Why do you not believe in god (Page 2)


Is God willing to prevent evil, but not able?
Then he is not omnipotent.

Is he able, but not willing?
Then he is malevolent.

Is he both able and willing?
Then whence cometh evil?

Is he neither able nor willing?
Then why call him God?

~~ Epicurus

11 years ago Report
splitter: ...or he could simply be omnipotent and evil at the same time.

Some believers claim that evil is to the greater benefit of mankind; we need to be tempted and suffer to realise the need to be saved, or so they say...
11 years ago Report
(Post deleted by StuckInTheSixties 11 years ago)

splitter says:
"or he could simply be omnipotent and evil at the same time."

That was covered by Epicurus:
Is he able [omnipotent], but not willing?
Then he is malevolent [evil]

That's the thing that's so cool about Epicurus ... he managed to sum up the entire deal in those few lines.

splitter says:
"Some believers claim that evil is to the greater benefit of mankind; we need to be tempted and suffer to realise the need to be saved, or so they say... "

Yeah, well, to speak with a bit less eloquence than Epicurus ...

That's pretty fucked up.

(Edited by StuckInTheSixties)
11 years ago Report

Oh, by the way, my friend Jetters is my source for that beautiful Epicurus quote. Credit given where credit is due.

11 years ago Report
assegayer1: Is this yet another effort at proselytizing or is this an honest quest for knowledge?
11 years ago Report

It's proselytizing. See page 1.

11 years ago Report
SITS: I know it is proselytizing, I'm trying to make him aware of what he's doing here.
11 years ago Report
assegayer1: stuck in sixties...god is able to do all thing ...he is able to stop war if he wills cure sickness if he wills guide us to a cure if he wills. guide you to religion if he wills...even though god already knows what will come of us e.g who will be the pious and kind and good belivers.and who will be the evil ones who are astray from the straight path..however he wants us to see that so that we know on judgement day we have truly wronged or done goods.otherwise you cannot just judge people and say well i knew what was going to happen to u even though you havnt done it so bye bye go to hell..off course not god is fair and who ever seeks to try and find more about god and islam allah will guide them to the straight path god willing....so we do not question god power its unimaginable
11 years ago Report

See? Told ya he was proselytizing ...

Man, his name BEGS to be made fun of ... my contribution:


11 years ago Report
SITS: Perhaps he's butthurt from the last time I put him in place. I feel quite sorry for him, being in a predicament as severe as Islamic childhood indoctrination. I can't think of anything worse than that.
11 years ago Report
GrumpyGranny: How about a good whacking with my cane in a place where it hurts the most for those that don't behave? I think I may still be able to beat some sense into those that are keen on telling everybody else how to live their lives. Why don't they just mind their own business and respect disagreeing opinions without preaching?

Now, I can go back to sleep and nurse my headache...
11 years ago Report
GrumpyGranny: I think you'll have to wear out quite a few canes if you are even remotely hoping to whack sense into such beings. You're an infidel, and as such, less worth and less trustworthy. You're also a woman, making you even less worth. You have your task set, I wish you good luck. I'll even sponsor a couple of canes for you, but I doubt it will work.
11 years ago Report
assegayer1: hahahahahaha you guys honestly make me laugh and im actually not being sarcastic. the way you guys love talking and making fun when what msot of you do is just try and blind others maybe if you saw the truth you would see that you guys are really wrong and have no logic invloved....your basicly saying that over 1.6 billion people all have their eyes and ears closed and have no brains but jsut to follow a random book ..no...they have actually tryed unlike you guys to seek the straight and knowledgeable path...orkanan last time you really did put me in my place man thanks for that!!!!
(Edited by assegayer1)
11 years ago Report
Coffrey: The question isn't why we don't believe, it's the default state not to believe something without sufficient evidence.

Why do YOU believe in a god? Then we can go from there.
11 years ago Report
rabbitizer: It's not a matter of how many people believe in something. It's easy to assume a belief, particularly when society doesn't give you another valid option. To challenge a faith and step out of it demands courage and a different kind of sacrifice. Just because something has been repeated for hundreds or even thousands of years doesn't necessarily make it a truth. Now, that is food for some serious meditation.
11 years ago Report
assegayer1: Because I was raised to think for myself, plus the fact that only one of my grandmothers tried teaching me to believe, and not very frequent, I managed to break free of religion, if not, I'd most likely be bending over backwards defending the undefendable, just like you are now. There was a period in my life where I believed Religionists had something others don't. I've later come to realize how wrong I was back then.

I'm guessing you have been raised to believe in the same faith as your family. If so, it requires a certain inborn attitude to life, or sheer luck, to break free from it. If your community did their job well, you'll continue asserting your faith as truth, you will also see your faith as truth, no matter what I say. On the other hand, if you're honestly interested in why some people don't believe, you'll need to change your attitude quite a bit. Humility goes a long way.
11 years ago Report
(Post deleted by staff 10 years ago)
assegayer1: to be perfectly honest with you hinduism has no sence in worshipping idols that were createdd by mans own hands..howver islam all adds up and i say this because i have an underfsatnding of the quran the true religion
11 years ago Report
Coffrey: You know, to the hindus, they don't think it's worshiping false idols of man, and they think you are worshiping falsehoods as well.
11 years ago Report
lavendar_star: This is crazy assegayner1, you made a thread asking people a question why the dont believe in God but you seem to be on a quest just to preach your own religion and ignore everything else.
11 years ago Report
(Post deleted by staff 10 years ago)
lavendar_star: Well that needs to be done so they can make sense of their claim that they have the one true religion and God, you have to dismiss and undermine the competition,
11 years ago Report
CoIin: The headexplode emote seems to be out of action


This is a chance for us all to be brought closer together. Will the religious people please to your respective gods for the headexplode emote to be healed, and the atheists.... well I dunno, do a rain dance or something.

(Edited by CoIin)
11 years ago Report
lavendar_star: it has be decommission by the wire overloads but this one is pretty suitable in how people wish to their beliefs on to others.
(Edited by lavendar_star)
11 years ago Report