Hidden Knowledge of Religions Sects

Auphirah: Many churches are not teaching, revealing and studying the historical history of sects that influence Christianity today. The three many sects that influence Christianity today is the following: Sadducees, Essenes and Pharisees. Below is a great article on the three sects of religion theories. There are two sects that exist today in the political agenda that are controlling the masses of people. Religion has always existed with the political agenda to influence all three faiths which are Christianity, Jewish and Islam.

The Pharisees, Sadducees, and Essenes

The Pharisees, Sadducees, and Essenes

Examination of Their Distinctive Doctrines

Advanced Information

The Essenes were a Jewish religious sect not actually mentioned in the Bible, but described by Josephus, Philo, and mentioned in the Dead Sea Scrolls. Most members lived communal, celibate lives. They observed Jewish Law very strictly. They practiced ceremonial baptisms. Essenes were apocalyptic, and they opposed Temple priesthood.Pharisees

The Pharisees were a prominent sect of Jews in Christ's time. They opposed Jesus and His teachings. They plotted His death (Matt 12:14). They were denounced by Him (Matt 23). Their characteristic teachings included: belief in oral as well as written Law; resurrection of the human body; belief in the existence of a spirit world; immortality of the soul; predestination; future rewards and punishments based upon works. Matt 9:11-14; 12:1-8; 16:1-12; 23; Luke 11:37-44; Acts 15:5; 23:6-8.Sadducees

The Sadducees were another prominent Jewish religious sect in the time of Christ. Their beliefs included: acceptance only of the Law and rejection of oral tradition; denial of bodily resurrection; immortality of the soul; existence of a spirit world (Mark 12:18; Luke 20:27; Acts 23:8). They supported the Maccabeans. The Sadducees were a relatively small group, but they generally held the high priesthood. They denounced John the Baptist (Matt 3:7-8) and Jesus (Matt 16:6,11,12).

8 years ago Report
Auphirah: They actively opposed Christ (Matt 21:12ff; Mark 11:15ff; Luke 19:47) and the apostolic Church (Acts 5:17,33).

The New Testament Jewish Sects: Pharisees, Sadducees, Essenes, Zealots

The New Testament Jewish Sects: Pharisees, Sadducees, Essenes, Zealots
See also: Modern Rabbinical Judaism vs. Mosaic Judaism
1. Paucity of information: We have very little information about the first century Jewish sects historically. Aside from the Bible, Josephus is the only other primary source for the Pharisees and Sadducees. After suffering acute frustration, I abandoned the effort at explaining their development and will now present a lesson that describes some of the general characteristics of these sects. If you do some research, you will find several interpretations of the sparse information we have. This is mine.
a) Josephus: When reading Josephus= s description of these groups, we must remember that he was trying to convince Roman readers of the worthiness and sophistication of the Jews. When he related their history, we should remember that Josephus, being a member of the upper class, is always critical of any person or group who causes disorder and always aggrandizes those who maintain law and order.

b) the Bible: The Bible gives objective history, but we must understand the context and setting of the information revealed about these sects and take everything the Bible says about them. Contrary to the claim of liberal scholars like Saldarini and Stemberger that the New Testament= s historical record is tainted by polemic and later redactions, its accuracy and authenticity has been well documented. Such scholars tend to give more credence to Josephus though they doubt his accuracy as well. Finally they reject nearly all information from the rabbinical writings, leaving them with nothing. Nonetheless they write entire books telling us we know nothing about these groups. However, these three independent sources are largely in agreement in every place where they overlap and I accept the Bible as completely accurate and Josephus as reliable.

c) the Rabbinical writings: When considering the later Rabbinical writings, we must remember that these are centuries removed from contact with anyone claiming to be a Pharisee, Sadducee or Essene.

2. Pharisees and Sadducees were political interest groups
a) sects?: The word A sect@ has become a somewhat ambiguous term. Neither the Pharisees or Sadducees were A sects@ in the sense of separating themselves from society or political involvement like David Koresh. Nor were they sects in the sense of A extremists.@ They were sects in the sense of being political-religious parties. We are totally missing the picture of Jesus= days if we think of these groups in terms of modern religious groups. Saldarini correctly notes that they were not A simple theological debating societies@ (14). Sometimes different sects even worked together when it was in their interest to do so: Mark 3:6. While the New Testament and Josephus portray the Pharisees and Sadducees as competing groups, even they conspired when threatened by outsiders: Matthew 16:1ff.

b) political-religious interest groups: The Pharisees and Sadducees seem to have been as much political groups as religious groups as we think of them. But remember, in ancient societies religious and political laws were either one and the same or inextricably intertwined. Nor is this an insult to these groups, because under the Old Testament, God made no separation between religious and political affairs. He would make a distinction under the law of Christ. However, the Pharisees, Sadducees and even the chief priests of Jesus= day seem to have been more interested in political power than religious correctness which was surely not God= s will.
c) their influence: Apart from the short time known as the Hasmonean/Maccabean (134 - 63 B.C.) and Herodian (c. 40 B.C. - A.D. 100) periodsB which includes the life of ChristB these groups seem to have had little influence even in Judaism. Yet their contact with Jesus can be very instructive for us. These groups were probably short-lived because rather than objectively interpreting Scripture, such groups often reflected the different ways of reacting to the dominant culture while attempting to retain a distinctive identity. Dominant cultures change, as do the ways of dealing with them. Members of churches of Christ probably reflect a reaction to our own culture more often than we would care to admit. (Forgive me for that moment of honest introspection.)

Read the information below because it is lengthen. Folks can read the information to learn knowledge, wisdom, truth, enlightenment, freedom,studying and power. The information above came from these two sources.


8 years ago Report
Zanjan: I'm not sure why you titled this "Hidden Knowledge of........" I don't think anyone has been attempting to hide information about ancient sects or scholarly ranks. If what those people knew (of their own accord) was realistic and practical, none of it would have passed away.

According to the NT, ALL of the people knew squat by the time Christ arrived. They had laws but knew nothing about the spirit of the law so, legal authorities didn't incorporate that into their judgements.

They knew nothing about salvation or the Covenant of God, else they wouldn't have been conquered by a foreign power or have viewed Christ as their enemy. They'd have loved truth and they'd have loved Him for being so pure and obedient to God.

Clergy didn't leave Christ alone because His knowledge surpassed their own. That's an irresistible magnet, which polarizes people.

(Edited by Zanjan)
8 years ago Report
lori100: The Fifth Gospel

The Fifth Gospel: Lecture IV

Schmidt Number: S-2823

On-line since: 30th November, 2007

Rudolf Steiner
Lecture IV
Oslo, Norway
October 5, 1913

- See more at: http://wn.rsarchive.org/Lectures/GA148/English/SCR2006/19131005p01.html#sthash.VaM26Bpr.dpuf -------Deciphering the Akasha Record shows that the word Essene derives from, or is at least related to the Hebrew word “essin” or “assin”, which means “shovel” or “trowel”, because the Essenes always carried a small trowel as an insignia, something that in many of today's orders has been retained. The Essenes' objectives were also expressed in certain symbolic practices – that they never carried coins, that they could not pass through gates which had been painted or were even close to graven images. As the Essene Order at that time enjoyed a certain degree of recognition, unpainted gates were made in Jerusalem so they could enter the city. If an Essene came to a painted gate he would have to turn back. ------------Order possessed ancient manuscripts and traditions, about whose contents the members were obliged to maintain strict silence. They could teach, but only what they had learned in the Order. All who entered the Order had to give all their possessions to the Order. The number of Essenes was four to five thousand. People came from all over the known world and observed the strict rules. Even if it was far away, in Asia Minor, or even farther, all property, a house for example, had to be given to the Order. So the Order possessed small properties from many places – houses, gardens, acres of land. None was admitted to membership who did not contribute everything he owned to the Essene community. Everything belonged to all, there was no personal ownership. A very strict rule for our present day mentality – but what was understandable was that the Essene could care for the needy with the goods belonging to the Order, except those who belonged to his own family.------------- There was an Essene community in Nazareth, made possible by a donation, so the Order was known to Jesus. At the Order's center they were aware of the wisdom which Jesus' soul possessed – especially among the most important members. They had what we can call a prophetic view that a Messiah must come to the world. Therefore they were on the lookout for especially gifted people. They were deeply impressed when they learned about Jesus of Nazareth. It is no surprise, then, that they accepted Jesus of Nazareth in their community – not as a member of the Order proper – more as a guest, without him having to pass the trials of the lower degrees. And the wisest Essenes were, in a certain sense trusting, open-hearted towards this wise young man in respect to their secrets. In fact Jesus of Nazareth heard more profound things about the secrets which were kept in that Order than from the scribes and scholars. He also heard much that he had previously learned through Bath Kol as an enlightenment which shone in his soul. In short, a lively exchange of ideas took place between Jesus of Nazareth and the Essenes. And Jesus of Nazareth learned almost everything that the Essenes were able to give during his 25th, 26th, 27th, 28th years, and beyond. For what was not communicated to him by words was expressed by all sorts of clairvoyant impressions. Jesus of Nazareth received important clairvoyant impressions either within the Essene community or a short time later at home in Nazareth, where a more contemplative life was possible; they penetrated his soul from powers which had come to him and which the Essenes had no idea, but which were experienced in his soul. - See more at: http://wn.rsarchive.org/Lectures/GA148/English/SCR2006/19131005p01.html#sthash.VaM26Bpr.dpuf -----------------------One of these experiences, these inner impressions, must be particularly emphasized, because it can cast light on the whole spiritual course of human evolution. It was a meaningful vision manifested by a kind of separation from his body in which the Buddha appeared to him directly. Yes, the Buddha appeared to Jesus of Nazareth as a consequence of the exchange of ideas with the Essenes. One can say that a spiritual conversation took place between Jesus and Buddha. We may and must touch upon this meaningful secret of human evolution today. In this meaningful spiritual conversation Jesus heard that the Buddha said something like this: "If my teaching, as it is, is completely fulfilled, then all men on earth must be like the Essenes. But that cannot be. That was the error in my teaching. The Essenes can only progress if they separate themselves from the rest of humanity; other human souls must be there for them. The fulfillment of my teaching would mean nothing but Essenes. But that cannot be."-------- That was a meaningful experience, which Jesus of Nazareth had through his association with the Essenes. Another experience was that Jesus of Nazareth made the acquaintance of a slightly younger man who had joined the Essene Order, but in an entirely different way than Jesus had, but who nevertheless did not completely become an Essene. He was John the Baptist, who lived as a lay brother within the Essene community. He dressed like the Essenes, who used clothing of camel's hair in winter, but he never completely exchanged Jewish teaching for Essene teaching. But the teachings and life of the Essenes made a great impression on him, so he lived the Essene life as a lay brother. He was stimulated and inspired and by and by became the John the Baptist described in the Gospels. Jesus of Nazareth and John the Baptist conversed often. One day – I know what it means to simply tell these things, but nothing can stop me; I also know that these things must be told – One day when Jesus of Nazareth was talking with John the Baptist, the physical body of the Baptist seemed to disappear and Jesus had a vision of Elias. That was the second meaningful experience in the Essene community. - See more at: http://wn.rsarchive.org/Lectures/GA148/English/SCR2006/19131005p01.html#sthash.VaM26Bpr.dpuf
(Edited by lori100)
8 years ago Report
Auphirah: Great information above!
8 years ago Report
lori100: Thank you
8 years ago Report
Zanjan: Notice that Steiner gives absolutely no citations for the source of information. Anything known of the Essenes comes from Josephus and Philo's discussions of them. They didn't quote anyone and Josephus didn't know anything about Jesus other than by His reputation.

The Essenes were monks - that is, males sworn to chastity and living communally or nearly so. If everyone became like them, there would be no propagation of species. They existed for only 200 years, being a messianic group amongst many others that warned of God's harsh judgement. Sign of the times.

Buddha was a Prophet - he didn't make errors in teaching.

If Jesus heard anything that would have been important to the people of the time to know, that would be mentioned in His Revelation. However, there was lots He could have said but chose not to say it.

There are 14 years of record missing from the life of Jesus - people have tried to fill that in with guesses. Some thought He traveled to India and learned what He knew from Buddhist monks because the teachings were so similar. Others thought Jesus might have been an Essene or lived with them but there has never been any evidence to support any of these notions so they quickly fell from favour.

There have always been kooks, even amongst professors. I wonder at the person who attributes words to Jesus which can't be backed up.

(Edited by Zanjan)
8 years ago Report
lori100: Steiner read it from the Akashic Records which he called the Fifth Gospel....the akashic records are the records of every thought , word, action, deed impressed on the ether of every person and event on Earth that those with clairvoyant ability can read...it is the true record of human history unerring...it never changes...every time Steiner viewed it he said it was always the same...Steiner created a spiritual science with exercises to teach people how to develop their higher senses..he lectured around the world and at Yale in the states..
(Edited by lori100)
8 years ago Report
Auphirah: This is confirmation because I am reading the book called: The Christian Yoga by J.M. Dechanet, OSB. Once again great knowledge you are sharing , I need to discipline my mind, soul, spirit because my energy is very high frequency.
8 years ago Report
Zanjan: Akashic Records: (extract from Wikipedia)

"In theosophy and anthroposophy, the Akashic records (a term coined in the late 19th century from akasha or ākāśa, the Sanskrit word for "sky", "space", "luminous", or "aether" ) are a compendium of thoughts, events, and emotions believed by theosophists to be encoded in a non-physical plane of existence known as the astral plane. There are anecdotal accounts but no scientific evidence for existence of the Akashic records."

Also, asceticism has fallen out of favour in modern times as a rediculously extreme method of divining enlightenment. None of these people ever reached their goal. Even Buddha talked about that in Buddhist text, saying it's useless.

Clairvoyance is an actual power possessed in various degrees of strength but there's a lot of charlatans out there. It's not a power for Revelation of truth or scientific discovery, nor is it a learned ability.

Steiner was a kook.

(Edited by Zanjan)
8 years ago Report
lori100: wiki----The akashic record is like an immense photographic film, registering all the desires and earth experiences of our planet. Those who perceive it will see pictured thereon: The life experiences of every human being since time began, the reactions to experience of the entire animal kingdom, the aggregation of the thought-forms of a karmic nature (based on desire) of every human unit throughout time.------------------Edgar Cayce A.R.E. Akashic Records/Book of Life


The Akashic Records or "The Book of Life" can be equated to the universe's super computer system. It is this system that acts as the central storehouse of all information for every individual who has ever lived upon the earth.
8 years ago Report
Zanjan: Bunk.

Only God has all knowledge.
8 years ago Report
lori100: Because science and the public knew little about it doesn't mean it isn't real....Steiner was respected around the world ...he edited the work of Goethe at age 19
(Edited by lori100)
8 years ago Report
Zanjan: Truth can be proven, whereas fantasy is nothing but the whims of escapists.
8 years ago Report
lori100: Steiner was clairvoyant from a young age ..it was only when he reached teenaged years that he realized most other people did not see dead people and auras around people ,plants and animals...
8 years ago Report
Zanjan: So what? Edgar Cayce was wrong lots of times too but he was never right about the important things. Neither was Steiner.

This is what happens when people attribute to themselves more authority and power than they have - lots of vanity and exploitation of vulnerable people to further one's own career.

I'm clairvoyant too but I don't abuse it. God doesn't give knowledge to liars.
(Edited by Zanjan)
8 years ago Report
lori100: Anyone can make some mistakes...probably most of what they said was accurate...Steiner had special guidance and teachers...he wasn't to begin teaching and lecturing until he reached age 35 because at that age and maturity fewer errors are likely to be made.....neither Cayce or Steiner became wealthy...both turned down big money when offered it...they had missions to fulfill...
8 years ago Report
Zanjan: That they make mistakes with a power/truth they claim to possess is proof of their own falsehoods and mental disturbance.

Here's a truth for you: one can't control clairvoyance; it's not possible to turn it on and off like a water tap. Special awareness of a particular reality is bestowed by God alone - THAT is never wrong. This is why, when I have a clairvoyant moment, it's **never** wrong. I'm not a liar; neither do I embellish anything or make any pretense. What I say can be proven.

Real clairvoyance was never meant to be a means to convey truth to others so, if a person uses the ability for that purpose - that is, speaks without God's approval, it will kick back on them with severe punishment.

(Edited by Zanjan)
8 years ago Report
Zanjan: At this point, I'd also like to add there is no such thing as "esoteric" knowledge - that is, secret truths that only a few are permitted to have. Truths have always stood the test of time and aren't dependent on anyone's rank, life or death.

God wants everyone to seek and find the truth of a matter - who can chain up God's hand?

8 years ago Report
lori100: From what I have read there are esoteric teachings hidden and protected from the public. They have to be so they won't become distorted, lost , or abused. Some teachings are given to the masses at certain times when they will be receptive to a large degree to them...I believe any psychic or clairvoyant ability can be used for good or bad and God doesn't punish anyone for using it...
8 years ago Report
Zanjan: I've got some gold hidden away because everyone knows its value. Consequently, I don't beak off about it or where I'm hiding it. You're talking about something unknown that's of no value to anyone else yet requires hiding. Right.

Lori, Lori..............sigh~ so trusting.

I'll be happy to face off with any psychic/clairvoyant - if what they say about themselves is true, they'll know who I am. Let the public see who's got the right stuff; when it's over, only one of us will be doing the talking. Back in the day, they used to roast a bull but you can bring popcorn and peanuts.
(Edited by Zanjan)
8 years ago Report
ghostgeek: Interesting Zanjan; you sound like a squirrel. You do know that squirrels have a habit of forgetting where they've buried their nuts? I hope you remember where your Krugerrands are hidden?
8 years ago Report
Zanjan: Well, I am kinda fluffy and adorable. I have no nuts. Just lots of sticky notes.

Supernatural powers, on the other hand, have a way of finding me.

8 years ago Report
annanicolee89: you just be trolling tf our of everybody on here huh? @zanjan lmao ya damn sure quick to correct every post on here but sure af don't think for a second u could be wrong about anything? lmao. the bible is no different that any ole book u can find tbh they have changed and reworded and edited and added so much bs people like u just pick and choose which ones YOU wanna live by and try to tell everybody else they should too or god forbif theyre doomed for hell. lololol
4 years ago Report
Zanjan: Yeah, as if YOU ever saw the original with which to make a comparison!

The Bible isn't my religion's Holy Book. Never have I told anyone they're going to hell, or heaven either - that's plain stupid. Bet you don't know why. (no, it's not because God is the judge)

I think before I speak - if I think I'm wrong about something, I don't speak. That would be stupider than pretending you're the judge.

You're right about one thing - I come here for the sole purpose of shooting holes in bizarre claims and to correct inaccurate representations of scripture - any scripture. Sometimes I get distracted and share a few solutions to social issues, and stories from my own life experience, just for fun. It's called "substance".

Maybe you missed the point of a Forum?
4 years ago Report