Roe v Wade

Metaverseguy: Legendary federal case in the 70's that made abortion legal in the United States. Just overturned (as predicted) by the Republican majority in the Supreme Court. Biden had mentioned "packing the court" by having more than 9 members so he could put Democrats in there but he never did it. Now the law is up to each individual state.

Are you pro-choice or pro-life?

Most pro-lifers are religious and think birth begins at conception, meaning once the sperm fertilizes the egg and begins to form an embryo. Therefore, abortion is murder of a child.

Pro-choicers argue that women should be able to do whatever they want with their bodies, including aborting their child. It's not just from an accidental pregnancy from a one-night-stand that the right argues, but also can be used to stop conception from rape or incest. Most abortions are done in the first trimester before the embryo has even formed nerve endings, so it is technically a painless procedure.
1 year ago Report
I'm a strange mix of both. I view it as none of my business on who does what. So a law for abortion is about giving individuals that decision and it is up to them. At the same time, if given the option, I'd not want any of my offsprings aborted (so I use contraceptives and preventatives).

As men we can simply make an extra effort to prevent the fertilisation. Take on more responsibility before it reaches to the point of the woman deciding on an abortion.
(Edited by WHlSKY)
1 year ago Report
Metaverseguy: Apparently the woman that brought this to the Supreme court was working on it 30 years in the making. She used to be pro-choice, but flip-flopped. They simply voted on the Constitutional basis of abortion, protected under the 14th amendment, which makes no mention of abortion. People also criticize Judge Thomas, who has some of the most extreme views on the council, because he failed to mention interracial marriage is not protected either.

It could simply be that abortion will be illegal at the federal level until Democrats get a majority in the Supreme Court, or longer. Who knows?
1 year ago Report