Religion doesn't make sense (Page 4)

flashie: mrguy, good posts bro.
14 years ago Report
Talent_M: well I think almost what he said was true,I'm not saying that cos I'm a muslim but you know that what is happening on the real, some christians they don't know why they are christians either front of me friends of mine always in confusion and straying , the concept of the god was as a man itself is unbelievable.
14 years ago Report
Point5andahalf: Yeah, good post guy. I was raised catholic too.
Haven't read that book, flashie... but I might. Been reading about Tawheed, the one-ness of God. "A single and absolute truth that transcends the world" (wiki)
Never heard of Tawheed before, but there must be an absolute truth beyond our comprehension.- The unity of God, (and the infinity!), not limited to the trinity.

There is a common thread in most religions, as well as extreme bigotry and intolerance. We can focus on the differences, OR, on the unity (ie. faith in god/s). There is no scientific/measureable way to judge which religion is right.
It's a personal conviction, depending on upbringing and life experience.
Are they all wrong? OR... Do they all have an element of ruth?! "Faith in the unknown". Same as science.
The truth will become known in science, and in religious belief.
14 years ago Report
Talent_M: The all cosmos is rising on the word of Altawheed "there is no god but only Allah".
14 years ago Report
TheRealMrGuy: no, Im definately not saying I'm now a bhuddist- though I have come to respect what I know of the culture. I dont know what to lable myself to be completely honest. In fact, I'd rather not stick to any one thing. I think most religions in the world have potential to be helpfull to the human race. Sure, there are bad things that come with religion- but all good things have bad sides- existance is all about balance. Knowing what I know about catholisism, I believe the morals it has to teach are wonderfull. The story of Jesus had fasinated me for years as a young child. A lot of people were offended by Passion Of The Christ. I think more people should watch it a few more times. The most important thing I learned from leaving catholisism is that it is possible to be too smart for your own good. While I am glad to have found a bit of truth, I feel as if I am on a path, being guided by the devil (if there is such a thing). I am almost never happy or even satisfied with the quality of life anymore- I've become quite a prick most days where I used to have a lot of patience for people- I've lost a lot of self confidence- I've gained a drug addiction- and it all happened within half a decade. I think it is important for people to not question their faith, and just go with it. Why now? it can't hurt... So what if you lie to yourself, people have to do that all the time to find motivation. If I can convince myself of Gods existance, I think I want to become a preacher of some sort. I honstly think that not believing in God brings alot of unnessicary stress. btw, thanks Flashie! thanks Point!
14 years ago Report
john1576: Not believing in God brings 'Stree' in your life? How doe it do that?
14 years ago Report
Naboo_the_Enigma: Donts yous knows anythings John!
14 years ago Report
john1576: Well I just don't know Naboo. People I know who have given up on religion are much more happy for doing so. When they were involved with churches they reckoned the ministers were just trying to ridicule them, the ministers were also dickheads they reckoned, the other church goers were a pain in the arse they were glad to see the back of, and the church services were boring and irrelevant. So where is the stress in not believing in god? They seem much healthier and happier for not having any beliefs.
14 years ago Report
satangel: I think that this phenomenon works both ways. Some people are happier after having kissed their religion goodbye, while others are more joyful after having embraced a new faith. Like with many other things in life, such issues are highly personal and must be sorted out by each and every one of us according to their own individual preferences.
14 years ago Report
Naboo_the_Enigma: Hmmmm, so let me get this straight, then God?

First of all you are going to create man and woman with original sin. Then you are going to impregnate a woman with yourself as her child, so that you can be born. Once alive, you will kill yourself as a sacrifice to yourself. To save us all from sin which u originally condemned us to in the first place!?

Yeah, makes perfect sense!

(No wonder, we are f**ked as a race!)
14 years ago Report
Goran: haaaa, touche ^^^^

Anyway, the entire god-created-men-with-free-will argument is simply false any way you cut it. There can't be an omniscient creator (as bible claims) and free will.

If you believe in fate (no free will), then you believe the omniscient being drives all that happens in the world, good and evil. Then god can't be good so Bible is wrong.

If you're minority who don't believe in fate, and are hanging onto the free will argument to explain evil men do, then omniscient creator can't exist, so Bible is (surprise!) wrong yet again.

In the end, it's best to admit, it's all about what your parents taught you to believe in. All the supportive and comforting times in church, Sunday school, Christmas, talking about these incredible beeings who uphold the highest values of the human spirit (no surprise, they are human stories).

Religious people are junkies to comfort they find in faith of their youth. This is why majority won't and can't approach arguments in rational manner. If they could they would reject the religious texts outright.
14 years ago Report
TheRealMrGuy: Amen Goran- but perhaps there is such a thing as free will. Mabye it's all a matter of luck (example: Odds Are, it'll go a particular way in favor of this God or organism, with a small chance this human race will go against his/its will). Much like how our bodies function normally untill we get sick (by accident). I think everyting only seems so complex because we are so small in this thing we call the universe. In the world in which whoever's looking through that microscope (if anyone), our world has only lasted an instant. We are not important.
14 years ago Report
flashie: i think its possible we couldnt comprehend fate nor god with our pea brains..
14 years ago Report
Talent_M: I think the man who can't face the problem in smart way would stay running away throughout the life.
14 years ago Report
Outbackjack: Welcome Back Goran!

It is better to break the chains that bond you to some sycophantic religion.

Its called Freedom!
14 years ago Report
john1576: Jack. As a Harvard Professor said; 'If we accept the possibility that there is a God, then any time spent enquiring into His existence is time well spent'.
14 years ago Report
Outbackjack: I reckon its time well wasted.
14 years ago Report
♠_Krash_♠: I agree,more important things in life to spend time on..
14 years ago Report
john1576: You will have to visit Harvard Jack and thrash things out with the bright young things there. It would be quit a contest! a two fisted no nonsense Aussie, verses the young Harvardian Toffs.
14 years ago Report
Naboo_the_Enigma: Ooh Fisting action! You are naughty John!
14 years ago Report
john1576: Naboo. You are being a naughty boy.
14 years ago Report
guess who
guess who: john likes naughty boys.
14 years ago Report
Spirit One
Spirit One: plenty of naughty altar boys in the Catholic parishes around the world ,or so the Catholic priest and Bishops and Cardinals say
14 years ago Report
john1576: Spirit Old Boy, your sense of humour is 'frightful', quite simply 'frightful'.
14 years ago Report
TheRealMrGuy: haha, I like it
14 years ago Report