The Gospel of Barnabas: A Witness and a Victim (Page 3)

duncan123: i thought this was about why islamic people did n't appear in the bible much

and suggest that it may be because the people involved could n't meet much due to something in the landscape
13 years ago Report
(Post deleted by staff 10 years ago)
Squid_L1ps: 'Islamic people appear in the Bible???'

Yah, of course!! Didnt u know?!? Its the part after Harry Potter resurects the magical two-headed goblin and they fly away together on a talking unicorn to live forever in the magical land of the Blueberry. Thats when they meet the Islamic people.
13 years ago Report
pioneer: Didn't realise that Harry Potter was a biblical character. So much for not paying attention in Sunday School...
13 years ago Report
duncan123: i don't smoke

i do suggest you stop talking about drugs as
a,it has nothing to do with this forum
b,drug users and people around who live near you might dislike it as they did when jack of hearts did it and beat you up as they did with jack.

what i was going to say was....
13 years ago Report
duncan123: i have seen the door keeper in a dream years ago and again when i was working in pakistan. he was just as you discribed above and i saw the door.
a condition of the work was to record any dreams and pass the information on to the employer. i only had distubed dreams when working for them but later i saw past the door.

what i did see and what colored my dreams was the "them" the pakistanis refered to. they said to me "they are here" and such, as i could only just understand the pakistani in dialect and with tired voices i had to ask who they were but all they ever said was "they and them"
13 years ago Report
duncan123: im sure alina- alex could tell me who Barnabus was?
and why he wrote down what became his gospel?
13 years ago Report
duncan123: barnabus also wrote a histroy of himself which forms another part of the bible

he also wrote several other accounts including one about his time recording the history of jesus which would have appeared on another
"scroll" but was rubbed out--by someone or thing.

the egyptians also have a record of something which would remove writing from papyrus and rewite it. it was called something like ish-mute and connected to disease and would push you or knock you

the question is who asked barnabus to write his historys and probaly paid him for his work?
13 years ago Report