Trump Should be Executed for Committing Treason

srbiddy09: We must NEVER FORGET what happened on January 6th, 2021!!!
3 years ago Report
3 years ago Report
johnny_boyrussell: Hmm..ok. you get the rope and I will meet you in Florida. :/
3 years ago Report
The giant midget
The giant midget: I thought it was NEVER FORGET November 11th
3 years ago Report
MJ59: also
3 years ago Report
srbiddy09: @midget: You may be thinking of November 5th, which is Guy Fawkes Day!!!!!!
3 years ago Report
The giant midget
The giant midget: Don't know who that Gearbox is , must be a idol of yours.
Yes you and I and the rest of the world should never forget November 11th
3 years ago Report
MJ59: I remember

Guy Fawkes, pommy cracker night lol
(Edited by MJ59)
3 years ago Report
srbiddy09: @Midget: I'm surprised that you are unfamiliar with Guy Fawkes. As a citizen of Canada, which is still considered part of the British Commonwelath, I assumed that you would know about Fawkes since he is an infamous figure in English history.
3 years ago Report
The giant midget
The giant midget: Sorry but I rarely bother with ancient figures of English history.
Not a fan of the Royal family establishment either.
I am still puzzled as to why the school system even teaches anything about Shakespeare,it's irrelevant to today's modern world
3 years ago Report
MJ59: Why is Shakespeare still important today?

27th February 2017

Shakespeare is probably the most famous playwright in the world, having written 37 plays and 154 sonnets. But why is his work still read, studied and loved 400 years later?

Shakespeare wrote about timeless themes such as life and death, youth versus age, love and hate, fate and free will, to name but a few. With the constantly changing world, we live in today these themes are perhaps more relevant than they have ever been.

Not only did Shakespeare teach us about ourselves and humanity, but he also invented around 1700 words which we still use in everyday English today. He often changed nouns into verbs, verbs into adjectives, connecting words together and coming up with wholly original ones too.

Here are just a few to which we owe Shakespeare a thank you:

generous, birthplace, negotiate, gossip, bedroom, and amazement
3 years ago Report
srbiddy09: @midget: What a bizarre thing to say. The works of Shakespeare, as well as many other classic works of literature, have proven themselves to be timeless and significantly relevant to our modern world.
3 years ago Report
The giant midget
The giant midget: Thanks for the posting Beaver
Biddy young lady ,how successful in a person applying for a job with a good degree of knowledge in English literature.
Teach our youth trades and craftsmanship and other career oriented programs so they can obtain good paying jobs
Most graduates of arts, literature and history end up working as a the local pub as table staff or at Starbucks
Just saying eh
3 years ago Report
srbiddy09: @midget: I would argue that a good knowledge of "arts, literature and history" are very important to those who seek to teach or go into the world of academics. Similarly, a good knowledge of trades or crafts such as woodworking and electrical wiring are beneficial to those who seek employment as contractors or electricians. Obviously, it all depends on what line of work an individual is looking to pursue.

However, I also believe that an appreciation of "arts, literature and history" is good for a person's soul, no matter what line of work they are in.

(Edited by srbiddy09)
3 years ago Report
srbiddy09: @midget: Imagine if someone in authority had convinced individuals such as Bach, Van Gogh, Semmelweis, Miles Davis or Jonas Salk that they should stop pursuing excellence in their respective fields and instead focus on a “practical” trade or craft like building barns?
(Edited by srbiddy09)
3 years ago Report
spdshftr69: You know whats funny, Trump is living rent free in yalls head. No longer the President, no longer tweeting, but yall cant move on or let go. so.. just saying.
3 years ago Report
srbiddy09: @spd: I am pretty sure that nothing whatsoever is living in y'all's head. LOL

3 years ago Report
spdshftr69: How many politicians have committed crimes or public elected officials while holding office? Yet, none are prosecuted. None are held accountable. why is that?
3 years ago Report
srbiddy09: @spd: I think it has something to do with Presidential Immunity. LOL
3 years ago Report
spdshftr69: close, political immunity. No public official can be prosecuted for any crime committed while doing so for political gain. Case in point, the Steele document that started the russian investigation. none of them will ever be prosecuted. they have the power.
3 years ago Report
srbiddy09: Presidents are immune from prosecution as long as they are "acting within the scope of their duties," which--admittedly--is a term that is somewhat open to interpretation.
3 years ago Report
Fractured fairy tale
Fractured fairy tale: What about That Quomo Locking all the Nursing Homes down , Then Moving all the covid Patients there Full well Knowing that It affected the Elderly , Despite there Being Tents In Hyde Park and a Big hospital Ship brought in by Trump , Then Lied about it Coved it up , After most of them Died , Thats not Immunnity From Prosicution Thats full On Corruption
3 years ago Report
Fractured fairy tale
Fractured fairy tale: Thats Certainlly one Way To Say , Thank you for Fighting Our Wars ByeBye
3 years ago Report
MJ59: ^^^^^
And there's an example of why a good grounding in literature is important
(Edited by MJ59)
3 years ago Report
Fractured fairy tale
Fractured fairy tale: Oh Its The Head Of the Screen Actors guild of Wire Cllub The Head of the Socal Justice Movemnt thats Gonna come and beat Me Up , Don"t I get a Gold Star Oh Boo Hoo Its a Political forum on a Website Not a Hollyweird Script get a Life Go Wright one If you Want all your Holly weird Heroes to Come and WoW you Copy and Pasted Somrthing about Shapesphere WoW
They Might give Ya A standing Ovation
3 years ago Report
MJ59: Brian, seek help.
Nobody ever said they were coming to beat you up, you really must stop your lies and misinformation, it's not making you look rational and balanced ok?

And I've asked you thousands of times to stop stalking me on wire!

Honestly, I try going to different threads to avoid you and time and again you show up to abuse me and tell lies about me, I may have to ask a mod to remove you!

Perhaps if you'd listened at school and learnt a bit of Shakespeare, you may have learned to converse at an intelligent level

'Whether tis nobler in the mind to suffer the slings and arrows of outrageous brian, Or to take arms against a sea of his troubles, And by opposing end them'.
(Edited by MJ59)
3 years ago Report
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