The rise of the far-right

MaIvado: There has been a continuous rise in the far right movement in the US, Germany, and other countries.

Prove me wrong.

[Gerald, you can rant in here also, don’t be shy]
3 years ago Report
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I saved this for you
3 years ago Report
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GeraldtheGnome: Before I start this properly I have to make a disclaimer to everyone that is of the far left and the far right. If you are of the far left or far right then anything of yours that you decide to put on here that is unfair to me and/or to another or to more than one other Person (no matter if that includes me or not) then I will delete it immediately. There is no Forum, this one included, where harassment and bullying should be allowed, no matter if it is my Forum or someone else's. It's disgusting enough that there are Forums on here that are started up by far left and far right stirrers. You are two Peas in a Pod, too similar to each other. The Horseshoe Theory is credible.

For everyone else I wish to see what you wish to show me. I haven't started my introduction to this Forum properly as of yet, as you can see. This is a disclaimer only. (Edited by GeraldtheGnome)



1) Which country or incident are you referring to as having a far left rising?


GeraldtheGnome: To each one where such things are happening.

GeraldtheGnome: So each Country, no one incident, though if you have examples of any particular incident then feel free to tell me all about it. Preferably in graphic detail, don't leave anything out, so long as it's honest then I'm fine with what you tell me.


I do not see a noteworthy raising in far-left within any of the major countries hence why I asked you.

There is on the contrary, a raise in the far right movement.

Countries include the USA [1] and Germany [2]. These are the two that I am sure of. Others can be searched on.

I remember too reading on the issue Germany is facing. Far right groups are being trained in Russian camps [3]






GeraldtheGnome: Then you are only seeing one side of what is happening. This maybe because you yourself are of the far left or simply unaware of the rise of the far left or both. In The USA there is now the falling of the far right due to the rise of the far left there. Germany is one we should both look carefully at too. At the same stage I hate Neo Nazis and other far right groups as much as I hate far left groups.

Remember, many of those in the Media are of the far left (some though are of the far right) and highlight those of the opposition extremist groups in order to further their own political agenda, a way of recruiting new members to their own extremist political ideologies. Look at many news stories, many are presented to show the political ideologies of a certain far left or far right Person rather than just show things as they are. Everyone should be allowed to see things as they are and react to them appropriately.


Gerald, I will respond to each of your points:

1. “ This maybe because you yourself are of the far left or simply unaware of the rise of the far left or both”

- I do not consider myself far left by the definition. [1]

- My very first question to you was to support your position that there is a raise in the far-left. You have not. I provided the evidence for my statements. You may still present your case, I am open to it. After all if you think I’m uninformed then proceed to adequately inform me. I take this as a discussion, not as a debate [as yet].

2. “ In The USA there is now the falling of the far right due to the rise of the far left there.”

- Support your claim. The far right is not falling in the US.

From my understanding the far right increases on its own accord. It was noticeable when Obama came into power and arguably is based on racist ill-will towards that. It is not a recent phenomena. The US’ foreign policies shows that it is a right leaning nation [edit: Not right wing but more anti-far left]. Even the so-called democrats are not very left.

3. On the bias of news sources: The news sources I showed you are not far-left or far-right, the pointed to what was occurring and not opinion/conspiracy reporting.



This goes back to my original question. Can you expand on that so that I can better understand you. Also some structured sources will be appreciated.


GeraldtheGnome: It is falling/failing, sure they are attempting a resurgence, but in reality, in the US at least, Poster Boy for the far left (Biden) is gathering strength, political correctness, racism, reverse racism and the BLACK Lives Matter Movement is on the rise. All of that, just like far right extremism, is a problem, all of it is making things worse for everyone, not better. I never stated if your sources were wrong or right, I instead told you what mainly is happening. It is very rare to get an unbiased news report on certain subjects. I always love to know all sides of the story. The Horseshoe Theory alone is very interesting and credible.


Being too ‘far’ on any spectrum tends to cause problems. However, the far right should not be underestimated or laid as less of a threat. I’ll explain why.

1) The far right movement is not decreasing in the US. Everything has pointed to an increase. We can also look at the recent event as an example. Not only the event itself, but every thing around it. The far-right networks etc.

2) President Biden is not far-left. His policies will be considered close to centre. Some don’t even consider him left at all. There is a common misunderstanding in the US on what left-wing and far left entails.

3) A person only has to observe the reports and see for themselves. The news sources are correct. Consider also what the FBI director had stated:

“What I can tell you is that, within the domestic terrorism bucket category as a whole, racially-motivated violent extremism is, I think, the biggest bucket within that larger group, and within the racially-motivated violent extremists bucket, people subscribing to some kind of white supremacist-type ideology is certainly the biggest chunk of that,"


I like the topic you put forward. I do think though that the far-right poses the greatest threat and this thought seems to be aligned with the sources.

The US has been against anything too left of itself. If you observe how the Democrats did not select Bernie and he himself was not far-left. Also on how the party has responded to left leaning leaders in South America:

There is a misunderstanding in the US on what is left or far left. I’ve seen the terms ‘liberal’, ‘communism’, ‘marxism’ misused.

(Edited by MaIvado)

It’s also important to note that BLM movement only came as a response to racism and that increase in white supremacy. Unlike white supremacy which independently grows and feeds on itself.

Perhaps addressing that far-right, white supremacy issue in the US will in turn decrease the other.

GeraldtheGnome: Biden, Obama and the Clinton’s are examples of the far left, news is often biased when it comes to certain subjects, however in most cases it is never Fake News, Trump is of the far right, in his Country they are on the way down, but still a big problem. Sure, to a degree the far left gives the far right strength and the far right gives the far left strength, it is a vicious cycle. What those of the far right did recently over there was one last desperate bid to regain lost power. They are a spent force at present, the worrying thing is they will regain one day due to the way of thinking by the far left. I want both factions to fail from now on.

Supporters of the Black lives matter movement are far left in thinking, Biden supports it. The rioters,protestors, thugs and whatever else they should be named are not Terrorists. The first time I ever saw the word Terrorist being used by George Bush Junior, the reason was of convenience at the time, it however does not justify what those mislabeled as Terrorists did do. That way was continued on by Obama, Trump and Biden in reference to most undesirable that they wish to name that. The Clinton’s though are actually real Terrorist lovers.

Your statement: “Biden, Obama and the Clinton’s are examples of the far left.”

Can you outline which policies they have placed forward that you consider to be far-left?

(Edited by MaIvado)

GeraldtheGnome: On race based issues in regards to Biden and Obama, making it more about what someone’s race is than anything else, there are other reasons too. For the Clinton’s it’s mainly due to their pro Terrorist way of thinking, again though, there are some other reasons, but not that many more in regards to Bill Clinton. Of course though race based policies and Terrorism loving are evident among far right examples too. Reverse racism though are exclusively carried out by those of the far left.

Race is an issue in the US. Not really a policy.

Biden and Obama has not insinuated that one race is superior to the other. What reverse racism are you referring to? Racism is simply racism. Can you state a specific incident you are thinking of?

What proTerrorism way of thinking are you referring to?

You still have not outlined any far-left policies carried out. I understand it is difficult to find a fixed definition of the far left but there are at least some characteristics we can agree on based on history.

Anti-capitalism as an example. There was no erasing of capitalism in the Obama Administration. Anti-globalism is another one. ‘Globalism’ has been revamped by Biden as he has expressed commitment to NATO.

Nothing shows that the Clinton, Obama or Biden administration is far-left. You’ll have a difficult time convincing some that they are even strong left more so for ‘far’ /extreme left.
(Edited by MaIvado)

GeraldtheGnome: The policy is to make race an issue over there and that is an issue itself. Reverse racism unfairly sucking up to someone of another race. Too many things show that Obama, Biden and the Clinton’s are of the far left. So the Clinton’s were never for at least one Terrorist group ? No one can convince ever.yone Yes, reverse is just racism. Political correctness is something all of the far left are for.

You are aware that race is and has always been an issue in the US, right? It is not created via a policy. Or you would’ve named a policy.

During this discussion we have acknowledged that white supremacy and racism. Also that action has been taken against that presented issue.

Who has Biden [white], and Obama [black], sucked up to in oppose races?

What things show that Biden, Clinton or Obama are far-left?? I have just showed out the opposite. Provide evidence or incidences.

Gerald, this is reading more as a rant to me on your end than a logical discussion.

GeraldtheGnome: Bye far left Boy, you are wrong and too closed minded, you never read my disclaimer and you are guilty of it and one of the things you yourself are guilty of, each bit of content of yours will be deleted due to your one eyed way of thinking.

The thread can be found here; Topic: Politics

(Edited by Account Closed)
3 years ago Report

Oh man, the moment he got started fumbling I knew a deleting rage was imminent. Last time I’m commenting on his things but I liked the topic. Wish he could’ve handled it better.


3 years ago Report
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It is unfortunate, I agree, I think he has posted many good topics for discussion.

The problem, he can't discuss them.

I no longer post in his threads.
3 years ago Report
Yes, shame but if he wishes, he’s welcomed here.

I read of Germany’s issue with far-right groups being trained in Russian camps. These things can easily be used by foreign countries to press for coups and insurrections without those groups even realising they were used.

It’s not a new thing. The Bay of Pigs is a good example.
3 years ago Report
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He won't post here. He can't control the narrative.
3 years ago Report
manolo1886: Far right is only a little more visible today, no growth/decline.. The *feel is expressed as rise because blatant racism from "leaders" and racist public display has been consumed through the plethora of media streams FB,CNN,YOUTUBE Snapchat that is new.

Whereas racist comments from the ruling class is very very old..
3 years ago Report
There is growth in the number of groups, their active members and their activities.

Perhaps the thoughts were there, yes, but we are seeing the freaks coming out of the woodwork. Collaborating and rising.

Maybe for the US the Capitol insurrection was a wake up call but it had a lot of warning signs.
3 years ago Report
lori100: same can be said for violent oppressive dems...they don't mind racism from biden and harris saying the riots should continue , dissing slavery when her family had slaves
(Edited by lori100)
3 years ago Report
MaIvado: Note that this is on the far-right, not the political parties of the US.

Keep your conspiracy theories in your conspiracy theory thread.
3 years ago Report
lori100: dems are far left, where was conspiracy mentioned?? you said US
(Edited by lori100)
3 years ago Report
The democratic party of the US is not far left. They are closer to centre.

Review the terminologies.
3 years ago Report
lori100: is now
3 years ago Report
lori100: right is reaction to liberal dem media propaganda who showed their true selves in their 5 yr rant against trump
(Edited by lori100)
3 years ago Report
The democratic party is not far-left. They did not even want Bernie who was mildly left.
Review the terminologies.
3 years ago Report
The topic is not on the right, but on the far-right. The far-right has been present in the US and growing long before Trump. I have read it picked up more momentum when Obama came into office due to clear racism.
3 years ago Report
You can review these two explanations by Wikipedia:

Far-right -

3 years ago Report
lori100: the far left want to destroy the USA and all our freedoms, trying to ban all others and their voices and make all cities dem hellholes like portland, nyc, seattle, chicago.,los angeles....
(Edited by lori100)
3 years ago Report
MaIvado: Do you have anything to contribute to the topic on the far-right issue in the US?
3 years ago Report
lori100: they exist like the far left
3 years ago Report
MaIvado: Thanks for passing by.
3 years ago Report
MaIvado: Btw if you are interested in the far-left there is another thread on that.
3 years ago Report
lori100: lol gnome deleted yours
3 years ago Report
MaIvado: What can I say, I help people get in touch with their sensitive side.
3 years ago Report
While the US faces terrorist threats, it is noteworthy that white supremacists and other far-right-wing extremists are the most significant domestic terrorism threat.

3 years ago Report
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