
rebel1916: First of all, I would like to thank you for mentioning me in your post. This little terrorist over here in the emerald isle feels very honoured and proud to have been mentioned. I'll report back to Putin and Assad personally just to tell them how mad you are! ❤️🥰😘

Moving on, you claimed to have relatives effected by a pub "bombing" (it was a shooting by the way😂🤦‍♂️) between Antrim and Belfast which I'm going to assume was the Store Bar shooting in Templepatrick in 76' which was known as a Loyalist paramilitary drinking hole owned by the British proxy terrorists the UVF in which regular meetings were held - it was effectively used as an "command post" to carry out planned attacks against their neighbours which they murdered three Catholics and two Protestants just a few weeks before, and some time after they attacked another Catholic owned bar killing five Protestants and one Catholic. 🤷‍♂️

rebel1916's Picture

My advice (even though I believe you're a liar) to you and your "family" is this, don't go to bars owned by Loyalist paramilitaries! 🤷‍♂️👍

The reason I call you a liar is because I have lived this, I grew up around it. And I'm pretty sure details like that would stick in my mind. I'm pretty sure I would never get a gun attack mixed up with a bomb attack. I'm also pretty sure I'd never get the IRA mixed up with the RAF (Republican Action Force - a completely different organization) either! Details matter! 🤷‍♂️


Another subject I would like to touch on is your fascist approach to deleting threads, does your narcissism impact your ability to be wrong some times? 😂👍

rebel1916's Picture
(Edited by rebel1916)
6 months ago Report
Angry Beaver
(Post deleted by Angry Beaver 5 months ago)
Angry Beaver
(Post deleted by Angry Beaver 5 months ago)
bonzono: we do understand, don't we, that gerry is not all there?
5 months ago Report