Putinism is breeding in the heart of the Republican Party

Goerree: THE GUARDIAN 1st March 2022

Make no mistake: Putin’s authoritarian neo-fascism has rooted itself in America. The cold war has already come home

‘On Sunday, on national television, Senator Tom Cotton refused four times to condemn Trump for calling Putin “smart” and “savvy” and Nato and the US “dumb”.’ Photograph: Joe Marino/UPI/REX/Shutterstock

The world is frighteningly locked in a battle to the death between democracy and authoritarianism.
It is a new cold war.

The biggest difference between the old cold war and the new one is that authoritarian neo-fascism is no longer just an external threat to America and Europe. A version of it is also growing inside western Europe and the US.
It has even taken over one of America’s major political parties.
The Trump-led Republican party does not openly support Putin, but the Republican party’s animus toward democracy is expressed in ways familiar to Putin and other autocrats.

Trump Republicans continue to refuse to acknowledge the outcome of the 2020 election, claiming without evidence that it was “stolen” from Trump. In many states, on the basis of this big lie, they are making it more difficult for people who don’t share their beliefs to vote.
In several states they are laying the groundwork for ignoring the popular vote altogether and throwing a future presidential election to Trump or another strongman. They have stopped even pretending to be the party of free speech: they are banning books from schools and prohibiting teachers from talking about America’s struggles against racism and homophobia.
Putin’s attack on Ukraine, starting 24 February, and the attack by followers of Donald Trump on the United States Capitol on 6 January 2021 are different, of course, but they resemble one another in their contempt for democratic institutions and their attempts to justify violence by asserting a threat to a dominant racial or ethnic group.
Each also represents the logical culmination of leadership by a dangerous narcissist who flagrantly lies.
(Edited by Goerree)
2 years ago Report
Jemmaeg: Spot on Goe! 👍
2 years ago Report
Fractured fairy tale
Fractured fairy tale: Always Want People too Pick Sides Don't Ya Is That What that Arthickle Gives Justification too
Wow Seen How The Non Authorian People conducted themselves During the BLM Out break
Burnt every thing Down Attacked any one Any Buiness that Didn"t Pick your Side
Love Devision Dont ya love deviding every one and Calling them Racists Facists whatever
2 years ago Report
(Post deleted by Goerree 2 years ago)
(Post deleted by Goerree 2 years ago)
Seems silly to me. The US & UK have always acted in their ‘best interest’ when it comes to foreign politics.

They have led invasions, support coups to remove governments, it has committed its own crimes, engaged in economic exploitations.

So I don’t get why it is portrayed as suddenly turning into ‘Putin’ as if there is an influence. There is no influence. The self serving disgusting acts that Putin is carrying out is the same. Strip the ‘For Freedom’ rhetorics. The end results are side by side atrocities.
2 years ago Report
(Post deleted by Goerree 2 years ago)
Fractured fairy tale
Fractured fairy tale: Then when Some POTUS comes along and Dares too say NATO is out of date everyone flips out oh no you can't say that your a trator No one can even discuss any different forien Policy like they did With out the whole world turning on them
Can't be Isolationist your a Child let the adults run things
2 years ago Report
(Post deleted by Goerree 2 years ago)
Fractured fairy tale
Fractured fairy tale: They shore did
4 year's of Histerial BS oh the Kremlin got Trump into office
Despite bragging there got the best spy agency in the world 5 eyes multiple countries looking out for that type of thing
Oh no it was the big bad boogy man

There Insulting the Intelegence of the whole world
And humanity
2 years ago Report
chowomanishere: Oh my gosh this what we've become here in America ..... But Obama started it all by having Black lives Matter involved that was just the beginning of changes here in America then Trump comes in with his rhetoric... So where does it all end?
2 years ago Report
Fractured fairy tale
2 years ago Report
speedbug103: i see hunter biden had to pay the tax on the 5 million from moscow, the irs got him
2 years ago Report
laffer80: I see comments are being deleted by the host of the room. 😂 What a serious forum. 🤪

If you can’t refute, delete? 😝

This post will be deleted by the host in …. 3…. 2…. 1…. 😉

Have fun kids. 👍
2 years ago Report
KeithJ: To quote Trumpty Dumpty " Putin he is a good guy he is smart" "Putin is a genius"
so they believe him in every thing he says whether it is true or not , brain washed .
2 years ago Report
Goerree: Too right there KeithJ 👍
2 years ago Report
KeithJ: mr dump was a criminal even in the 1980s they forgot ,, he once bought a building just to tear it down in New Jersey full of elderly people that is the kind of guy he is ,,he could care less about common people but those who like him never bothered to look at his past .
Funny they don't even want to recognize his connection to Putin either.
2 years ago Report
KeithJ: The republicans who follow trump and his kind of way seem more like the party of Mussolini
it was called the " republican fascist party" ,,,I have read much of it's history and it kind of mirrors what the current republican party here in many ways .
2 years ago Report
laffer80: Lol. Another forum populated by the Trump derangement crowd i see. 😂

Putin is smart and savvy. American presidents and NATO have been dumb. Trump was 100% right.

The authoritarian neo-fascism (totalitarian) party is the Democrat party.

It’s so easy to see. Only the ignorant dumb and/or dishonest would say otherwise.

2 years ago Report
irishbat: Name calling and belittling usually indicates closed mindedness? How and why is Putin savy?

Explain why and what actions have labeled the democrats as neo-fascists?

The republican party was the party whose members came out with praise and in defense of Putin, even after the invasion of Ukraine.

Which party instigated a insurrection and riot at the US Capitol on Jan. 6th based on absurd/ridiculous/non founded/false/disproven/debunked mega lies and had 99% of court cases tossed out by both federal and state courts? The answer is ?

2 years ago Report
KeithJ: Yep you are right irishbat ,,if you look at the facts but he will not because he suffers tucker carlson disease .
2 years ago Report
irishbat: If folks are concerned about actually getting to the truth of a situation or in general.. it's kind of important where you go to for news/information what sources?? If I am having a discussion and someone wants to bring up a point using ... FOX news/Infowars/some youtube video.. well the conversation will end very soon. Can't have any discussions until a valid factual home base to be referenced to.
2 years ago Report
KeithJ: Yeah Infowars filled for bankruptcy just the other day
2 years ago Report
irishbat: Alex "Jonsey" is a vile. sadistic, money grubbing, soul selling, degenerate. And I mean every word what I just said. What he put those poor Sandy Hook parents through was a disgrace. This man should be worried of Ms. Karma coming to call.. overdue.
2 years ago Report
KeithJ: Alex is following the Trump style of financial school .
2 years ago Report
irishbat: Money is the least of these people's worries.. they are too blind with greed to even realize it. What you fling.. shall be flung back at you, how you treat others is how you shall be treated. They know no bounds... but they will when it's their turn.
(Edited by irishbat)
2 years ago Report
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