The Covid pandemic is not over for anyone until it is over for everyone. (Page 38)

Fractured fairy tale
Fractured fairy tale: Speaking of About Supply Chains

2 years ago Report
Kojensa: As stated before this forum is about turning Covid pandemic to endemic.

What stopping the world from getting vaccinated other than physical and financial barriers are disinformation and misinformation on Covid vaccines. This is the area that this forum is trying to cover.

Other measurements such as mask, disinfecting hands and restrictions such as social distancing can be included. Actions that help to stop or slow down Covid infection

The issues of community safety vs individual right need it own forum
(Edited by Kojensa)
2 years ago Report
Kojensa: Fairy is rambling and politicised almost everything.

I am asking the regular contributors WHISKY and Loin should I deleted all fairy political videos and rambling that is not connected with the medical side of Covid vaccine such as safety and side effects.

Fairy you can also start deleting your own videos.
2 years ago Report
Kojensa: There are a couple of anti vaxxers forums here where fairy can post that kind of political videos.

You can still shared your videos here. Remember the concern or the topic here trying not to politicised.

This is about stopping and slowing down Covid. About lowering the number of death and people hospitalised due to Covid
(Edited by Kojensa)
2 years ago Report
Fractured fairy tale
Fractured fairy tale: Well whats stooping Every One , I will Tell you What The Frear Mongering and Mandates That every one has got too be vaccinated with a Vaccine that doesn"t work , other wise they loose there Jobs barred form society and refused too Travell anywhere
Not Rockett science
2 years ago Report
Kojensa: The terms isolation and quarantine for covid are being use interchangeablely by some

Isolation separates sick people with a contagious disease from people who are not sick.

Quarantine separates and restricts the movement of people who were exposed to a contagious disease to see if they become sick.
2 years ago Report
Kojensa: Covid-19: Is it safe to reduce the self-isolation period?
30 December 2021

Is it safe to reduce 14 days to only 5 days?

Michael Ryan, executive director of the WHO Health Emergencies Programme, called the changes “judgment calls” made to deal with covid-19 cases while minimising the impact on people’s social, economic, and educational lives.

Ryan said that "...most people would incubate and show symptoms or be positive within the first six days of becoming infected. The chances of transmitting the disease after that are lower, although still a risk."
2 years ago Report
Fractured fairy tale
Fractured fairy tale: Every For Months Ive Said every one has got too learn too live with it
ive Been stuck down That im sprading Miss information or im lieing or Im Gonna get people killed
2 years ago Report
Sir Loin
Sir Loin: Fairy, I detested how Trump politicized covid, same as the far right pollies did in nz. Fucking disgusting to show so little respect for those suffering from it. Same as what you're doing. Take that bullshit elsewhere please
2 years ago Report
Fractured fairy tale
Fractured fairy tale: Couldn't care less about Trump or the love of your life and everyone else that's been saying for 2 year's therebcounties or states what ever going too be Covid free
It's Impossible , Sad but True always has been
They should of been concentrating there efforts on managing it ,vBut no had too live in land for 2 year's

Even the High and mighty only source of Truth the CDC says the Covid tests are no good for monitoring a pandemic
Witch some people have known from the beginning
But they were written off as Conspiracy therorists' or bitter people or spreading miss Information
2 years ago Report
Keeping divided only prolongs the situation. Making it political keeps us divided and makes us use emotion than logic.

1) It is misinformation to state this virus is not real. I can’t speak for anyone else but I’ve personally known people who have dealt with it and died of it. It is not a common flu.

2) It is misinformation to state that proper procedures as facemask, physical distancing and proper sanitation is not effective. This is fucking common sense, to block your nose& mouth when sneezing and coughing as this is how a virus spreads. Soap/etc removes it off the surface. We know this all our lives.

3) It is misinformation to state that vaccination does not work. The role of a vaccine is to minimise the hit. Many vaccinated don’t require hospitalisation. It is not a chip being implanted.

There is an issue here and our focus should not be on what some dumbass YouTuber says but on what is actually happening. There are many questions yet to be answered and you conspiracy theorists with 5G claims and other bs are preventing them from being seriously addressed.

I don’t give a shit what Russel Brand has to say. What I want personally is a transparent investigation on how this started in preventing it from occurring again. And a clear plan that we all can agree to.

You politicalise this, Brian, but you’re too arrogant to see that the politicians do not care whether this stays or goes. They change policies based on what will get them the favour of the majority. You have Borris switching his policies because of the shitty party they had. There is no Marxist or communism or whatever -ism you want to throw to seem smart.

Every time you throw misinformation, it takes away time that someone else has to correct. It distracts. And I don’t mean here in the forums but out there in the real world.

(Edited by WHlSKY)
2 years ago Report
Fractured fairy tale
2 years ago Report
Fractured fairy tale
Fractured fairy tale: Such Hypocrites Blaming these :Anti Vaccers" for every thing Going on about for Months
Then they blame some one else
2 years ago Report
Fractured fairy tale
(Post deleted by Kojensa 2 years ago)
Kojensa: Boris drops the restrictions after getting caught partying during lockdown.
It is driven by his political panic, not scientific guidance
2 years ago Report
Fractured fairy tale
Fractured fairy tale: Oh Ok Ok And Mandates Are Not are they No Of Coarse there Not
2 years ago Report
Fractured fairy tale
Fractured fairy tale: Idiotic Communist Invasion day Trators
2 years ago Report
Fractured fairy tale
Fractured fairy tale: Oh Yeah The heros of Invasion Day were Broadcast Far and wide wern"t they ,With there Heroic Acts of throwing Paint over statues
2 years ago Report
Kojensa: Fairy as suggested previously community safety vs individual right aka mandatory Covid vaccination needs it own forum.

However I had answered or commented before page 24 #7 and page 30 #2.

(Edited by Kojensa)
2 years ago Report
Fractured fairy tale
Fractured fairy tale: see hers the Thing about Communism In a free Country , Its allowed too Exist as all idears are thats why Its Called a Free Country No One is Punished for what they Belive in , So Many Immagrats Came here After WW2 for that verry Fact ,Thinkthey wanted too leave there own Countries ,of Coarse they Didn't They didn't want too live under dictatorships
But When Communism grows Maily Pushing there Idology Through Universitys and politicans the media that sell out the People there supposed too represent

When It Gains in popularity and there brought off the people in charge from a Generation thats Grown up knowing no better , Thats When they start using it Agaist the People ,
By labelling Things Miss inormation Deleting people Who say the Wrong thing Too the Consept of group Think , Every one has got too think the Same thing repeat the same lines
Its starts off Banning people Then It moves on too Dehumanizing them AKA Anti vazzers
witch is a Blatent Lie , Because all there been saying Is the Notion of Freedom Informed Conent Too Make your Own mind Up Make your own decisions and Not be Punished For it

Thats Why Its Evil Lies and Manipulation
2 years ago Report
Kojensa: Yes lies and manipulations are evil as it could harm people maybe even cause their death

Anti vaxxer is a person who opposes the use of vaccines. A correct and accurate term. Why are anti vaxxers ashamed or do not like this term?

Over here people are free to believe whatever they want as long as it does not cause harm on others.
2 years ago Report
Kojensa: Infodemic: Coronavirus and the fake news pandemic - May 2020
2 years ago Report
Kojensa: How to Spot COVID-19 Misinformation - May 2020

- Consider the source and check the "facts"
- If in doubt about the accuracy of the information, do not share
(Edited by Kojensa)
2 years ago Report
Kojensa: 6 Main Misinformation on Covid 19 Vaccines

- The Covid-19 vaccines do not work
FACT: They do

-Covid-19 vaccines were not properly tested or developed
FACT: They were

-The Covid-19 vaccines contain metals and other problematic ingredients
FACT: They don’t

-The Covid-19 vaccines have caused widespread death and disease
FACT: They haven’t

The Covid-19 vaccines alter your DNA
FACT: They don’t

The Covid-19 vaccines stunt fertility and disrupt pregnancies
FACT: They don’t

You can read the details explanation at the website links below
(Edited by Kojensa)
2 years ago Report
Fractured fairy tale
(Post deleted by Kojensa 2 years ago)