The leader of Isis has a degree and a PhD in Islamic Studies . (Page 3)

Zanjan: Shadow, I defend the religions of God - not everyone in them. I champion God and His Prophets, not every human. I hold every scripture as sacred, not everything men write or say.

You accuse me of misrepresentation when you can't even tell the difference between the above?!. Seriously?

Every religion has been persecuted; every government has been destroyed; every country has been conquered. People have been burned alive at the stake just for having new ideas or ideas that are contrary to the resident political regime. Throughout society, individuals every day are attacked and killed for speaking the truth or asking for justice or peace. Every day the vulnerable are abused, people who wear certain clothes are mugged, infanticide happens as often as gangland hits.

This is the melting pot we all live in. Who is so special they're not affected by any of it??

None of the attackers have the same name and face, do they? None of the believers do either. What we have are 3 different mindsets, existing all over the world - the haters, the lovers, and the bystanders. That's it.

We have one planet, one human race, one reality - each of those mindsets sees that same reality through the the filter of their own attitude towards all living things.
(Edited by Zanjan)
8 years ago Report
Zanjan: Yeah, so Noah's flood was horrific too but that's the reality, sanctioned by God. Shadow, you speak of the Quran being horrific while ignoring what's going on in the world today.

Count the number of penitentiaries in the world and their inmate populations. That didn't exist in Muhammad's time because the deterrents in place were pretty effective. Notice the alternative was exile. We cant do that anymore because no country would have our criminals; and, we know who they are so it's not like they can start a new life anywhere unless they're in the Witness Protection Program.

Right now, not in the last 10 years, but NOW, there are 60 million people in the world on the move, refugees from war and oppression with no home, no job, no food - thousands are dying in their flight nearly every day - men, women and children, and no country wants to take them in..just keep them moving.

This sudden mass human migration and inexcusable death toll is UNPRECIDENTED in human history but you take no notice at all.

Just quibble over someone's hand being cut off for theft - today, no authority cares unless the theft is over 1 million dollars; murderers walk free on a technicality of law, or are back on the street in a few years. Which civilization was more fair, which was less scary to live in?
(Edited by Zanjan)
8 years ago Report
Zanjan: "a religion which has jailed, tortured, maimed, and murdered Baha'is for over a century and a half,"

It's not the religion, it's the ugly regime.

I'd like to point out that, unlike other peoples, Baha'is haven't tried to escape the oppression and severe persecution in their country. They're the largest religious minority in Iran yet Iran refuses to let them teach their religion, to assemble, to go to school or university, to hold employment, own a business or to even have a bank account. The regime has destroyed all buildings and holy sites associated with the Faith and desecrated their graves, plowing over all cemeteries where Baha'i's are buried.

BUT, we will not go away. Why do Muslims do this? Well, they're afraid to go against the regime and would rather be a live barbarian than a dead one.

Why do the Baha'i's stay? Only those who identify as Muslims and sign a declaration that they're Muslims are permitted to leave the country - Baha'is wont dissimulate their Faith and they're obedient to their country's law.

How do they survive? We send them stipends. Why don't Baha'is sneak across the boarder, out of the country as refugees?

Well, because they're courageous and don't run away. Sounds like something Muhammad repeatedly enjoined on His people, right? They were born in that country and God has charged them with the duty to help make their country better through their own example. They can fix this mess but it takes time and much, much loving sacrifice.

(Edited by Zanjan)
8 years ago Report
I K R: So, what are you saying that Its just coincidence that where ever there is a Muslim majority population there is an ugly regime in power?
8 years ago Report
deuce916: Zanjan, sounds like your god doesn't do much to help his followers.
8 years ago Report
I K R: maybe he'll intervene in another 1/4 million years? Lets hope that next time he manages to articulate himself adequately enough so as not to incite any violence from anyone......Maybe hes perfecting his message?
8 years ago Report
I K R: I have a suggestion for god, because hes bound to be reading these forums.....Maybe in your next book you could add a disclaimer clearly stating that under no circumstances will anyone who has used violence to attack another living creature be allowed into heaven.....Like if your gonna make stupid people you shouldn't expect them to be able to interpret "kill them wherever you find them" in a non violent way.....just an idea.
8 years ago Report
Zanjan: So, you don't agree that the West should be bombing ISIS? Just leave that part of the world to themselves and let all the people die? You must be a Trump supporter.
(Edited by Zanjan)
8 years ago Report
sebtheanimal: Trump would bomb the fuck out of those maggots.
8 years ago Report
Zanjan: Only if they got close - it's not economically feasible in his mind to purchase the ticket over there. He hasn't bothered to find out who the militant Islamist leaders are; he says they'll tell him when he's elected, then he'll know more than any of you do. OK. You can't say he's not focused on priorities.

It's precisely because people were bad that God visited and passed by here, enlightening the receptive and moving the willing hearts.

Conchita, Would you be willing to take in a couple hundred refugees from there? How about sponsoring one family in your home until they get settled? Incidentally, the Government of Denmark put out a big newspaper ad, telling the refugees "Don't Come Here!" We wont support you!" My, how generous.

It's not like God will force people to empty their pockets for the homeless and disadvantaged.
(Edited by Zanjan)
8 years ago Report
sebtheanimal: It is God's will that place suffocate in turmoil, then.
8 years ago Report
I K R: The UK will accept up to 20,000 refugees from Syria alone over the next five years ... and take in 24,000 refugees over the next two years. ...Would I trade that for a couple of hundred....damn right i would!
(Edited by I K R)
8 years ago Report
Zanjan: Where will they stay for 5 years? You don't really care, do you? I bet you wouldn't even give them a car ride to the next country. Of course, you're against violent attack, but facilitating starvation and death via hypothermia and disease is fine.

I'm sure that favour will be returned when *you* get into trouble.
(Edited by Zanjan)
8 years ago Report
Zanjan: Seb, perhaps it's God's way of sorting the wheat from the chaff.
8 years ago Report
I K R: Zanjan Denmark has taken in plenty of refugees and found out the consequences. They have a right to protect their children's future
8 years ago Report
I K R: Note how no islamic (religion of peace) countries are taking in any of these refugees
8 years ago Report
8 years ago Report
(Post deleted by I K R 8 years ago)
(Post deleted by I K R 8 years ago)
I K R: Richard Dawkins posted this video on twitter and asked people to retweet it. So i thought i'd post here too

8 years ago Report
SWlNE: Conchita Twerks, concerning your statement: "Note how no islamic (religion of peace) countries are taking in any of these refugees"

First, what do you consider 'islamic countries'?

Do you mean countries where muslims are in the majority? Because in that case Turkey, Jordan, Lebanon, Iraq and Egypt have all taken in refugees. And aid has been provided by muslims from the Gulf states by means of charitable organisations and individually.
8 years ago Report
deuce916: I don't believe you.
8 years ago Report
SWlNE: Are you referring to my statement as the 'you'?
(Edited by SWlNE)
8 years ago Report
I K R: Well its pretty obvious who he's talking to. N for the record I don't believe that/you either, n if you can't work out who "you" is....too bad for you!
Anyway none of that is relevant to the OP which is, Isis has not "hijacked" Islam.
8 years ago Report
sebtheanimal: Turkey among others is a transition country. They don't like foreigners. Neither do the well to do Arab countries like S.A. & UAE. They're not stupid enough to invite waves of criminals and potential threats, unlike Europeans.
8 years ago Report