Paul - a brief biography

rabbitizer: Over the last few years, I have become fascinated with Paul and I have read dozens of books besides an extensive Internet search to glean information about this person's life and possible motives for his religious revolution.

Here is my conclusion in a much contracted version…

Paul was most likely born in AD 17, probably in Tarsos, Turkey, although his family moved to Jerusalem while he was still young. In the New Testament, we find several hints to his affiliation with the Herodians and I have traced some indications that he was a great nephew of King Herod, a grandson of his sister Salome, through his father Elxai. Paul's mother was Priscilla, a Roman woman of high standing, who was the full sister of Bishop Clement and a half sister of the disciple twins James and John Boanerges. Paul also had an older sister named Domitilla, who had married another Herod, a grandson of the king. Thus, the apostle was connected to both the ruling house (which gave him privileges such as a Roman citizenship and invaluable connections on his many travels) and the inner circle around Jesus.

Paul first studied traditional Judaism with the Pharisees and then became a henchman for High Priest Caiaphas; a bounty hunter to track down and execute religious deviants. Hebrew manuscripts claim that he did this in order to marry Caiaphas' daughter Sara, a cousin of Paul's father. But such a marriage never happened and the highly ambitious Paul lost patience with the Herodians and their puppet priests, since he realised that he would never rise to a prominent position in their religious hierarchy.

Instead, he turned to a direction that opposed them and whose members he had formerly tried vigorously to exterminate. But now, he found that these progressive, Hellenistic Jews could be used as a tool to fulfill his ambitions of becoming a great religious leader. So he pretended to be converted to their faith to gain access to their organisation, even though he had already started to plan how he should emerge with a completely new theology, centered around the deification of their former leader Jesus.

And he eventually succeeded, to the great horror and disgust of Jesus' brothers and other relatives, who regarded Paul as a traitor, an apostate and a false apostle. I would have thought that Jesus' next of kin would have been the first ones to promote him to a god if they really had belived that he was divine, but no such thing happened. Instead, there occurred a bitter rift between them and Paul, after the latter also had abused their trust and religious connections to pass himself off as one of them and thus receive goodwill and help to establish new congregations in Asia Minor and Greece.

The spiritual descendants of Paul fought the spiritual descendants of Jesus for religious supremacy around the inner part of the Mediterranean for 300 years, until Constantine legalized Christianity for his own political purposes and banned other cults with Jewish origins.

I have to admit that I was shocked when this reality dawned on me and it became clear that Christianity is not founded on the true teaching of Jesus at all, but rather on elements that opposed it on central points. Well, if one dares to fish on deep waters, one may also be prepared to land an unknown fish with strange properties…
13 years ago Report
Yahweh: Paul [Saul of Tarsus] tried interpolating his new found belief of Jesus[another crucified Man/God savior -there were 16 before him] into the Essenes of the Dead Sea community at Qumran's belief ,he was quickly ejected from the community for his blasphemous ways ,he still diligently tried to make others believe ,it wasn't until the concil at Nicea [325 A.D.] and Emporer Constantine adopted the Man/God to get the Heathens ,Pagans and Christians to have one common belief .Paul was struck down on the road to Damascus for his Blasphemy .

FYI Paul is known as 'The Master Of Lies' in the Dead Sea Scrolls
13 years ago Report
(Post deleted by staff 10 years ago)
Magicspell: Correct. To all with open eyes and a 20/20 vision that is not blinded by a dogmatic light, it should be plain enough to understand that something like this really must have happened. In the scriptures of the Nazareans (sadly most of them have been destroyed as "heretic literature" by the Church), Paul is described as the arch enemy; a renegade that corrupted their true doctrines by creating a mythical figure loosely based on a rabbi and studded with elements from former deities until he is barely recognizable. Why would the Nazareans have protested so loudly and for so long if there was a concensus about Jesus' divinity?
13 years ago Report
Yahweh: There was no city of Nazareth during Jesus day [if he existed]

Yahoshua Messiah[Joshua] on the other hand was known as the Nazarene
[Nazarene means Keeper of Secrets -or To Keep]

He instructed the Dead Sea Community at Qumran on many subjects of the OCCULT
{Occult means Hidden Knowledge }

Paul was taught much of what the Essenes taught before they kicked his A$$ out of the community for blasphemy
13 years ago Report
Magicspell: The Nazarean Sect was known already in the Old Testament, since both Samson and Samuel were members.

So a Nazarean wasn't a person from Nazareth, which quite correctly didn't exist in the times of Jesus. It only started to pop up on Roman maps a couple of hundred years later, probably as a consequence that Nazareans lived there.

At that time, the Nazareans were the inner core of the Essenes, who succumbed after the fall of the Temple, while the Nazareans survived for at least 300 years, sometimes under the name Ebionites ( "The Poor" ). They were so called by Roman Christians because they considered them "too poor of heart" to worship Jesus as a god. But the Nazareans/Ebionites knew very well who Jesus had been and what Paul had done to deify him.
13 years ago Report
Yahweh: All true ,thank you ,it is nice to exchange ideas with knowledgable minds
13 years ago Report
pioneer: The followers of Paul have compromised the Jewish foundation of true Christianity. For thousands of years, Christians have been spellbound victims of this high-level spiritual conspiracy.

Most churchgoers love Jesus Christ deeply in their hearts, but they unknowingly serve a man made concept masterminded by Paul. They revere Paul's creation as "Saviour" and greatest exponent of the Christian faith, even though his major actions and doctrinal pronouncements discreetly undermine the well-known precepts of the historical, Jewish Jesus.
13 years ago Report
oh_good_laughs: Wow, this room is full of spice and "hidden motive" ideas.

Simply, Paul didn't become wealthy for following, or in your thoughts "promoting" Jesus. Paul (prior to his conversion) was killing the followers of Jesus, the same people you are insinuating him of guiding in the first place! James, Peter, Titus, Paul, etc - all had their own perspectives, sure, but they all edified Jesus! They all glorified Jesus!

Paul was living a comfortable life. Paul was well studied in Old Testament law. Paul was well respected in the society of law, and stood with the aristocrats.

Then, he gave it all up to preach the gospel of Jesus, and he was imprisoned. He was beaten with rods with long leather lashes, and kept preaching. He was stoned (left for dead) and kept preaching. Paul was shipwrecked, and kept preaching. A night and a day he slept in the sea, and kept preaching. Before Paul was beheaded, he was still preaching the death, burial, and resurrection of Jesus Christ!

May Christ have the glory, the Son of the living God! Shalom everyone.
13 years ago Report
mongrel_pup: I don't quite get it yet.

So Paul was the first to consider Jesus divine and now he is thought of as a god-maker?
13 years ago Report
Yahweh: Paul [Saul of Tarsus] lived with a MAN named Christian while studying theology in Greece . Christian gave him the doctrines of Christ to push as a NEW belief ,he tried interpolating his newfound belief into that of the Essenes ,they quickly ejected him from the community for Blasphemy , in reality ,the first people to believe what Paul was pushing ,were called Christians not because they worshipped Christ [which only means Anointed and there have been many of them throught Biblical history] they were called Christians because they followed the doctrines of the man named Christian that Paul shacked up with ,Christian was a Homosexual so figure the relationship out for yourself .
13 years ago Report
satangel: The last post makes a good bedtime fairytale for adults.

Linguistic analyses will reveal that "Christ" must be older than "Christian" and that the latter is an adjective based on the noun "Christ/Messiah/Anointed One". Christian means "a follower of Christ" and wasn't used as a personal name/first name until around AD 800. It probably originated in Germany.

Instead, the first Christians started to be called by that name in Antioch in AD 44, after they recognised a Christ (in this case Jesus' brother James) as their spiritual leader instead of a Herod prince.

Paul, on the other hand, never called his converts "Christians", but rather "Hebrews", "Israelites" and "People of Abraham's Seed".

Whoever told you the fable of Paul and his good buddy Christian must have smoked something funny for breakfast that day!
13 years ago Report
Yahweh: It was something I read long ago about Paul and his travels to Greece ,I have so much writings in my office ,I'm going to hire a couple of nephews to help me sort it all out ,I have much before 1500 A.D. set aside already ,interesting read I was throwing out there though . off the wall and tree top tall for sure ,just want to make people think .many are stagnated in their way of thinking ,I say some things just to get the rebuttals from others ,it shows people aren't asleep and taking notice .
13 years ago Report
satangel: hehe...

You sure got my attention, I almost choked on my cappuccino!

But you mentioned one interesting point: Paul's sexual orientation. many biblical scholars have actually claimed that he was gay, but I think that they are wrong. He may have had some feminine traits, but I believe that he - like Jesus - had to marry to be accepted as a qualified religious leader according to the strict Jewish Law.

Who his wife was? Poke me and I'll let you know in private, before Risen accuses me of yet another conspiracy theory... LOL
13 years ago Report
Yahweh: do tell ,I have read a few things that pointed to Paul being gay
13 years ago Report
(Post deleted by staff 10 years ago)
oh_good_laughs: The things we come up with.. I guess the motto is - the juicier the better.
13 years ago Report
Debugger: A good and objective discussion benefits from a number of theories opposing the so-called "orthodox" one.

It's essential to development and progress that we consider every possibility with the same eye and don't favor one idea just because it has been regarded as a self-proclaimed truth for thousands of years.

If we hadn't contested outdated doctrines, we would still have held slaves and believed that the earth was the center of the universe.

So even if I disagree with many things, I welcome them out in the open and into the arena of a healthy debate.
13 years ago Report
(Post deleted by staff 10 years ago)
Yahweh: Debugger : the world is ENSLAVED ,like it or not ,the Queen has been signing treaties left and right ,she has to sign but ONE MORE ,then she effectively hands the European Union over the the Chancelor of your Little country ,everyone knows he is under the thumb of PUTIN ,so a Biblical prophesy comes true in the near future 'THE RUSSIAN BEAR WILL OVERTAKE THE E.U. WITHOUT FIRING A SHOT' ,sorry I'm off topic ,enjoy the SABBATH all truth seekers and free thinkers ,but mind you keep it HOLY
13 years ago Report
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lord_gord: He used the Lord's name in vain and the apostles didn't trust him. He never met Jesus, nor did Jesus give him enlightenment.
8 years ago Report