Why do you love??

DragonBear: What is it in your life today that makes you love?
For me its my God,,,when my heart is open he gives me compassion,
I love being a Father, husband and doing a good job
What is it that makes you love?
12 years ago Report
pompompuddin: First and foremost is my Lord and Savior without a doubt. Then falling really close behind are my 2 blessings from God named Jaxon and Shyanne....then family and friends. All the rest is really nothing in my eyes.
12 years ago Report
deuce916: So DragonBear, you're saying without a god you couldn't love?
12 years ago Report
fossilgeezer: "Religion is not public good in own right."

(Old Chinese proverb)
12 years ago Report
DragonBear: Duece916 - Without my God Jesus Christ yes I could not live to the love I have today.
12 years ago Report
harlett: Excuse me...DragonBear....

when you said you wouldn't ever been in love....or known any for...either your own life... family without your devotion to "Jesus" didn't you say... it is "Jesus" loving your life and family for you...
12 years ago Report
DragonBear: Because I accept Jesus Christ as my savior I'm able to love more compassionately then me not believing in a God. Could I love without a God..Yes. But I have seen in my life with a commiment of faith my foundation for Love to myself and others is weaker when I have no commiment to God.
12 years ago Report
harlett: Savior from what.......DragonBear......

and then.... whether anyone believes in"God" or not...if "God" is a real alive and living entity we all meet Him/Her one day....

do you think "GOD" toss me into hell for honoring my life and living those in it.. along with my reverence for existence and nature.. because i reject all false fake religions doctrines codes of conduct and refused too be comforted by false comforts and security blankets........
12 years ago Report
DragonBear: So you have no faith. I doubt there is anything I can say here today to amend your decision on religion so I'm not going to go there. But I will pray for you ….The question is how”you" love

12 years ago Report
harlett: religion means to gather logic.....

how short sighted of you... to not have seen my faithfullness and capacity to be of living love...and too have added that your fit and able to judge my depth and purity of my living love......... no concept of"Jesus" taught you that... audacity............................and excuse you.....no matter what name you refer to any concept of "god/ Jesus"That LIVING ENTITY HAS BEEN WITH ME WHEN I BEGAN TO TAKE MY FIRST MORTAL ORGANIC BREATH and NEVER LEFT MY SIDE.... pray for you and for guideness in these matters for yourself..........
12 years ago Report
DragonBear: ….you must have a hell of a time ordering a sandwich.
12 years ago Report
harlett: silly man.....demeaning other with his small closed minded... that insult you just hurled at me along with the the others was expected...............

No concept of "Jesus" teaches dis-respecting-fking other's.............ya can't lead anyone onto or into doing so.... dang fake christian...............................

12 years ago Report
pompompuddin: I believe what Dragon is basically saying is that love is a gift from God. Actually LOVE is the greatest gift that God gave us. It is instilled in us from birth and can not be forced, taught, learned or bought....not real love that is. When you feel the love of God within you then that gift will show you how to truly know and appreciate what unconditional love is like and help make you capable of giving that type of love to others in your life...plus compassion for others also. Harlett, you may say whatever you wish to say, BUT nothing you nor anyone can ever tell me what I know in my heart to be the truth. I am a Christian and I love my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. I pity the ones that are so determined to NOT believe in the unseen and so set in their ways that they pass up on a gift that is ours for the asking yet freely given to each of us when Jesus died on His cross. Thanks and God's Blessings on you!
12 years ago Report
harlett: My capacity to love, is just a part my personal nature....

The greatest gift to receive from any concept of "God/Jesus" be.. in my opinion... is to be touched by "His" supernatural existence... endlessly...................
12 years ago Report
pompompuddin: Oh and one thing I do agree with you about Harlett is the fact that, true, we all were born with the love of God in us and with us thru our lives...but even that was well before we did take our first breath! We then will not be so innocent as the day we were born and begin our long path of sin and have to ask for forgiveness for those sins. God even loves the stubborn also! lol
12 years ago Report
harlett: SINE means esse to be and be pronounced sounding like sign or sin... we all are................sin. means to be combative in warfare against those in universal harmony.. by being active at being offensive and offending..................in that war fare..................
12 years ago Report
pompompuddin: Actually GOD is LOVE Harlett and that is why it is called the greatest gift of all..They are one in the same....... GOD=LOVE!
12 years ago Report
harlett: you can not shame me into becoming of false fake doctrines and codes of conduct....
12 years ago Report
pompompuddin: I'm not trying to convince or shame you into anything...that is your choice to make. I chose the path that I know is the right one and I am very happy that I did. We don't have to agree on our beliefs...but it would be nice to respect the beliefs of others even if you don't agree with them. I am a Christian by choice and you have the right to make your own choice also. This is a discussion and not an argument.
12 years ago Report
harlett: to forgive evil any evil is to agree with all evil...... have you not been taught that.... and that if the universal laws and codes of conduct ruling them could be broken then there had been no CROSS to die upon...

careful of lies that lead into you false beliefs and false comforts... so says thy lord thy god...

doesn't your bible also teach you that if you rely on to heavily "God/ Jesus" too do all the work of being faithful for you... you'll be sent every imaginable and unimaginable anachist and anitchrist to test you........................
(Edited by harlett)
12 years ago Report
harlett: evil cannot be forgiven..................................................
12 years ago Report
DragonBear: And there is the proof you do not believe in a loving God
12 years ago Report
harlett: what proof are you talking about.....

there is proof all are being deceived... just as the bible fore warns of....that evil...any evil can be forgiven is a lie.............................to forgive evil any evil is to agree with all evil...............................................................................
12 years ago Report
harlett: your missing the point of letting go what harmed you and or your loved ones... least be you become rath full..hate full..... that does not mean forgive it..............................
12 years ago Report
pompompuddin: All sins can be forgiven Harlett and no sin is greater than any other sin. We are suppose to take everything to the Lord in prayer..even the small things. I know I am a sinner that is saved by the grace of God and I am so blessed to be able to say that. Actually I have read my Holy Bible not just once, but 6 times front to back. I could sit and quote scriptures to you, but you want an argument and I refuse to fall into that trap. There will be an anti-christ just as the Bible says that there will be, but I know who my Savior is and my trust and faith will remain true to Him and wait on the Rapture to happen or to be called home before it does.

Now I have an appointment and you can continue on looking up things in the Bible or on Google in response to what I have written. Have a blessed day and be sure to thank God that He gave you another day!!
12 years ago Report
pompompuddin: OH!! Just one more thing. The Bible does say to forgive but no where in it does it ever say to forget! Blessings Puddin'
12 years ago Report
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