a Jew Disproves Christianity (Page 5)

ryan58581: im sorry your very cute but you are using every chance you can to get away from the subject
like now for example
10 years ago Report
The Laughing Mexican
The Laughing Mexican: yeah gronchbove the economic problem is due to single mothers. that's what it's all about (pats gronchbove on the head) now run along and play crayons with that other ryan guy
10 years ago Report
ryan58581: what i just said before should do mexican
10 years ago Report
gronchbove: When a married woman needs money she gets it from her husband. When a single mother needs money she gets it from you, Laughing Mexican. Do you understand?
10 years ago Report
The Laughing Mexican
The Laughing Mexican: ryan, when a person starts claiming that the economic crisis boils down to single mothers and another claims the soviet union collapsed because of atheism, it is at that point one must back away from the mental decline of a topic.
10 years ago Report
gronchbove: Nothing is free. All those single women on Food Stamps get money from the government. Where does the government get its money? From taxes. Your taxes. Comprende?
10 years ago Report
ryan58581: and when one person instead of addressing it then moving on sticks to and lingers on it for some time then it shows that one has run out of things to say
10 years ago Report
gronchbove: Your taxes go up to pay for all those on food stamps. Eventually, you run out of money. You can't buy as much at Wal-Mart. Wal-Mart fires workers, increases unemployment and incomes decline. That is Economics 101.
10 years ago Report
gronchbove: Laughing, this is about looking at the facts supporting a premise. Where are your facts? We have facts, we are identifying cause and effect. We don't hear any theories from you.
10 years ago Report
The Laughing Mexican
The Laughing Mexican: address blunt stupidity?

every thinking person knows that the economic crisis is not due to single mothers
every thinking person who knows about the Soviets will tell u that its fall had nothing to do with atheism.

i do not need to go through every nonsensical statement placed forward. i do not need to sift through filth
10 years ago Report
gronchbove: We agree that the economic crisis is serious. Do you understand what the cause of the economic crisis is? Do you want me to tell you?
10 years ago Report
gronchbove: Actually, Laughing Mexican, we have been talking for awhile. Tell us, What do you think the cause of the economic crisis is?
10 years ago Report
ryan58581: i will post so this forum may restart again
10 years ago Report
Zanjan: Good luck with that.
10 years ago Report
BeyondHelp: Hey ... where was the bit about a jew disproving christianity ... christianity is based on a fanciful story concocted by ignorant folk so it does exist ... in a few hundred years time lord of the rings will have all been true too . . .but thats another story ....
10 years ago Report
Zanjan: Lousy prediction -
the Lord of the Rings arrived awhile back but you have to find Him on your own, Hobbit Man. Is a mountain too hard for you to climb?

(Edited by Zanjan)
10 years ago Report
gronchbove: Are you our Precious?

The sad thing is much of Christianity is an illusion. Look hard at the leaders of the world - most are pagans. Or worship evil. They don't care about anything but Money.
10 years ago Report
Zanjan: Don't you get it? This is why God left them behind.
10 years ago Report
gronchbove: So you believe in the Rapture? And you think we are all the ones left behind?
10 years ago Report
Zanjan: You were talking about the world's leaders (implying they were the Christian ones)........so was I speaking of them.

God left them behind because they govern the world - they were elected/appointed to do the will of the people, not the will of God - am I right? You can't have two masters.

The Rapture? I'm not relegated to mere belief - I've experienced it.

10 years ago Report
gronchbove: I don't see "any leaders ordained by God." They are wicked and serve evil.

But tell me about your personal experience with the Rapture.
10 years ago Report
BeyondHelp: a born again christian is akin to someone falling in love ... cept most people fall in love with someone else ... not some imagined thing that only exists cos people needed an explanation of how "all this" came to be, and then someone else made up the perfect fairy tale with a virgin giving birth ... tho why they accept that perversion that this imagined thing let the sprog of the virgin birth die and this saved us all from our naughtiness, I dunno ...

they are really and most definitely mentally ill . . .
10 years ago Report
Zanjan: Beyond, you can't fall in love with someone you don't know.

As for fairy tales, did you learn nothing from Aesop's Fables? Or maybe you never heard of them.

Gronch, as for the Rapture - that's a true thing, a profound and private affair between man and God. It may not be what some people expect but its what they hoped it would be. In fact, it's all that AND a bag of chips!

Of course, any practicing Jew would support that because they used to have some very famous mystics. Then again, so did the Muslims.

(Edited by Zanjan)
10 years ago Report
chayim: jews had 24 prophets and they were totally holy, because god's lifestyle and culture and spirit is his 613 commandments in his torah
10 years ago Report
Zanjan: The key word here, Chayi is "HAD".

That was a long time ago - and you're crowing about it?? Seriously, if Jews had been doing the right thing, God wouldn't have needed to send so many.

10 years ago Report