God and morality (Page 2)

ghostgeek: So, what about all those Prophets? Can we trust what they said? No way!

Each one of them had much to gain by telling lies.
8 years ago Report
Zanjan: GHOST! You didn't defend your gender. How interesting! Personally, I'd like to see that.

You're right - humanity can't be trusted. However, trust has nothing to do with their beliefs.

The difference between B.B and G. is that Big Brother puts his hand in your pocket but God sets a fire under your ass.

Do you trust yourself? If so, have you ever failed yourself?

8 years ago Report
ghostgeek: Defend my gender. I wondered about it, then decided I couldn't be bothered. It's just not important.
8 years ago Report
Zanjan: Good to hear you have no identity issues.
8 years ago Report
Zanjan: There are those who wont accept personal failure - they're the perfectionists, an ailing lot. Then there are those who wont accept others' failures - a very sick lot. Two extremes.

Finally, there are those who persevere, unrelenting in their forgiveness yet uncompromising in principle. This is the middle path, the moral choice of the well-balanced.
(Edited by Zanjan)
8 years ago Report
ghostgeek: Then there are the rest of us, who muddle along as best we can.
8 years ago Report
ghostgeek: All we can hope for is that we avoid falling for "prophets" of one stripe or another. They all have mucky fingers and their words cannot be trusted.
8 years ago Report
ghostgeek: Two names come to mind. Moses and Hitler.
8 years ago Report
ghostgeek: We live with the legacy of both of them.
8 years ago Report
ghostgeek: Is there any real difference between the Kingdom of God and the Thousand Year Reich?
8 years ago Report
ghostgeek: Both required blood to be spilt.
8 years ago Report
ghostgeek: Both had their chosen people.
8 years ago Report
ghostgeek: Both saw those who didn't conform as being expendable.
8 years ago Report
Zanjan: Ghost, nothing in existence is static - if you're not going forwards, your going backwards. Better to stumble ahead than to muddle along in circles.

Sorry, hope will not prevent one from being deceived. Hope carries a hint of doubt and usually leads one off into fantasyland. Ergo, the kind of hope one has should be grounded in the evidence and proof of what one can do now.

What sort of hope did people invest in the Prophets and people like Hitler? Which people and their progeny had their hopes realized?

(Edited by Zanjan)
8 years ago Report
ghostgeek: Well, with Moses it was the Promised land and with Hitler it was Lebensraum. Same thing really. Take what belongs to someone else by force.
8 years ago Report
Zanjan: Who inherited Hitler's legacy and what was it?
8 years ago Report
ghostgeek: Hitler's legacy was the Cold War, and everything that flowed from it, including Muzzy fanaticism.
8 years ago Report
Zanjan: Bit of a stretch, considering the cold war was with Russia and America, both Hitler's enemy.

This is all easy in hindsight, but what of their contemporaries? Both had people drift away from the core, both had traitors. But only one had offspring who, without a blip, could carry the torch to greatness.

What immediate evidence did their contemporaries see? Well, we have films of Hitlers reign; enough said. For Moses, it's a Book (later support by archaeology) and His own actions.

Moses never developed a military in His life. He fled from the war machines and continually avoided getting his people involved in the same.....He took them to a safe place.

Although He was a proven statesman, He never ruled a country; neither He nor his people had a State after they left Egypt. He told His followers exactly what to expect, a promise that was kept in His own lifetime. He also told them what to expect in the future IF they obeyed God's Covenant.

After Moses passed away, it took the Jews a long time occupy Israel and turn it into their national identity (because some didn't immediately obey Mose's instructions). The same is true for them occupying it again and again until the mid 20th century. That promise kept on proving itself, evidence of something one can trust - The Covenant of God.

(Edited by Zanjan)
8 years ago Report
ghostgeek: The Cold War was between more than just Russia and America. It roped in the rest of us as well. I used to see F 111s fly past my bedroom window. Noisy damn things.

Hitler's war finished off Europe as a strategic player on the world stage. That allowed America and Russia to play their games free from hindrance. The world became their war zone, where they could fight for influence. Like two battling elephants, they took little regard of who they might crush under their trampling feet.

This brings us to Muzziedom. Old Uncle Sam has never been shy about sticking its mucky little fingers into other people's business, when it involved its own self-interest. Same goes for the Russians, thought they seem to have been less aggressive than the Yanks. Well, all that interference seems to have got the Muzzies right riled up. And guess what; it isn't Yankie land that's suffered the consequences. Nope, just as before, it's the rest of us who have to pay the cost of U.S. blundering.
8 years ago Report
ghostgeek: As for Moses and the Jews, just because the old cockroach died before he could step into the Promised Land doesn't mean he isn't responsible for the three thousand years of misery that ensued. Just as Marx gave the world Lenin and Stalin, so Moses gave the world Christianity and Islam, monstrosities both.
8 years ago Report
ghostgeek: From Moses flowed the battle between religions, far more destructive in the long run than what resulted from the collapse of Hitler's dream.
8 years ago Report
Zanjan: Europe has always been at war and Hitler, who didn't start WW1, was a flash in the pan, a name that will soon be forgotten by the peoples of the world.

ISIS has no country and fights for no country. Like the Thugees, it's guerrilla warfare will fade from being a household name as well.

Yankieland is suffering its own mega problems, recently realizing it cant govern anyone else's country, nor can it fight the world's battles on its own.
8 years ago Report
ghostgeek: Moses gave the world 1400 years of conflict; a war without end. Hitler never came close to matching that achievement.
8 years ago Report
ghostgeek: Europe was not always at war. The Pax Romana gave it hundreds of years of stability. Then in marched the Muslims with their dreams of empire.
(Edited by ghostgeek)
8 years ago Report
ghostgeek: And from that moment the poisonous legacy of Moses has been played out across the globe.
8 years ago Report