"Gender is a social constuct" no it isnt, change my mind (Page 2)

Sir Loin
Sir Loin: Either you're a woman or you're a bloke in a dress
10 months ago Report
freedomfirst1797: These fools truly believe that "anyone can be a woman, by merely identifying as one." And they can switch back and forth, based on how they "feel" every day.

Why we tolerate them amazes me. It looks like our desire to labeled as tolerant has overridden our common sense.
10 months ago Report
Apokalupto: Perhaps it's fear?
10 months ago Report
GeraldTheGnumbnut: Man! I Feel Like A Woman!
(Edited by GeraldTheGnumbnut)
10 months ago Report
Sir Loin
Sir Loin: Now there's a REAL woman for you 😃
10 months ago Report
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*rolls Loins tongue back in

She was an awesome singer though. I haven't checked out any of her new stuff.
10 months ago Report
Sir Loin
Sir Loin: She doesn't seem to have done much recording since she moved to NZ
10 months ago Report
freedomfirst1797: @Alette... This young woman explains one reason we are experiencing this phenomenon.

In this video she tells us that the people who call themselves "progressives" see progress as a never ending quest. They are easily offended, angered and outraged, so they make demands on society. And whenever their demands are met, they make fresh demands, because they always want more, and they are never satisfied. And the result of this is they run out of legitimate demands, so each demand gets more outrageous than the last one. And as their "demands" get more and more outrageous, they will elicit a backlash. So the entire process creates this polarization.

Over time, the constant demands for "more" become counter productive. When you move from real problems to imaginary and manufactured problems the mainstream drops out and only the radical fringes are left to fight it out. And your overall message becomes tiresome and annoying.

For example, look at how the concept of rights for gay people has morphed over time. What are the issues they are championing? How did we get from there to here?

Step 1 - Decriminalize homosexuality
Step 2 - Tolerate homosexuality
Step 3 - Accept homosexuality
Step 4 - Legalize gay marriage rights
Step 5 - Normalize homosexuality
Step 6 - Affirm and Celebrate homosexuality
Step 7 - Demand and enforce personal pronouns
Step 8 - Use public schools to indoctrinate small children
Step 9 - Demonize straight people. Invent new labels for them.

The progressives are never satisfied. They should have stopped at Step 4, after getting full rights for those people, but they keep pushing for more. And they push so hard that most people lose interest, as their demands become less important and more capricious.

This same process works with every issue, whether it is the environment, black civil rights, the homeless, racism, recycling, animal rights, just about everything. The progressives always move forward, from the logical to the absurd. And this is guaranteed to elicit a backlash and polarization. Because anytime you make demands, and they are constantly escalated, the process is confrontational.

They never "quit when they are ahead, because they always want more. And once they run out of real problems, they are forced to invent some fake ones. So they move from outrage over lynchings.... to outrage over perceived but unintentional microaggressions!

Their demands move from "equal rights" into the realm of "special privileges" and that is how we end up with every TV show and every movie featuring black heros and white villains. And every family must be biracial or gay in every TV commercial. And now statues of founding fathers must be torn down, because they weren't perfect people, when judged by today's standards.

9 months ago Report
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I agree, they should have stopped at step 4.

9 months ago Report
Apokalupto: Based on what was written, it sounds like she's not acknowledging the bigger picture. It's more than never being satisfied, perversion, sex, gluttony and greed do that as we know, and it's a bottomless pit if left unchecked, it just keeps going deeper and deeper, darker and darker. But there is a political agenda behind it which she did not acknowledge according to the transcript. And I'm still at #1 because I recognize it for what it actually is, a mental and spiritual illness, one that is against nature that inherently promotes disease and is anti-reproducing. Today conservatives don't recognize that, they accept it as normal, when it is in fact not.
(Edited by Apokalupto)
9 months ago Report
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In the USA, the conservatives recognize that.

The liberals are pushing the agenda.
9 months ago Report
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Republicans are conservative.

Democrats are liberal.
9 months ago Report
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Pathetic (IMO) that the white house had a huge pride month celebration.

The community in question represents 2% of the USA population.

They need to give it a rest already.

They have equal rights... we don't need to bow down and kiss their feet.

Good lord... people are insane.
9 months ago Report
If you do agree to kiss their feet, they still will be unhappy,
They will now demand that you suck their toes
And if you agree to that.... they will find something else you must do

But it will never be enough. Because "progress" is a constant struggle for more.

And this is why they are finally experiencing a backlash. People are fed up with all the nonsense. They don't want to keep trying to please people who refused to ever be pleased.
(Edited by freedomfirst1797)
9 months ago Report
Apokalupto: It's politically motivated.
9 months ago Report
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9 months ago Report
freedomfirst1797: People have had enough. It is time to stop all the silliness. This isn't a healthy thing for any society, it just creates more polarization.

The radical left needs to quit while they are ahead, because if they don't the results will not be something good for them.
9 months ago Report
Apokalupto: There's nothing wrong with being silly.
9 months ago Report
Apokalupto: Call it out for what it is. Tell it like it is. Be honest.
9 months ago Report
freedomfirst1797: There is something very wrong with being silly, when that silliness involves demanding personal pronouns, enforcing "anyone can be a woman despite their biology and chromosomes" and demanding that we stop arresting criminals and that we allow homeless people to defecate on sidewalks.

These people are truly insane, and the more we tolerate them, the more insane they will become.
9 months ago Report
Apokalupto: I like the last thing you said, but the first part is not silly. Do you recognize that there is a political agenda behind it? Or do you think people are just being silly and insane for some reason?
9 months ago Report
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I agree, Freedom.
9 months ago Report
freedomfirst1797: @Apokalupto.... yes, there is a political agenda at work here. But it isn't driven by the insane people. They are just useful idiots who truly believe their delusions and are being used by hardcore radical leftists. They are useful in the sense that they will create revolution faster by dividing the population.
(Edited by freedomfirst1797)
9 months ago Report
Apokalupto: You hit it.
9 months ago Report
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Yep, the radical left and the radical right are causing all kinds of havoc.
9 months ago Report