Cenababy: Sin is described in the Bible as transgression of the law of God (1 John 3:4) and rebellion against God (Deuteronomy 9:7; Joshua 1:18). Sin had its beginning with Lucifer, probably the most beautiful and powerful of the angels. Not content with his position, he desired to be higher than God, and that was his downfall, the beginning of sin (Isaiah 14:12-15). Renamed Satan, he brought sin to the human race in the Garden of Eden, where he tempted Adam and Eve with the same enticement, “you shall be like God.” Genesis 3 describes Adam and Eve’s rebellion against God and against His command. Since that time, sin has been passed down through all the generations of mankind and we, Adam’s descendants, have inherited sin from him. Romans 5:12 tells us that through Adam sin entered the world, and so death was passed on to all men because “the wages of sin is death” (Romans 6:23).

Through Adam, the inherent inclination to sin entered the human race, and human beings became sinners by nature. When Adam sinned, his inner nature was transformed by his sin of rebellion, bringing to him spiritual death and depravity which would be passed on to all who came after him. We are sinners not because we sin; rather, we sin because we are sinners. This passed-on depravity is known as inherited sin. Just as we inherit physical characteristics from our parents, we inherit our sinful natures from Adam. King David lamented this condition of fallen human nature in Psalm 51:5: “Surely I was sinful at birth, sinful from the time my mother conceived me.”

Another type of sin is known as imputed sin. Used in both financial and legal settings, the Greek word translated “imputed” means “to take something that belongs to someone and credit it to another’s account.” Before the Law of Moses was given, sin was not imputed to man, although men were still sinners because of inherited sin. After the Law was given, sins committed in violation of the Law were imputed (accounted) to them (Romans 5:13).
7 years ago Report
Cenababy: Even before transgressions of the law were imputed to men, the ultimate penalty for sin (death) continued to reign (Romans 5:14). All humans, from Adam to Moses, were subject to death, not because of their sinful acts against the Mosaic Law (which they did not have), but because of their own inherited sinful nature. After Moses, humans were subject to death both because of inherited sin from Adam and imputed sin from violating the laws of God.

God used the principle of imputation to benefit mankind when He imputed the sin of believers to the account of Jesus Christ, who paid the penalty for that sin—death—on the cross. Imputing our sin to Jesus, God treated Him as if He were a sinner, though He was not, and had Him die for the sins of the entire world (1 John 2:2). It is important to understand that sin was imputed to Him, but He did not inherit it from Adam. He bore the penalty for sin, but He never became a sinner. His pure and perfect nature was untouched by sin. He was treated as though He were guilty of all the sins ever committed by the human race, even though He committed none. In exchange, God imputed the righteousness of Christ to believers and credited our accounts with His righteousness, just as He had credited our sins to Christ’s account (2 Corinthians 5:21).
7 years ago Report
Cenababy: A third type of sin is personal sin, that which is committed every day by every human being. Because we have inherited a sin nature from Adam, we commit individual, personal sins, everything from seemingly innocent untruths to murder. Those who have not placed their faith in Jesus Christ must pay the penalty for these personal sins, as well as inherited and imputed sin. However, believers have been freed from the eternal penalty of sin—hell and spiritual death—but now we also have the power to resist sinning. Now we can choose whether or not to commit personal sins because we have the power to resist sin through the Holy Spirit who dwells within us, sanctifying and convicting us of our sins when we do commit them (Romans 8:9-11). Once we confess our personal sins to God and ask forgiveness for them, we are restored to perfect fellowship and communion with Him. “If we confess our sins, He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and cleanse us from all unrighteousness” (1 John 1:9).

We are all three times condemned due to inherited sin, imputed sin, and personal sin. The only just penalty for this sin is death (Romans 6:23), not just physical death but eternal death (Revelation 20:11-15). Thankfully, inherited sin, imputed sin, and personal sin have all been crucified on the cross of Jesus, and now by faith in Jesus Christ as the Savior “we have redemption through His blood, the forgiveness of sins, according to the riches of His grace” (Ephesians 1:7).
7 years ago Report
Zanjan: I've never seen a baby who sinned. One can't sin if they don't know what the sin is supposed to be. A baby is born pure and innocent, having no knowledge of the world and is yet unaware of God. Thus, the babe is a clean slate at birth - that's factual evidence.

So, those traditional suppositions are incorrect, having no basis in reality.

"To sin" is to knowingly wrong your own soul, to wrong God, and to wrong others. There's a price to be paid for that, just as there's a price to be paid for gaining knowledge and acquiring divine virtues. They're both equally high.

Nothing is free except forgiveness; even then, it's not always granted so should never be assumed. There is no guarantee of heaven simply because one says they believe. If you haven't developed the necessary character traits, you ain't gonna get through those gates.
(Edited by Zanjan)
7 years ago Report
Zanjan: Adam wasn't the first human, He was the first Manifestation of God sent to humans. Before that, they had no knowledge of God but were aware of the living spirit in things. We have solid evidence of roughly when religious belief began.

Before Adam, some willfully did wrong but that wrong wasn't the same thing as a sin. They were errors in judgment, contravening the human social order...just like a puppy who forgets his place in the pack will be batted back down to size by those ranking higher, so it was for the human experience.

Adam dispensed the first laws of God to humans - that was the FIRST HEAVEN. Those who didn't accept, remained in their animal state. Those who followed Him learned to love God and obey Him. Like all other religions to come, Adam's religion had its seasons - born in paradise but died in the world. Christianity is no exception to that rule; we've seen the proof.
(Edited by Zanjan)
7 years ago Report
ghostgeek: How can people disagree on something as basic as whether Adam was the first human or not and still believe in the veracity of scripture?
7 years ago Report
Zanjan: Easy, when one skips a few lines in text and doesn't believe in the veracity of science. In this case, it involves a mathematical error in judgment.
(Edited by Zanjan)
7 years ago Report
Cenababy: ghost, i don't care what others believe as long as it doesn't affect me. and Adam was not at the point of this blog. It is/was about what GOD says is sin!
7 years ago Report
ghostgeek: What others believe will always affect you. Religions don't exist in a vacuum. Remember what is supposed to have happened to the Canaanites.
7 years ago Report
ghostgeek: And what God says is sin depends on which religion you follow.
7 years ago Report
ghostgeek: Eastern religions don't have the same sexual hangups that the abrahamic religions do.
7 years ago Report
Cenababy: My point, a christian post 😁
6 years ago Report
Zanjan: Yep, all Abrahmic religions issue from New York
6 years ago Report
briansmythe: well well well zanjan are u not the one that always says we don't need predudice any where In the world, But it seems to me you like picking On Christians
Or does this rule apply only when its closer to home
(Edited by briansmythe)
6 years ago Report
tularcitas: Cena...Although I have not been faithful to my husband in our marriage, I don't feel I have sinned. G-d gave us the ability to have sexual pleasure and I think the condition of just limiting to one person is human made, perhaps as a sociological construct.
6 years ago Report
chronology: Zan, you wouldn't happen to have the Zip code in New York would you? There are dozens of people trying to serve take legal action against God for making terror threats against them and their families. They say all the talk of throwing people into burning fire and torturing them for ever for not worshipping Him is naked terrorism and violates their Human Rights.

I was telling a Hindu guy about a Guy in South Africa who is attempting legal action, and people in the USA who have tried similar legal cases. Like he said 'who is this guy and what is he selling? How can you get all these gods into a court and hold them accountable for making such threats?

Anyway if you have the zip code Zan some lawyer's will probably want it from you.

The last case in the USA was stopped because the court said God does not have a mailing address they can send court papers to. The U.S. has made appeals to countries who chop people's heads off and stone them to death for religious reasons to show mercy to the condemned but it is always ignored.
6 years ago Report
Zanjan: Brian: "But it seems to me you like picking On Christians"

Ghost isn't a Christian. If someone comes to you with the truth, you call it picking on you?
6 years ago Report
Zanjan: Chron, New York is a melting pot of diversity, probably because it's a port city, and they like that diversity.

I'm sure that, one day, the Statue of Liberty will fall down but, knowing Americans, they'll just re-build it. There are some things the people are totally united over. Unity is the only freedom that reflects an indomitable spirit.

Yeah, the US is paranoid but they refuse to let nasty people get the best of them. That's why they re-built the World Trade Center, and will keep doing that until the nasty people either run out of ordinance or get the message.

Anywhere you go on earth, you can burn that land's flag but you're not going to get away with it. The same is true for God's religions; the banner of the Cause of God is eternal.
(Edited by Zanjan)
6 years ago Report
chronology: I wouldn't call them 'nasty' Zan, they just find the idea of people being thrown into a blazing pit of fire for not conforming to a State religion shocking. It goes against every American principal of justice and freedom. Probably most Americans have never read Revelation so they have idea that is what awaits everyone who does not except Jesus as King.

I know John Hagee says Jewish folks will rule the earth and be served by all none Jews, but that is his view.

Fact is Zan most people think it is all a fairy tale. But if you take it seriously, then some people find all this outrageous. But I agree with the Hindu guy, how on earth can any court proceed with such a complaint against dozens of gods of all these religions.
6 years ago Report
Zanjan: Well, America will probably never have an official State religion again. (Israel always will but not America). Government just forgot to rename some of its statutory holidays.

You see, in this New World Order, God has divided power and authority. To the rulers, He gave authority but to the people, He gave the power. So, this dynamic will work in any organization, be it a religion or a government. Therefore, no agency can ever again function like it did in the old order; if any tries, they face speedy doom.

We pay no attention to lunatics - they're not the sort of people we have shot in the public square with a grand audience.
(Edited by Zanjan)
6 years ago Report
chronology: Zan, I was refering to the 'State Religion' of Heaven, of cours America would never dream of threatening people to adopt any religioun or throw them into a burning fire of eternal torment, only christianity does that.
6 years ago Report
Cenababy: Chronology thats bs
6 years ago Report
chronology: Cana. Very intelligent comment there, however have you ever read Revelation?

If you refuse to worship God as He says you will be thrown into the blazing fires of hell forever. Does or does not Revelation say that, you know perfectly well it does, or you have never bothered to read it.
6 years ago Report
briansmythe: zanjan I didn't know who u meant , fair enough
6 years ago Report
Cenababy: Ok let me clarify for those that obviously don't get me, WHEN I POST CONVERSATIONS, IT IS BASED ON CHRISTIANITY!!! Now then, carry on.
6 years ago Report
Cenababy: Sara not in the least am i perfect, however; as I have gotten older I now realize the wrongs and why they are wrong. I am not correcting anyone, you k ow me, i only being ideas to the table lol having said that, how bout not sin as against God but sin against a husband or wife, perhaps that makes better sense. To me marriage is a mate for life, a bond as two become one, a bond, a trust, a personal relationship. When that relationship and trust is broken, what then do you have? I'm my case once someone breaks that bond, I'm done! Secondly, sin is falling short, breaking the right and condoning wrong, are we just some wild animals going around have sex with everyone then? We do realize there are animals that mate for life, look at swans. I am not your judge. I look at the world we live in, look at reality and realize most of whats wrong is what we have done or allowed. Example HIC, had the not been wrong, HIV wouldn't be a horrible reality. How do we teach our children to respect a s honor themselves? By lusting after everyone? NO!!! That my friend is not psychologically healthy or the best for our children...
(Edited by Cenababy)
6 years ago Report
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