Is there something wrong with the concept of Unicorn? (Page 7)

chronology: By the way Zan what is your view of 'Summerland' the highest Plane of the Spiritualist Faith. Most Spiritualists hope to be able to spend eternity in Summerland. While Islam and christianity preach an end of the world blood bath of suffering, hate, revenge and eternal misery, Spiritualists hope for Summerland, a place of love, peace, fellowship and learning with other souls. It is claimed to be a place of rolling green meadows and clear blue skies and endless sunshine.
6 years ago Report
Zanjan: "when Jesus returns the blood will flow in the streets, says Revelation. Rivers of blood splashing all over the place, heads chopped off."

Seriously, you think that hasn't already happened?? Have you not taken a body count of the wars of the 20th century? There was nothing in the past to match that carnage. How much more blood do you need?

The "woman" (in the Book of Revelations) is the heavenly symbol of a Revelation, not an actual person. Note that she's pregnant. Definitely not a cloud shaped like an angel. For Jesus, this symbol was a dove.

Some relate the dove to peace but everyone knows peace is not what happened. I guess the ancients needed symbols a lot because they didn't have the education or intellect to intuit such things.

I don't know who predicted this woman in the sky you're on about but its been done before several times; last time, it was in Ireland. That was mass hysteria.
(Edited by Zanjan)
6 years ago Report
Zanjan: All I know about "Summerland" is that it's a small town in the Okanagan in B.C. Been there. They grow lots of fruit.

Muslims don't have the same perspective of *the end* as Christians because the Christian view is the terminal of Christianity, not Islam. Islam has its own end time.........yet the Book of Revelations does extend into that as well. What sort of Prophets would they be if they couldn't see the advent of something as big as Islam?

What they share in common is belief that there will be a dramatic judgement - that always comes with great divine announcements.

They're not aware of any details; they only know that in every end is a new beginning. Just as Jews await their Messiah and Christians await the return of Christ, Muslims are waiting for the Qiam to appear (direct descendant of Muhammad) to make that announcement.

The spiritualists have their own idea of heaven, a place they've never seen. Doesn't everybody imagine what paradise is like? Some will say it's just a guess but they know what heaven it not.

I can tell you there's no sun, no moon, no sky, no wind or water and, no earth beneath their feet. It's not a physical world. Seems to me, if one is deeply attached to such things, heaven will disappoint them.
They're right on one count - in heaven there's fellowship with like-minded souls and learning. There's unity and love and nearness to God.
(Edited by Zanjan)
6 years ago Report
chronology: I think some of them are like you. I think you have claimed to have visited Heaven or Hell or some such place. Spiritualist have members who say they have been to Summerland. The 'Spirit World' Zan as you see it does not exist to many modern people interested in the Subject. 'God' is a Trans Dimentional Being, able to shift from one Universe to the other, Science now is fairly certain there are at least a dozen 'Parallel Universes' . This is not 'David Icke' stuff, the clever young Toffs at Harvard and Cambridge are saying this kind of thing. The place where God is, is just as solid and real as where we are. Although according to the Bible Time works differently there. Timeslips may be simply some hickup in the barrier between Dimentions which allows people in one Dimention, Universe, to glimps events in another Universe.

In York England Roman Soldiers have often been seen near the York Minster. The Clergy at the Minster don't think they are 'ghosts' they just think they are some kind of 'glitch' in time or something.. A Roman Centurion has also been seen walking near the Minster. According to one young lady at Harvard the other Universes are possibly right next to ours. So Jesus may be a regular visitor to the Minster, you just can't see Him.

6 years ago Report
Zanjan: I once heard a technical explanation for that - people seeing images of those who lived eons ago. I dont remember exactly how it went but it had something to do with light bending - that is, under certain conditions, light takes a snap shot, races around in space then returns many hundreds of years later to land its snapshot, only for a minute or so.

It sounded plausible to me at the time but I have no idea how that could be proven.

Reality is ONE. The earthly plane and the spiritual worlds are not separate, they're just dimensions of one Reality. The "next world" is as different from this earthly world as this earthly world is from the world of a babe in the womb. We call the "next world" the "hereafter", not necessarily heaven.

God is placeless and far beyond the ken of any human understanding.
(Edited by Zanjan)
6 years ago Report
Zanjan: Heaven and hell are states of mind. Some have never reached to the highest state; some can only see it from a great distance.

There have been individuals who've crossed my path, who've have told me they WISH they had faith like mine. So, it's not something others can't see; they just don't understand it.
6 years ago Report
chronology: On my Trivia Thread a while back I posted a story of some folks in a Canadian small Town who described seeing a Locomotive drive along tracks passing through the Town. Nothing odd about that other than Railroads had not been invented at the time. Another Canadians person saw what he described as a modern car, again not exiting until you see that there were no cars at the time he saw it.

The little Port of Dieppe was the scene of really strange sounds of war and Battle. This was years after the Battle at the Town by Canadian Forces. Tourists in Vietnam have at times seen American soldiers, even speaking to them at some encounters. This has given rise to all kinds of conspiracy theories about American Servicemen being held prisoner there. But the G.I.s are described as teenagers way too young to have been held prisoner for 40 years. The United States insists there are no Americans in Vietnam from the war era.
6 years ago Report
Zanjan: It's quite possible for an ordinary person to have a real vision.....some call it inspiration. Science fiction writers and artists experience it a lot. They seem to pluck it out of the ether as they 'search' for material. It's possible for a soul in the next world to lend it to them.

Like in the Bible, it's not likely they'd have the name of the thing they saw exactly right when there's no context.......just too far into the future.

Conversely, we see a need for something so, we decide to build it. In that case, the name the original person gave to the idea will Buck Roger's laser and rocket pack, first seen in 1929 comic strip. Might take awhile but if you want it, we'll make it.

6 years ago Report
ASuzette: I want an end to religion. Now you make it.
6 years ago Report
Zanjan: You can't always get what you want. Best to get used to it.
6 years ago Report
ASuzette: So you are a liar
6 years ago Report
Zanjan: Accusations always come back to bite you. I was referring to material things, made within your own lifetime.
(Edited by Zanjan)
6 years ago Report
Zanjan: Whereas, *false* accusations utterly destroy you.
6 years ago Report
ASuzette: Referring to material things? Ok then. I want the destruction of all churches and all bibles and all religious people.

6 years ago Report
Zanjan: Do you have someone in mind to hire for that?
6 years ago Report
MetteFromFinland: Yes, God
6 years ago Report
ASuzette: God is the destructor of all things
6 years ago Report
ASuzette: God will rape you, like he condones rape in the bible
6 years ago Report
Zanjan: XimenaVigdis, it would certainly be news to hear that God is for hire. Undoubtedly, His price would be pretty steep. Perhaps His business card would look like "Have thunderbolts; will travel". Maybe there could just be an auction a date night?
6 years ago Report
SplendorofYah: Not at all the Uinicorns were real creatures that existed and became extinct their skin was used for curtains of tabernacle.
5 years ago Report
crumax: Agreed; these creatures did actually exist at some point in time (and probably recreated today in some lab or labs).
5 years ago Report
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