See how many men chime in with the correct word. Happens all the time.

You two are just regurgitating tired and debunked conspiracy theories -- from the Masoretic Text being "corrupt" to Rashi "changing the meaning" of things to "the rabbis changed the Hebrew". . . these conspiracies are the only way you can try to convince yourselves that we are wrong and you are right --- and that pretty much every Jewish leader who ever lived was a deceiver and a hypocrite. If that were true Judaism would have gone the way of the Egyptians or the Greeks or the Romans or the Syrians or the Ottomans but here we are.

In summary, these two christians have proven time and again that they have no knowledge of how to read, write or speak Hebrew and have no clue how this root language works. If I said in English "I'm going to take this shovel and go 'pierce' a hole", I would get funny looks from people. You don't say pierce for dig in English and you don't in Hebrew either. These forced, flawed, ignorant and desperate explanations are both offensive and hilarious.

(Edited by DontNeedChrist)
3 years ago Report
poetry123: Sorry this is a repeat of what DNC said- but it bears repeating

So the claim is the key word in the verse is כארי or כארו-- ka'ari or ka'aru

And the key letter of the key word is י or ו-- yud or vav

We are even given a DSS fragment link to see for ourselves and determine 'with our own eyes' that the word is 'pierced'.

As DNC said- the letter here you should be focused on is not the yud or the vav- rather the א- aleph.

There is no such word as כארו- ka'aaru in Hebrew.  It doesn't appear in any other instance in the Tanach- it is not a word- not then and not now. 

The word you are trying to reference is כרו- karu-- without an aleph.  This word means they dug- past tense.  

But the enhanced link you posted very clearly has an aleph.  

Regardless if it is a vav or a yud or an aleph or not-- still the word does not mean 'pierced'. 
I have seen it said that 'dig' is interchangeable with 'pierce'.  Maybe so in English- but not in Hebrew.  The word karah- dig in Hebrew is not used in this context or in this way.  

Because something works in English or Greek or Latin doesn't mean it works in Hebrew.  

However- looking closely at the link I noticed something else-- the word 2 words before כארי is מרעים.  If you are following along Hebrew is read right to left.

In this DSS fragment the word מרעים  looks like מרעום.  Yes- another instance of an elongated yud that looks like a vav.

So it appears we have one very sloppy scribe with a history of extending his yud to make it appear like a vav. 

But don't take my word for it- go ahead and look for yourselves.
3 years ago Report
JX Amaro
JX Amaro:
Re: Psalm 22 v.16/17

DNC gives us 3 sites that according to him demonstrate accurate and correct translations. OK, let’s visit them.

Here is the mechon-mamre translation:
17 For dogs have encompassed me; a company of evil-doers have inclosed me; like a lion, they are at my hands and my feet.

Here is the Sefaria translation:
17 Dogs surround me; a pack of evil ones closes in on me, like lions [they maul] my hands and feet.

Here is the Chabad translation:
17 For dogs have surrounded me; a band of evildoers has encompassed me, like a lion, my hands and feet.

Notice any problems? Let me make just a view observations.

The mechon-mamre translation comes the closest to making DNC’s point for him. However, there is a problem to be spotted. What exactly will these “dogs” (who are the “evil-doers”) DO that is “like a lion”? Presumably, these dogs (the evil-doers) aren’t going to just lick David’s hands and feet. Rather, it seems that they (the dogs/evil-doers) are going to do something like BITE his hands and feet, and that means something that will VIOLENTLY PIERCE into the flesh and bone of those hands and feet – kind of like NAILS going through hands and feet in a crucifixion. Ya think? Duhhh.

It all goes downhill for DNC from here, and this has been a pretty low starting-point to begin with.

The Sefaria translation hardly requires comment, but I will comment anyway. In order to get their tendentious translation to work they have to add the “they maul” bit in parenthesis to make sense of things. LOL. This is an OBVIOUS red flag that something fraudulent is going on.

The Chabad translation, at least, avoids the intellectual dishonesty of adding parenthetical remarks. However, one is left with a jibber-jabber translation that makes no grammatical sense whatsoever! “...a band of evildoers has encompassed me, like a lion, my hands and feet.” Huh? Gee, it seems to be missing a verb or something. LOL. Frauddddddddddd!!!!!!!

Conversely, here is a pretty common way that we dumbo Christians translate the verse:
“Dogs surround me, a pack of villains encircles me; they pierce my hands and my feet.” (NIV)

How very strange that the Christian version makes perfect verbal, syntactical and contextual sense! And how very odd that the Jewish version does not! Indeed, the Jewish version requires hermeneutical gymnastics, syntactical weirdness and parenthetical additions just to get off the ground!

At this point the reader has to decide for himself or herself. DNC has given us 3 translations and at least two of them can be thrown out as self-evidently absurd and fraudulent. On the other hand, the Christian translations – virtually any, as far as I know – make perfect sense.

I’ll finish by citing Occam’s Razor: The simplest explanation is usually the true one.

Draw your own conclusions.

(Note: I strongly suspect that the word “at” has been artificially added to the mechon-mamre translation and not true to the Hebrew original – thus making it fraudulent as well. I base this suspicion on the evidence of the other two translations that DNC has furnished for us, if nothing else – though I suspect there is MUCH else.)
3 years ago Report
amoregrowers: Just read all of this. This whole argument is based off something someone named Matthew said based on his understanding of the septuagint.

So now were supporting Matthews record using the dead sea scrolls which has so many variants.

The dead sea scrolls are not "the origional bible"

Many parts of the dead sea scrolls support the masoretic text and some would argue the masoretic are the most stable ancient text of hebrew scripture.

I will not deny some of the dead sea scrolls support the septuagint as well. This is not enough to validate Matthews understanding of the greek text.

Unfortunately this splitting of hairs on the frogs ass bears little evidence of fully vindicating the authenticity, accuracy, and actual existance of a man named Jesus Christ. Matthews account is only that.

So to be textually honest. This one is a conundrum . It's not really a "gotcha" text.
3 years ago Report
edmund_carey: Muslims misinterpret the New Testament to make it fit their own conceptions, extremely. I would be inclined to guess that Christians get offended by that, when it comes to their attention. But they never say so. I wonder why there isn't a forum on here about that? Why aren't Christians bothered by Muslim falsifications of their Scriptures? Jews seem to be having a fit over Christian falsification of theirs.
2 years ago Report

Muslims misinterpret Hebrew scripture as well. They're not as vocal about it as christians but we do respond to them as well.

2 years ago Report
Zanjan: There are numerous people in every religion who misinterpret their OWN scriptures and it gets worse as time marches on, dividing them until they've lost the original picture.

That's why God sends another Prophet, Who clarifies confusions and presents a new picture.
(Edited by Zanjan)
2 years ago Report
E s s e n c e
E s s e n c e: I wonder who Zanjan is speaking about. I will like Zanjan to bring a proof of the lost knowledge of whom she's referring to. Zanjan believes to know and understand Judaism and Judaic writings, when in reality she lacks the knowledge to make an unbiased point.

Aa for another prophets, the last prophet for the Jews was Malachi. When Mohammed demanded from the Jews to acknowledge him as a prophet; while he surrounded himself with Jews to learn their teachings and saw Jews won't bow down and accept him as a prophet; that's when he created his political and religious statement against the Jews. This is why many Muslims and Baha'is believe today; yet, it is based on a believe not in facts. Muslims and Baha'is DON'T have a factual point of reference to point out the difference of knowledge and understanding they say Jews are misinterpreting their own scriptures, just conjunctions based on emotional investment.

By the way, I am not expecting Wikipedia as your source to provide proof Zanjan, or pseudo theological education or pseudo opinions.
2 years ago Report
Zanjan: I didn't use the term "lost knowledge". The "original picture" is *understanding of reality*. That's too vast a subject to approach here but, to emphasize its most important aspect, I'll just refer to obedience to the Covenant. This applies to all religions.

You, yourself, can read in the Jewish text what happens when followers abandon that. If not for the Prophets of the House of Israel, those accounts wouldn't have been preserved in the Hebrew Bible. Proof: If the Jews had realized its importance to faith, they'd still have the Ark of the Covenant today.

Yes, the Jews had accepted all the Prophets Who came to them until they stopped doing that. Proof: They'd earned themselves God's disapproval so their future as a force for good in the world went downhill from there. They had deprived themselves of God's bounties.

Meanwhile, every Jew was given the chance to accept successive Prophets or at least willingly offer up their life blood for His Cause. Proof: some did; most didn't. God doesn't reward everyone the same.

The reality is this understanding: the religion of God belongs to God, not to man. It's not yours to do with as you choose. Jews, Christians, and Muslims are the proof that God moves forward without those who've made religion their plaything.
(Edited by Zanjan)
2 years ago Report
Zanjan: Baha'is don't reject any Prophet of God; thus, this religion is as rich in collective knowledge as it gets. Furthermore, it's a young Faith, full of vigor, freshness and spiritual power; it has new instructions from God, applicable to our modern world and the future.

As such, it's not possible to compare its state to ancient religions; their suns have set. What believers can do is get on board with the Will of God. They can best do that by not seeing themselves as competing agencies. Religion is a school; every teacher is important and they all work in concert to educate mankind.
(Edited by Zanjan)
2 years ago Report
edmund_carey: Baha'is are simply repeating the position that Jews, Christians, and Muslims have maintained throughout their own histories: that their own prophets are the last ones. Jews insist this about Malachi, Christians insist the same thing about Jesus, and Muslims insist it about Mohammed. Baha'ism simply takes up the cudgel and does the same thing with Baha'ullah. Nothing new there. And nothing particularly profound.
2 years ago Report
Zanjan: There's no such thing as Bahaism. Anything with an "ism" is a political ideology.

The Baha'i Faith never says it has the last Prophet because there's no such thing as a last one - God will continue sending Them as long as mankind exists.

The Baha'i Faith states it has the MOST RECENT Prophet-Founder; the next Promised One is due no sooner than 1,000 years from this religion's inception. (So, 825 years from now).

You've noticed a pattern. Obviously, no one has been able to control that due to the great expanses of time involved. Spiritual cycles are repeated; every religion of God attests to that in the scriptures.

Like the sun that rises at a different point on the horizon each day, so does the Spiritual Sun of Reality - different day but it's the same sun. God never changes His ways. He's perfectly reliable so you can count on it.
What's new is what's in the Revelation, itself.
(Edited by Zanjan)
2 years ago Report
E s s e n c e
E s s e n c e: Zanjan

"Yes, the Jews had accepted all the Prophets Who came to them until they stopped doing that. Proof: They'd earned themselves God's disapproval so their future as a force for good in the world went downhill from there. They had deprived themselves of God's bounties."

Zanjan, you're QUITE PRESUMPTUOUS to determine what G-d gives and doesn't give to the Jews when NO ONE KNOWS G-d's mind. Against ALL ODDS the Jews have survived their identity while being in exile for almost 2000. NO OTHER human identity has survived for this long as a stateless nation spread throughout the world. THAT says plenty of G-d's Covenant with His people.

"Meanwhile, every Jew was given the chance to accept successive Prophets or at least willingly offer up their life blood for His Cause. Proof: some did; most didn't. God doesn't reward everyone the same."

The LAST Prophet FOR THE JEWS was Malachi. The Jews are a SEPARATE NATION and IDENTITY from the rest of the other nations; just like in a body the longs, heart, liver have an specific task and identify where neither the other organs can take over OR substitute.

Mohammed may have been G-d's prophet BUT NOT FOR THE JEWS. As for your "G-d's Reward" you are quite presumptuous to determined what is G-d's rewarding. It seems that Baha'i teachings are full of assumptions to determine about G-d who and whatHe hives to whom and how much, and specially to focus so much on others that aren't Baha'i. I find it quite suspicious another Branch of Islam that are RESENTFUL that Jews DIDN'T accept nor submit to Mohammed. Your bitterness against Jews CAN'T BE HIDDEN Zanjan, just like Mohammed's bitterness against the Jews for being denied the validation he believed he deserved, he made a political campaign against the Jews in his religious text even AFTER he LEARNED from the Jews. Mohammed USED Judaic Talmudic knowledge and took it as his own creating his own spin and claim it it was given directly by G-d when it was given by the Jews.
For the way you behave, it looks like Baha'i is a religion that believes they are above others, quite an egotistical trip.

The reality is this understanding: the religion of God belongs to God, not to man. It's not yours to do with as you choose. Jews, Christians, and Muslims are the proof that God moves forward without those who've made religion their plaything."

G-d DOESN'T HAVE A RELIGION, the knowledge is for humans to understand and discover G-d. The Jews have NEVER DENIED a goyim to come and learn Judaic spiritual inheritance; HOWEVER, we are AGAINST how goyim have DISTORTED Judaic knowledge to validate their own beliefs, and created pseudo theological beliefs based in what Judaic writings DON'T say. YOU Zanjan are a great example how a goyim distorts Judaic writings, what is Judaism and Jews. You spend countless hours in explaining Judaic beliefs when you are NOT a Hebrew speaker, you DON'T have the knowledge to UNDERSTAND Judaic writings, and lack the integrity to admit what you know is based in what others have said without your UNBIASED ethical research.

Zanjan, I am glad you have found your spiritual home as a Baha'i, I hope your religion gives you the tools to accept and understand that humans AREN'T meant to have the
identical knowledge to understand G-d, as well stop the obsession in the relationship of G-d with the Jews and egotistically presume G-d's mind, but rather accept that exist MANY PATHS TO G-d.
2 years ago Report
Zanjan: "when NO ONE KNOWS G-d's mind. "

God's mind is conveyed to us through His Revelators (High Prophets) - all we can know about God is what They tell us. Those who don't read scriptures are in no place to say what God desires.

". Against ALL ODDS the Jews have survived their identity"

So have remote Amazonian tribes who never heard of the Bible.

" NO OTHER human identity has survived for this long as a stateless nation"

North America's Indigenous people have been stateless for 11,000 years, and they've faced continual persecution and racism to this day. Many of their tribes were totally wiped out by the European settlers; same for South America's Indigenous. While Jews survive, their world population has been seriously decimated. Many are secular Jews, which isn't worth much of anything.

God's Promise was to believers. Sadly, they broke their end of the bargain numerous times but God has always been faithful. God's people are those who love Him.

You don't need to explain who the Jews are. Everybody knows. The Baha'i Faith isn't a branch of Islam. Perhaps if you had read the scriptures of other religions besides your own, you'd be better informed.

We're not jealous/envious of anyone - those aren't spiritual qualities. We're lovers of humanity, regardless of race, ethnicity, gender, nationality or religion.

Baha'is support other religions and their members because the purpose of the Faith of God is to bring unity to mankind. All of God's Prophets agreed with each other and were unified. If one's religion isn't peaceful, one is better off without it.


He has Faith and doesn't argue with Himself. There is only ONE Cause of God. Obviously, only humans need religion.

" YOU Zanjan are a great example how a goyim distorts Judaic writings"

If I had that kind of power, you should tremble in your boots because your writings would be unfit to stand up to scrutiny and your faith too weak to protect you.

(Edited by Zanjan)
2 years ago Report
E s s e n c e
E s s e n c e: Zanjan
". Against ALL ODDS the Jews have survived their identity"
"So have remote Amazonian tribes who never heard of the Bible."
" NO OTHER human identity has survived for this long as a stateless nation"

This two points belong in the same paragraph to convey a thought, yet you separated to distort what has been said.
"Against ALL ODDS the Jews have survived their identity while being in exile for almost 2000. NO OTHER human identity has survived for this long as a stateless nation spread throughout the world. THAT says plenty of G-d's Covenant with His people."

You fool, the Amazonian tribes WEREN'T in exiled and spread around the world for nearly 2000 years amongst the nations. You seem to have missed that point I was referring to, your example has no bearing as a point of comparison. The Native Americans WEREN'T stateless for 11000 years, the stateless definition is a MODERN concept, where ALL LAND IN THE WORLD has been claimed as countries and those who are a stateless nation ONLY have a political identity and NO LAND. I suggest you educate yourself in the meaning of what is a stateless nation Zanjan.

WOW your ANTISEMITIC views CAN'T be hidden.
"While Jews survive, their world population has been seriously decimated. Many are secular Jews, which isn't worth much of anything."
You SHOULD educate yourself in what is a Jew, a Jew is NOT only a spiritual identity, but it isn't a race however is an ethnicity, a birth right to an obligation in a Covenant with G-d. A Jew DOESN'T stop being a Jew if the Jew doesn't follow his/her spiritual identity or obligations of Tikkun Olam, it shows that G-d has an everlasting Covenant with a people WITHOUT being CONDITIONAL of His love.
As for you to decide what is the value of a nation and it's ethnicity AS NOT WORTH MUCH, it shows by YOUR EXAMPLE Baha'i's teachings are dangerous against humanity. As well that Baha'i has antisemitic beliefs; which will make sense as being a branch of Islam.

"when NO ONE KNOWS G-d's mind. "

God's mind is conveyed to us through His Revelators (High Prophets) - all we can know about God is what They tell us. Those who don't read scriptures are in no place to say what God desires.
There is a HUGE difference knowing G-d's mind and a Prophet CONVEYING to the people what G-d has said. NO prophet has claimed to know G-d's mind, yet, you claim for them.

" YOU Zanjan are a great example how a goyim distorts Judaic writings"

If I had that kind of power, you should tremble in your boots because your writings would be unfit to stand up to scrutiny and your faith too weak to protect you.

You DO have the power to spread ignorance and antisemitic views. As for scrutiny, I have NOT seen you scrutinizing, rather making ignorant opinions based on your lack of knowledge.
As for my faith, I have no issue with scrutiny, HOWEVER, I have an issue is people LIKE YOU who pretend to know what don't know, and speak as if they know. Instead of BEING UNBIASED, HONEST and make ETHICAL UNBIASED RESEARCH to UNDERSTAND instead of DESTROYING Jews, Judaism and Judaic writings.
(Edited by E s s e n c e)
2 years ago Report
Zanjan: "a stateless nation spread throughout the world."....." being in exile for almost 2000.[years]"

Jews weren't spread throughout the world until the modern era. Aside from the influx of European Christian settlers and importation of African slaves, East met West barely 150 years ago.

Jews were only in exile from Judah - they'd previously lost the kingdom of Israel; so, they took up new nationalities and a new language elsewhere. To my knowledge, they were loyal citizens to those countries and prospered until the 20th century.

My comparison was to survival under extreme stress, war and oppression. Indigenous peoples were beat back off their lands and driven into reserves. Their nations weren't permitted to govern themselves as they'd always done.

The value of a nation can't be compared to the value of a devoted relationship with God.

God's love is unconditional - His Covenant is NOT.

When quoting others, you should insert quotation marks before and after, and not mingle another's words in with your own. Here's an example:

"You DO have the power to spread ignorance "

One is born in ignorance so, absence of awareness doesn't grow or spread - knowledge does. You seem rather fearful of others; where is your confidence in God?

I suggest you don't give us such God-like powers and control over your religion. Rely on God; leave things in His hands. Be kinder to others because God created them; love them for the sake of God.
(Edited by Zanjan)
2 years ago Report
E s s e n c e
E s s e n c e: Zanjan
"Jews weren't spread throughout the world until the modern era. Aside from European settlers and importation of African slaves, East met West barely 150 years ago."

You see, this is what I am talking about, you lack historical facts.
EDUCATE YOUR SELF about HISTORICAL FACTS instead of babbling lies, Zanjan.
There, something for you to educate yourself, it seems you are VERY LAZY to make any RESEARCH and are willing to spread whatever you believe to be true that suits your antisemitic beliefs.

"Jews were only in exile from Judah - they'd previously lost the kingdom of Israel; so, they took up new nationalities and a new language elsewhere. To my knowledge, they were loyal citizens to those countries and prospered until the 20th century."
You seem to forget CONVENIENTLY that throughout history Jews have been kicked out of the countries they have been part of as citizens, and helped developed them.

Here, another historical facts about Jews.

"One is born in ignorance so ignorance doesn't grow or spread - knowledge does."
There is NO SHAME in being ignorant, HOWEVER, there is a shame being an ignorant and PRETENT to KNOW what is UNKNOWN.

"You seem rather fearful of others; that's NOT displaying confidence in God. I suggest you don't give us such God-like powers and control over your religion. Rely on God; leave things in His hands."
Hmm, pointing out your antisemitic agendas and your opinions based in ignorance on Jews, Judaism and Judaic writings has absolutely nothing to do with being fearful nor confidence in G-d. I find quite arrogant that you lack the humility to accept the you don't know everything about Jews, Judaism and Judaic writings and then divert the attention of your arrogant nature and make it about me. As for relying on G-d and leave it in His hands, as a Jew I am COMMANDED to be an ACTIVE PARTICIPANT for things to be and become to be. This is why I am CONFRONTING your antisemitic agendas and ignorance.
2 years ago Report