Religion is the Biggest Joke on the Planet (Page 2)

ghostgeek: It makes you wonder, doesn't it.
8 years ago Report
defibsrus: Not really, the gay community have more morality than post jesus christians, so don't claim him as one of their own. His mother was a virgin ????????? and joseph was cool with it, really........... all his mates gave up either their wives and/or families to follow him, predominantly sailors???? Not to mention being nailed by a gang of roman soldiers and whats with the excessive misogyny in the bible.
(Edited by defibsrus)
8 years ago Report
HydroMan: If religion is a joke, then why is it that reliigous people live longer, are happier, are healthier, have less suicides than non religious people?

A systematic review of 850 research papers on the topic concluded that "the majority of well-conducted studies found that higher levels of religious involvement are positively associated with indicators of psychological well-being (life satisfaction, happiness, positive affect, and higher morale) and with less depression, suicidal thoughts and behaviour, drug/alcohol use/abuse [Moreira-Almeida, Alexander; Francisco Lotufo Neto; Harold G. Koenig (September 2006). "Religiousness and mental health: a review". Rev. Bras. Psiquiatr. [serial on the Internet] 28 (3): 242–250]

Belief in a benevolent God is associated with lower incidence of general anxiety, social anxiety, paranoia, obsession, and compulsion [Beliefs About God and Mental Health in American Adults; Nava R. Silton, Kevin J. Flannelly, Kathleen Galek, Christopher G. Ellison; Journal of Religion and Health; April 2013]

* The Handbook of Religion and Health describes a survey by Feigelman (1992) that examined happiness in Americans who have given up religion, in which it was found that there was little relationship between religious disaffiliation and unhappiness [Koenig. Harold G., Larson, David B., and Mcculloug, Michael E. –Handbook of Religion and Health, p.122, Oxford University Press (2001), Feigelman et al. (1992) examined happiness in Americans who have given up religion. Using pooled data from the General Social Surveys conducted between 1972 and 1990, investigators identified more than 20,000 adults for their study. Subjects of particular interest were “disaffiliates”—those who were affiliated with a religion at age 16 but who were not affiliated at the time of the survey (disaffiliates comprised from 4.4% to 6.0% of respondents per year during the 18 years of surveys). “Actives” were defined as persons who reported a religious affiliation at age 16 and a religious affiliation at the time of the survey (these ranged from 84.7% to 79.5% of respondents per year between 1972 and 1990). Happiness was measured by a single question that assessed general happiness (very happy, pretty happy, not too happy). When disaffiliates (n = 1,420) were compared with actives (n = 21,052), 23.9% of disaffiliates indicated they were “very happy, ” as did 34.2% of actives. When the analysis was stratified by marital status, the likelihood of being very happy was about 25% lower (i.e., 10% difference) for married religious disaffiliates compared with married actives. Multiple regression analysis revealed that religious disaffiliation explained only 2% of the variance in overall happiness, after marital status and other covariates were controlled. Investigators concluded that there was little relationship between religious disaffiliation and unhappiness (quality rating 7)]

* A survey by Kosmin & Lachman (1993), cited in Handbook of Religion and Health, indicates that people with no religious affiliation appear to be at greater risk for depressive symptoms than those affiliated with a religion. [Koenig. Harold G., Larson, David B., and Mcculloug, Michael E. –Handbook of Religion and Health, p.111, Oxford University Press (2001) Currently, approximately 8% of the U.S. population claim no religious affiliation (Kosmin & Lachman, 1993). People with no affiliation appear to be at greater risk for depressive symptoms than those affiliated with a religion. In a sample of 850 medically ill men, Koenig, Cohen, Blazer, Pieper, et al. (1992) examined whether religious affiliation predicted depression after demographics, medical status, and a measure of religious coping were controlled. They found that, when relevant covariates were controlled, men who indicated that they had “no religious affiliation” had higher scores on the Hamilton Depression Rating Scale (an observer-administered rating scale) than did men who identified themselves as moderate Protestants, Catholics, or nontraditional Christians.]
8 years ago Report
lori100: nice one HydroMan
8 years ago Report
defibsrus: Therefore deluded people live longer and are happier, nice one indeed!
Quite suitable for this forum.
8 years ago Report
HydroMan: if people are deluded for believing in God, then Isaac Newton was deluded, and u should reject everything he has to say
8 years ago Report
HydroMan: “Atheism is so senseless & odious to mankind that it never had many professors. Can it be by accident that all birds beasts & men have their right side & left side alike shaped (except in their bowels) & just two eyes & no more on either side the face & just two ears on either side the head & a nose with two holes & no more between the eyes & one mouth under the nose & either two fore leggs or two wings or two arms on the sholders & two leggs on the hipps one on either side & no more? Whence arises this uniformity in all their outward shapes but from the counsel & contrivance of an Author? Whence is it that the eyes of all sorts of living creatures are transparent to the very bottom & the only transparent members in the body, having on the outside an hard transparent skin, & within transparent juyces with a crystalline Lens in the middle & a pupil before the Lens all of them so truly shaped & fitted for vision, that no Artist can mend them? Did blind chance know that there was light & what was its refraction & fit the eys of all creatures after the most curious manner to make use of it? These & such like considerations always have & ever will prevail with man kind to believe that there is a being who made all things & has all things in his power & who is therfore to be feared” [Isaac Newton, A short Scheme of the true Religion]
8 years ago Report
defibsrus: Do you honestly believe that Newton would hold the same views on evolutionary biology if he were alive today?
Seriously, try to be honest!
8 years ago Report
deuce916: Hydroman doesn't know what he's talking about, that's why he uses other people's words to back his case.
8 years ago Report
HydroMan: lets talk about honesty
In order for life to exist on Earth, numerous chemical reactions need to occur. Along with this, the size of the sun, the wavelength of its rays, and its distance from the Earth need to be at the right levels necessary to support human life (even the slightest deviation from these could destroy life on earth at a stroke). The gases in Earth’s atmosphere need to be delicately balanced in order to allow respiration. The strength of the Earth’s magnetic field needs to be ideally suited to human life. The viscosity of water and its other physical and chemical properties need to be at the ideal levels for supporting life.
Do you honestly believe all this 'just happened' for no apparent reason?

If there is no God, and religion is a joke,then it means our life is limited to energy and matter (metaphysics). What this means is, the reason we exist is simply the result of chemicals colliding and forming life accidentally through chance and chaos. Our solar system was brought about by an accidental collision. If this is the case, then the appearance of organic life on earth was also an accident, including humans. If this is the case, then all our thought processes are mere accidents – the accidental by-product of the movement of atoms (our morals, self-awareness, rational mind, and life are the result of an accident, created for no apparent reason, and nothing but a bunch of electrical and chemical impulses). eg An accidental creation accidentally created humans, and then accidentally gave humans a rational mind/morals to think and live by. This would also mean that our brain/rational mind can not be trusted to make rational or moral decisions because the thought process is accidental/random, thus unreliable

If there is no God, and religion is a joke, then it means the universe and everything in it came into existence through an unplanned chaotic process of random events (no plan, no design, just chaos and disorder). This means chaos and disorder managed to create law and order, non-design managed to lead to design, non-life managed to create life. eg An unplanned universe managed to design the human body in a perfect way for reproduction. eg2 An unplanned universe managed to design the solar system in a way perfect way for human life to live and survive on Earth. eg3 A chaotic disorderly process of events resulted to humans establishing morality, rationality, law and order. So rather than having a God (who planned and designed the human body, morality, and a desire to maintain law/order), we have a cosmic accident (an unplanned chaotic process of events that some how managed to design the human body, and give humans a need to establish law and order).

This is why most people in the world today believe in God and follow a religion.
Be honest with yourself and look at how illogical atheism is. Most people can see how illogical it is, which is why u atheists are so angry, you are the minority, a complete joke and the world knows it.
8 years ago Report
deuce916: There is a reason why life continues to occur, you just don't know what it is.
8 years ago Report
deuce916: Well, not consciously at least.
8 years ago Report
deuce916: Religion clouds your better judgement. Admit it, you're too scared to look for the truth.
8 years ago Report
defibsrus: HydroMan, just answer the question!
Do you honestly believe that Newton would hold the same views on evolutionary biology if he were alive today?
Seriously, try to be honest!
(Edited by defibsrus)
8 years ago Report
deuce916: HydroMan, with all that fine tuning, why does god then go on to make suffering, disease & sin? It doesn't make sense, it is a joke.
8 years ago Report
HydroMan: why does god then go on to make suffering, disease & sin? I will answer your question if you can answer mine

Why would morality, order and justice exist when life came into existence through a process of unplanned, chaotic, spontaneous events? Why would an unplanned chaotic cosmic event create the human body to have taste buds to enjoy food? Why would an unplanned process of events create humans to live and then allow humans to die?” Why would a random cosmic accidental creation cause humans to become self-aware and gain morals/knowledge of right and wrong – we are all going to die anyway, and were created for no apprant reason, so there is no logical reason for evolution to cause a creature to gain morality. Why would a random process of events create humans to have lungs? Lungs are designed for breathing air. And lungs are what keep humans alive (along with many other vital organs which supposedly came to exist for no reason). So why would a random accident even start building a lung in the first place? Why does an atheist need to value the life of a human more than a pile of rocks? Both have come into existence through an accidental process of events, so why value one more than the other?

Give me a rational answer to these things, and then I will give you a rational answer to why God 'makes suffering disease and sin'
8 years ago Report
deuce916: Yet again I say you haven't found the truth. Just keep looking & you may find it. At the moment you're lost. But don't give up on trying, the truth is within & around you.
8 years ago Report
deuce916: Also, you don't have a rational answer to the question of "Why does god make suffering, disease & sin?"
8 years ago Report
HydroMan: I have a rational answer. But since u cannot answer my question, I will not give you my answer
8 years ago Report
deuce916: If your answer involves a god then it is not a rational or truthful answer.
8 years ago Report
deuce916: For some reason your brain hasn't been tuned to think for itself & the reason for that is fear.
8 years ago Report
HydroMan: I will say it one last time, I have a rational answer. But since u cannot answer my question/questions, I will not give you my answer
8 years ago Report
HydroMan: Why would morality, order and justice exist when life came into existence through a process of unplanned, chaotic, spontaneous events? Why would an unplanned chaotic cosmic event create the human body to have taste buds to enjoy food? Why would an unplanned process of events create humans to live and then allow humans to die?” Why would a random cosmic accidental creation cause humans to become self-aware and gain morals/knowledge of right and wrong – we are all going to die anyway, and were created for no apprant reason, so there is no logical reason for evolution to cause a creature to gain morality. Why would a random process of events create humans to have lungs? Lungs are designed for breathing air. And lungs are what keep humans alive (along with many other vital organs which supposedly came to exist for no reason). So why would a random accident even start building a lung in the first place? Why does an atheist need to value the life of a human more than a pile of rocks? Both have come into existence through an accidental process of events, so why value one more than the other?

Give me a rational answer to these things, and then I will give you a rational answer to why God 'makes suffering disease and sin'
8 years ago Report
deuce916: It looks like you are looking for the rational answer to your questions. Keep looking & good luck.
8 years ago Report
deuce916: You keep saying life is accidental, you must rectify this. Maybe you've been influenced by science.
8 years ago Report