Ukraine Dying Hard for The America 2022-present (Page 5)

Let me check if the Kremlin has had a change of heart. Brb.
2 years ago Report
lori100: they are in talks fyi
2 years ago Report
WHlSKY: Mhm I’m glad we all contributed 🍻
Drinks are on chowomanishere, nonalcoholic of course.
2 years ago Report
WHlSKY: Ukrainians and the volunteers have been pushing back a lot. Perhaps they didn’t need to be part of NATO all along.

I really can’t see Putin coming back from this invasion. So weird being one man and responsible for so many deaths, displacements, distraction. That’s some crazy arrogance.
2 years ago Report
chowomanishere: Whisky you are a joke now forget about me
2 years ago Report
WHlSKY: It only works if you lay off my name. I’m all up for banter if you keep starting that up.
2 years ago Report
chowomanishere: Whisky I thought you were against Putin....
2 years ago Report
chowomanishere: Wait I thought you were for Putin ... :O
2 years ago Report
Ms, I’m not in support of Putin. I’ve not supported the invasion. I don’t see that changing either.
2 years ago Report
I think the only person here in support of Putin is The_13th.
2 years ago Report
The13th: See the logic is really very simple. The dispute between Russia and Ukraine is one of those internal affair that only them 2 should decide the outcome.

If Russia suddenly decide to engage help by joining NATO to deal with Ukraine, then Russia is the wrong party. The world wont look too kindly on this move.

But in this case, Ukraine has decided that it want to engage the help of NATO to deal with Russia. This move means its now no longer internal affairs, no more bad blood brothers going at each other. It actually means outsider/enemies are engaged. So:

- Ukraine made a move
- NATO made a move
- Russia has to response.

The response may not be nice, but it has the correct effect. IF Russian dont make a move, then what will happen is:

- Ukraine made a move, then another move, then another move ......
- NATO made a move, then another move, then another move .....
- Russia breaks up, chaos and destruction follow

Russia is not doing anything other than self-defense.

You need to really look at this two words "Self Defense". If one day our family come under sieze, we should do the same thing.
2 years ago Report
The13th: And lets not forget: NATO is setup to deal with Russia, not to help Ukraine.

NATO is only interested in using Ukraine against Russia. NATO has absolutely no problem if this war drag on for 100 years, or Ukraine people suffering until they turn blue, or hospital get bomb. NATO loves all these things. It gave all the NATO nations the fuel to call for sanctions against Russia.
2 years ago Report
Fractured fairy tale
Fractured fairy tale: Project for a new American Century people that Run American Forien Policyand have done for decades There only interested in destroying and exployting Countries with there Cronies too benifit them selves
Like the famous historians Say , what they do too other people they will eventually do too you
2 years ago Report
Fractured fairy tale
Fractured fairy tale: look at the way They Left afgainistan ,And they Sit there and Laugh about it , Somthing Is truly Wrong there
2 years ago Report
The13th: Snow White's mother is running the White House. The is the reason it is called a White House.
(Edited by The13th)
2 years ago Report
Know what I’ve trouble getting ?

You oppose NATO’s stance, which is fine. I and I’m sure others agree that the antiRussian stance creates more tension than good. You oppose the war and invasion on Afghanistan, which is also fine. I didn’t support it either.

However, Russia’s actions are on that level and you support it. There are other ways the Kremlin could have dealt with their opposition to NATO, a conflict and invasion that adds to the slaughter of innocent civilians is not a valid one.

It was not valid for Afghanistan, and the people across the ME & Northern Africa, and not valid for Ukraine either.

Leaders should not feel that they are entitled to take so much life just to make a point. That’s foolish. And look at what it has resulted in, countries eager to join NATO and reasons to fear and be suspicious of Russia.

Why did you oppose the Afghanistan war or why do you oppose NATO if you support similar acts?
(Edited by WHlSKY)
2 years ago Report
Fractured fairy tale
Fractured fairy tale: I never said I support it swine , Thats your black Hats white Hats view of the world not mine
I said they were forced Into it prolly Deliberatly You Know Im not Shocked Its Hardly Supprising
What Happeed too The minz agreement they Made with Russia ignored what about all the others ignored
Go look around if you want too see where Ive Said These People are Failures There Paid too prevent this stuff not make it happen
What Im Woried about Is there set Up a False flag like They set Up russia All they have too do is Enact it
Global warming Hey Ive never seen such hypocrites in my life
2 years ago Report
Fractured fairy tale
Fractured fairy tale: Does trying too Understand why things happen Make one a supporter ,Strange world we live In
2 years ago Report
WHlSKY: What happened to your Russia thread?
2 years ago Report
Fractured fairy tale
Fractured fairy tale: I deleted it I Was :blah blah: too Much I was trying too forget the Topic LOL
2 years ago Report
WHlSKY: Sure.
2 years ago Report
Fractured fairy tale
Fractured fairy tale: Whatever Pretty Hard When Every Day They Make Idiotic statments How Is it even possable there in the Positins there In
2 years ago Report
Fractured fairy tale
Fractured fairy tale: They Shoudn't fill there heads they would be better Off In The EU Its not even possable any way by the EUs Own Rules like I said before , Grass Is always Greener On the Other side i suppose
West Isnt All Its Cracked up too be lot of Nurotic people and problems that are only getting worse
2 years ago Report
Fractured fairy tale
Fractured fairy tale: One thing the west Has That wokness is slowly Taking away Is Free Speech , When Peope starting getting arrested for Fact book posts and Spreading Missinformation

I Don"t see How thats Any Different than In Russia People getting Locked up for the same thing Just the Jail Sentences are longer and more people get arrested Is All

Its All the Same prinicipal
2 years ago Report
The13th: OK to borrow words from wiser man. I just watch an Indian movie K.G.F trailer in youtube. Good scenes. In one of the scenes a guy said "the swinging of sword is not about blood and violence ..... its about progress"

Whisky keep thinking about the swinging of sword being not right ...... but guys when the swinging of sword is about self-defense, then Russia has every right.
2 years ago Report