The Serpent told the truth, God lied. (Page 80)

Zanjan: No excuse.......just loosened up his inhibitions a bit. If he was that bloody drunk, he couldn't have fought his way out of a wet paper bag, much less kill somebody. If there's one thing I know really well, it's drunks of all kinds.
(Edited by Zanjan)
6 years ago Report
chronology: Sharpshooting today is not what it was Zan. The best snipers in the world are all Russian, no offence to America or Canada. The rifles virtually fire themselves.
All the sniper does is set up the equipment. A wind speed device, altitude device, humidity device and distance device. All the information gets fed into a computer attached to the rifle. All the sharpshooter does is aim and shoot when told to by the computer.
6 years ago Report
Zanjan: I beg to differ - Canada is in all but one of the top 4 places of best military shooters in the world. England has the other place. The USA is in 5th place. Check out the stats.

While you're mostly right about the technology, that level of military sharp-shooting requires a spotter (second man) to read out the data to the shooter, who interprets it. The sniper still has to configure the settings on the gun. They aren't mafia hitmen. They can't miss.

You can't call it a sport because the government forces the military to keep precise records of everything. It takes 10 seconds for that huge bullet to reach a target that far away - anything could have happened in that amount of time. It's still amazing.
(Edited by Zanjan)
6 years ago Report
chronology: Nope, I stick with the Russians Zan. But yes you are right about the human element still being needed, for now anyway. A classic sharp shooter movie is 'Enemy at the Gates' with Jude Law.
6 years ago Report
Zanjan: Yeah, that was really edge-of- the- seat stuff, although more about the brilliant strategy and providence of the hunt. Love movies that are true stories. American Sniper - riveting story of Chris Kyle - was awesome food for thought.
(Edited by Zanjan)
6 years ago Report
Zanjan: The 'eye-in-the-sky' is such a game changer, that it will be instrumental in bringing an end to physical war. Soon....because techies need to focus on the digital wars.
(Edited by Zanjan)
6 years ago Report
h0nd0: well in the past.. snipers were and are considered the highest death rate in the military.. js
6 years ago Report
Zanjan: Believe it or not, firefighters have a more dangerous job than policemen. Somebody's gotta do the nasty work so, kudos to the brave souls who try to protect the innocent.

You're in trouble, Hondo, because Safety News Network say the highest fatality rate of any profession is fishers and related fishing workers.
(Edited by Zanjan)
6 years ago Report
h0nd0: you know you`r`e talking to a fisherman right?... one of the 10 most dangerous jobs in the world..
6 years ago Report
Zanjan: Timing is not your forte, eh
6 years ago Report
h0nd0: editing my life is nice .. but i would`n`t want to live there
6 years ago Report
Zanjan: I'm sure you can locate the fish though. Catching them, I suppose, depends on the kind of fish you're after. Was recently reading about the weird stuff guys are bringing up in their nets lately due to the changing temps of the oceans. Colonies of minute creatures in tubal masses.
6 years ago Report
Zanjan: That's not what they were after. Humans are resourceful though; they'll likely find a use for them.
6 years ago Report
h0nd0: in the states.. fish and game laws prohibit fisherman from taking rocks and creatures that live in the rocks or any structure a form of life can live in.. its sometimes a very high fine for anyone who disturbs the lifecycle.. now
6 years ago Report
h0nd0: this does not pertain to trash humans.. leave or find its way to the sea..
6 years ago Report
Zanjan: Of course, who wants a photo of somebody holding trash humans? Ick.
6 years ago Report
ghostgeek: Where have all the devils gone? Far, far away.
6 years ago Report
6 years ago Report
ghostgeek: If it wasn't for the Serpent there would be no religion.
6 years ago Report
Zanjan: How do you figure that? Have you entirely ruled out the balance of nature?

You've heard the old saying, ' one Chief for every 10 Indians'. It may seem imbalanced but this is the scale of order, not weights. It applies inside religion and out. Among all sentient creatures, followers will always outstrip both primary and secondary leaders in numbers.

There are always a certain number of souls who aren't overpowered by the serpent because they're pure-spirited, well-trained, disciplined servants of God. They didn't get to be that way on their own - they're inseparable from religion and are its stabilizing factor.

History is cyclical - during a certain phase, where the serpent has been running amok, there's very, very few pure-spirited servants - they need to be replenished to restore social order. Thus, religion will always have its place with or without the serpent.

There's no serpent in heaven - it's all religion.
(Edited by Zanjan)
6 years ago Report
h0nd0: if the serpent is the reason for religion.. then.. you know God is a truer fact.. because the serpent is part of that factual Gods make-up.. in religion..
(Edited by h0nd0)
6 years ago Report
PyroclasticFlo: "The reptilian brain, the oldest of the three, controls the body's vital functions such as heart rate, breathing, body temperature and balance. Our reptilian brain includes the main structures found in a reptile's brain: the brainstem and the cerebellum. The reptilian brain is reliable but tends to be somewhat rigid and compulsive."
6 years ago Report
ghostgeek: The Serpent is the one character in the Bible story that is indispensable. To see why just consider the alternative, where he doesn't saunter up to Ever and tap her on the shoulder. If the Serpent hadn't tempted her, Eve would still be wandering around the Garden of Eden wondering what fig leaves were for. And with his missus otherwise occupied, Adam would have been left in peace to tend God's garden. There would have been no fall and therefore no need for redemption, thus making religion otiose.
6 years ago Report
Zanjan: Yes, the reptilian brain (brain one) functions autosomally as the body's basic engine so, we don't have to think about ticking along. It governs the housekeeping.

This brain has a swelling at the top (the cortext), which governs consciousness, permitting the creature to react to stimuli and choose an action. For an earthworm, this swelling is very tiny compared to say, a Komodo Dragon.

The second and third brains didn't develop from the reptilian brain as an expansion - they're full on, separate additions, which places the recipient in a different realm of existence. Only humans have a third brain so, it's scientifically true that man doesn't belong to the animal kingdom and never did.

When we say that man was always man, we're saying the potential was written in stone - that his physical roots (as above) were in the soil; yet, this creature didn't appear until the neocortext was added. That's the approximate date we have, nearly 2 million years ago.

God had His genetic plan together from the beginning of life on earth; the specific genes to facilitate each category of life and each brain addition were corralled separately along a distinct line, which had numerous branches.

(Edited by Zanjan)
6 years ago Report
h0nd0: as a fisherman dealing with huge creatures that are not mammals.. i found that the brain is no bigger than a pea.. even in the large great white shark weighing up to 2 tons.. metric
6 years ago Report