Jesus changes many things, Part I

Cenababy: Jesus ministry caused many changes Jesus ministry caused many changes in the law — changes so dramatic that laws were “set aside” or declared “obsolete” (Hebrews 7:18; 8:13). Some laws remained the same, some were changed, and others were “abolished” (Ephesians 2:15). When Jesus said, “I have not come to abolish the Law or the Prophets,” he did not mean that each specific law would stay exactly the same. He meant that the purpose and message of the Law and the Prophets remain exactly the same. The Law and the Prophets pointed to him and were intended from the beginning to be fulfilled by him. Some of the specific laws of the old covenant are still valid, but many of them were set aside when Jesus came and fulfilled them by his life, death and resurrection. Matthew 5:17 is not a “proof” of any particular law, because this verse does not tell us which specific laws are still valid or which have been changed or set aside. Old covenant laws (such as the laws of sacrifice) have been set aside precisely because Jesus has fulfilled them.
9 years ago Report
Cenababy: He did not come for the purpose of destroying those laws, but for fulfilling their meaning. However, by fulfilling their meaning, he made it unnecessary for Christians to keep those laws. They are unnecessary because they have served their purpose by pointing to Jesus. He is the reality to which they could only point. Now that he has come, they are no longer legally binding. Yet because they point to Jesus Christ and show how God interacted with a group of people at one time and place, the old covenant laws continue to give us insights into God’s will. Even the laws of sacrifice are “useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness” (2 Timothy 3:16).
9 years ago Report
Cenababy: Jesus did not emphasize the same things Moses did. Moses wrote many chapters about the tabernacle and the “place” in which God put his name. Jesus said that place did not matter (John 4:20-24). Moses wrote many chapters about ritual uncleanness; Jesus was much less concerned about it. Instead, Jesus gave much more emphasis to the way people should treat each other. The law of Moses required many animal sacrifices, but because of the sacrificial death of Jesus, the sacrifices are no longer required. Moses wrote that sins could be atoned for through the performance of rituals, but this was a temporary and external atonement; Jesus simply forgave people as a permanent gift and a cleansed conscience. Jesus often told people to obey God, but Moses is not the standard by which obedience is now measured.
9 years ago Report
Cenababy: . 6. Who is the final authority for Christians? Matthew 7:21-29; 10:32-33, 39; 19:29; 28:18-20; John 3:25-26; 6:29; 14:21-23; 17:2-3.Moses said one thing, but Jesus said another (Matthew 5:21-45). Jesus presented himself as the greater authority, the perfect authority, the basis on which people will be judged. Our lives should conform to the standard Jesus set, not the imperfect standard Moses wrote. In Christianity, some of the laws of Moses are still valid, and others are not (for an example of each, the law about murder and the law about tassels). How do we know which is valid and which is obsolete?
9 years ago Report
Cenababy: The New Testament is the authority by which the old covenant is to be understood. Although the Old Testament is inspired Scripture and part of the Word of God, its purpose was to point to the coming and work of Jesus Christ. Therefore, when it comes to understanding what is required for Christian behavior, the Old Testament must be interpreted in light of what the New Testament says — and the New Testament says that the old covenant is obsolete (Hebrews 8:13).
9 years ago Report
Laura  _
(Post deleted by Cenababy 7 years ago)
Laura  _
(Post deleted by Cenababy 7 years ago)
Cenababy: CHayi, shut up!
9 years ago Report
jelapi23: agreeing to the law code was part of the covenant agreement . yes it was. Cena ,good posts. the parts of the law that the apostles kept were actually the laws and principles God had put in place even way before he had a name people that entered into that covenant with him. the laws on blood and other things were given to Noah even, and the principles of marriage, started even with adam and eve. so yes, I agree with you on how and why 'Jesus changed things" !
9 years ago Report
jelapi23: The 'new law' he gave was 'the law of love' for all
9 years ago Report
Cenababy: absolutely LOVE, his most important message, for if we love how can we hurt others, we cannot hurt others if we love therefore we cannot break his commandments. thanks Jel
9 years ago Report
Laura  _
(Post deleted by Cenababy 7 years ago)
Cenababy: Laura I think we need to list a lot of verses which tells how Jesus changed things or moved them, or paused them or abolished because he was here in the flesh, the OT is Part I, the NT is Part II, all of the OT was before Jesus came in the flesh, it was based on what to do "before he came", don't you know that once he came things changed? Example: sacrifice, this was a ritual to show loyalty, etc., etc., once Jesus WAS the sacrifice, we no longer needed the rituals. I am stunned more people do not get that or haven't realized that the bible even says this. You can keep the old laws if you wish, and do the celebrations, rituals etc., but the main premise is JESUS and you are not held to those laws and rituals once you have accepted him and who he was./is. And so why the harping on the sabbath, each person has to decide how to celebrate for him and if you had read all of the posts and verses, you might be able to understand WHY most Christians celebrate him on Sunday. It was NOT just because of Constantine/Romans/Catholics....there are reasons for it, it is to celebrate HIS sacrifice and rising that we celebrate on his day!
9 years ago Report
Laura  _
(Post deleted by Cenababy 7 years ago)
Cenababy: again show me the commandment that says, celebrate the sabbath on saturday and this is a commandment? also, did you read what I said above about rituals and traditions? show e in the 10 commandments where God says it is commanded that you still sacrifice animals after Jesus sacrificed himself?
9 years ago Report
(Post deleted by electrician25hr 9 years ago)
Laura  _
(Post deleted by Cenababy 7 years ago)
(Post deleted by Cenababy 7 years ago)
bainyu: I think if a person has an understanding of who Jesus is and what Jesus did then this whole thing would not be a debate. Jesus does NOT Erase God's words. Jesus IS Gods word. Jesus has been God's word from the Beginning. Jesus death and resurrection was the beginning of completion. Him FUFILLING the requirement and signing what has been written. He did it all. Everything is UNDER Christ. What is it that brings us closer to God? Is it CHRIST or what we can do?
9 years ago Report
Cenababy: Laura no one said, he changed the Sabbath. Perhaps you should re-read all my points and bainyu's points for that matter!~ The apostles even met on Sunday and broke bread Laura, it is the day our Lord rose, this is why most Christians celebrate it this way. I do not believe that just because "we don't break bread on Saturday" that we are in jeopardy of losing Christ...that was my whole point.....
9 years ago Report
Laura  _
(Post deleted by Cenababy 7 years ago)
jelapi23: The apostles worshipped eveyr single day, there is NO one certain 'day' for that for Christians. No day is more important or set aside more than any other. neither day is 'the ' day, none
9 years ago Report
Cenababy: well there ya go! well said Jel!
9 years ago Report
Cenababy: AMEN bainyu, you tell it! EXACTLY!!! He is the beginning and the end, everything was done by him and through him!!!! amen
9 years ago Report
Laura  _
(Post deleted by Cenababy 7 years ago)
Laura  _
(Post deleted by Cenababy 7 years ago)
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