Why did Russia Invaded Ukraine and what it means to the World?

WonderWoman1: What started the conflict between Russia and Ukraine? What did Russia take from Ukraine?
(Edited by WonderWoman1)
2 years ago Report
KeithJ: For 1 thing Dumpty Trumpty emboldened him "Putin He's a good guy"
2 years ago Report
2 years ago Report
Blackshoes: LAND Resource in other words Greed want and power

2 years ago Report
You can watch his statements on the matter:

2 years ago Report
Srchng4Truth: He doesn't want Ukraine to join NATO and further wants assurance that Ukraine will not join NATO at any time in the future. He doesn't want Western military in or allied with Ukraine. I think he feels it is too close to Russia.
2 years ago Report
Srchng4Truth: Trump is praising Putin I think because Ukraine refused to help him in the US election. Trump is very vindictive besides also being a fan of Putin(and Russia did help him in the election).
2 years ago Report
I think so too.

It has nothing to do with Trump ‘emboldening’ Putin as this tense situation was around prior to Trump Administration.

No resources or land to gain from Ukraine either so not greed.

It’s perhaps more on military strategic positioning.

NATO and the US have made a lot of rhetorics against Russia/Putin. It will be as if Russia forms a coalition with South American countries and stationing some of their troops around.

Will the US really want Mexico to join such a coalition? Brings the ‘missile crisis with Cuba to mind’.

The countries surrounding Russia should perhaps be neutral instead.
2 years ago Report
Maybe also if NATO and Co. were held accountable for the invasions and conflicts they have committed we can have a proper international standard.

We have Libya, Afghanistan, etc that ended in an absolute mess because some countries are allowed to do whatever they wish.

There is no standard that we can all depend on.

If we have set rules for all countries big and small to abide by then we can say ‘look according to this, you shouldn’t do that’. Instead it’s disorder.
(Edited by WHlSKY)
2 years ago Report
Blackshoes: "Nato should never have had an open-door policy, to begin with. Russia nor China, don't what free nations along their borders after WW2 They will never forget how much they suffered from1939 to 45 "

It would violate NATO’s founding charter, which maintains an open-door policy toward prospective European states; the United Nations’ founding charter; and the Charter for European Security of 1999, which updated the Paris Charter of 1990 and reiterates “the inherent right of each and every participating State to be free to choose or change its security arrangements, including treaties of alliance.”
(Edited by Blackshoes)
2 years ago Report
(Post deleted by Jack_In_Da_Box 2 years ago)
Srchng4Truth: Did you mean Trump praise Putin(you typed Biden)? No one said anything about Trump praising Biden that I can see. If you meant Trump praising Putin, his recent praise of Putin is pretty much everywhere. It is not from one source. Google it and choose your source or see if all of them are what you consider "Hillary's papers".
2 years ago Report
(Post deleted by Jack_In_Da_Box 2 years ago)
2 years ago Report
Bytr: https://www.reuters.com/world/europe/us-allies-step-up-sanctions-pressure-russia-over-ukraine-2022-02-23/

Of course not one word of this is true but I guess that British journalist have to write lie upon lie month after month and year after year for Britain's benefit. And the supreme casualty of all the American journalists' lies are the Americans and every body.

Why would Russia invade Ukraine? Did Ukraine do something untoward?
2 years ago Report
Bytr: My problem is that Putin is "taking the bullet" for Biden instead of distancing himself from the lies of the media thereby providing the distraction Biden wanted. By distracting the masses who wanted to pin Biden to the wall for his lies and his attitudes. If Putin was smart he would just distance himself instead of fueling the media. A great leader would dispel lies and disspell myths instead of engaging a maniacal idiot like Biden and taking the identity of a maniac himself. Move away from him so we Americans can finish recording Biden's atrocities as he finishes out his first year attacking the reputation of two of the world's greatest countries by attempting to pit them against each other so that he does not have to take the hatred of his own country toward himself. all journalists who write about the Russian war ought to be ashamed of themselves if they can't speak like this on behalf of how Americans actually feel about the president and why and how the "Russian war" all started after Americans attacked Biden and the White House was attacked and Biden try to make another infamous off color fingerpointing remark towards non British human beings.
(Edited by Bytr)
2 years ago Report
Bytr: when I read about economic sanctions against Russia I think about the economic sanctions Russia could Levy against the US. It really upsets me that Biden takes the stance of defending the Ukraine when the US has been not reporting well of the Ukraine for years.
(Edited by Bytr)
2 years ago Report
Srchng4Truth: Putin has declared a special military operation in Ukraine. There are reports of missile fire from Russia into Ukraine.
2 years ago Report
(Post deleted by Bytr 2 years ago)
Srchng4Truth: Are you being serious? Russia ambassador to the UN is saying this escalation in the conflict between Russia and Ukraine is Ukraine's fault. There are reports of explosions in Ukraine. Ukraine is saying Russia is firing missiles at them.
2 years ago Report
(Post deleted by Bytr 2 years ago)
Srchng4Truth: The above is one of the most ludicrous things I have ever read.
2 years ago Report
Srchng4Truth: I suspect you are Russian or being paid by Russians to put out propaganda.
2 years ago Report
KeithJ: Srch,,, probably so there are ones like that Bytr doing that everywhere lol .
(Edited by KeithJ)
2 years ago Report
To be fair, there’s heavy propaganda on both sides of the situation. Hard to know who to believe at times.

This only makes sense to me as an issue that stemmed out of the falling of the USSR and NATO’s expansion. There was a failure to quickly acknowledge Russia, not as a Soviet cold war ‘threat’ but as a new partnering country.

Ukraine had a pro-Kremlin government that was thrown out for a pro-Western government. It makes sense that Russia sees Ukraine joining NATO as the US-UK-NATO’s last step in attacking them.

It’s not an irrational fear as this group has invaded countries without anyone to answer to.

Russia has taken to force which is seen as a blow and threat to countries in Europe.

Both sides should have pressed for compromising realising that this is a European matter and directly affects them. The US / UK appears to fan the flames too. Perhaps they have more to gain. More arms deals, more European dependency for energy and more control.

It reads as old bad blood and new press for influence in Europe. The move should have been heavily diplomatic because there is a big possibility that at the end of a full scale war, there will be a tipping of the balance. With a side so powerful that noone will keep it in check.

I guess we’ll have to see. Just a shame the lives that’ll be lost on this stupidity.

2 years ago Report
KeithJ: oh yeah even Putin and others were proven murderous son of bitches back then in the KGB after the soviet breakup so you give them the benefit of doubt ,,,Don't forget for a second time Dumpty Trumpty has praised Putin now ,,, "He is a genius"
2 years ago Report
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