We've Been Lied To (Page 2)

prairwarur: That's all that matters, beloved, Jesus is about to return and we must not lose hope. We've been living in times of deception for so long, but our trust is in Christ alone. His Word told us what would be happening, what we are seeing today. God said He alone would fight for us. All we have to do is trust God, watch and pray. Let our good works help others. Lend a helping hand where you can. Show mercy, seek justice and walk humbly with your God, as the prophet said.

Micah 6:8
He has told you, O man, what is good; And what does the Lord require of you But to do justice, to love kindness, And to walk humbly with your God?

Shalom, Prair
3 years ago Report
refurbwoodart: Not only lied to stolen from. The arrest of a Tennessee senator for stealing over $600,000 also exposed exactly why democrats wanted to keep Obamacare in place. Democrat Katrina Robinson was arrested by FBI and then FBI in its investigation found she profited by a loophole in Obamacare by another$169,134 that she used to pay her campaign staff. So no wonder so many democrats ran for president after profiting their campaigns so much from Obamacare taxpayers money to the pockets of politicians. It was just a front to make money and they wanted to claim the actually cared about people's health hmmm isn't that interesting. And Trump wanted to repeal and replace it but so many people hate home for that. I wonder how many people think he was wrong about it now.
3 years ago Report
theHating: Lol this thread. All hail jesus!
3 years ago Report
prairwarur: This thread? The woman in this video is really all about hail Jesus!
Spiritual Warfare as described by a doctor. Surely not a "witch doctor"?

3 years ago Report
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(Post deleted by Account Closed 3 years ago)
refurbwoodart: Well Gramma the Pentagon back in the 60's studied astral projection and even researched exactly what she is talking about so there must be some legitimate statistics that suggest it could be possible. I'm not saying I agree or support it but there has to be some sort of basis statistically that had some suggestive support for it.
3 years ago Report
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MJ59: Demon Sperm is the way to salvation!!!
3 years ago Report
chowomanishere: You hope Trump wins again? Oh bOYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY! I hope not .....
3 years ago Report
theHating: It puts the biden on the skin or else it gets the trump again
3 years ago Report
chowomanishere: Well I'd rather have Biden .....
3 years ago Report
theHating: Trust the plan lol

Wait around for something we can reasonably call a great awakening....

It puts the biden on the skin or else it gets the trump again
3 years ago Report
theHating: It puts.

The biden.

On the skin.
3 years ago Report
chowomanishere: Ya Yap Yap who cares Hating?
3 years ago Report
theHating: "who cares"

People who aren't coronaviruses
3 years ago Report
3 years ago Report
CannonballSimp: yeah I usually am skeptical about conspiracy theories, but the longer this media-induced covid hysteria drags on, I think it seems more and more likely that the whole thing is just a big strategy to get Trump out of office, one that is already doomed to fail. Where was all this panic with H1N1? Why didn't we shut everything down and force everyone to wear masks during the outbreaks of avian and swine flus? Or SARS? I'm not a Trump fan but I think anyone with a brain can easily see thru this cockamamie and he is pretty much guaranteed a second term.
3 years ago Report
theHating: "more likely that the whole thing is just a big strategy to get Trump out of office,"

It's not but I'll let ya believe it is so that when he isn't removed for mishandling the response, you can pretend that somehow vindicates your suspicions...

"Where was all this panic with H1N1?"

Ummm... There kind of was a lot of panic. You mean there was NO ONE cashing in on colloidal silver during that outbreak? Lol

"Why didn't we shut everything down and force everyone to wear masks during the outbreaks of avian and swine flus? "

Seriously? Others had recommended people avoid taking mass transit, cancel vacations to both Mexico and the United States, wear N95-rated dust masks in public, cancelling school classes for a week or more, and other hysterical responses.... So....

"I'm not a Trump fan but I think anyone with a brain can easily see ... he is pretty much guaranteed a second term."

Yup, no way he could possibly lose, now!

3 years ago Report
motalove1968: The more these people on the Left speaks the better that they make lookl! #TRUMP2020 #MAGA2020 #4MOREYEARS
3 years ago Report
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CannonballSimp: So a few recommendations, warnings, and school cancellations vs. mandated shutdown for months? I'll admit I don't know all the facts, but I still think it's painfully obvious that the covid 19 pandemic is being overblown for some reason, political or otherwise. Maybe Trump has nothing to do with it. Only one thing I think we can be sure of: the truth will come out eventually.
3 years ago Report
chelles_26: Threads like this are so funny.
3 years ago Report
The giant midget
The giant midget: All this nonsense about these viruses and masks and diarrhea is all Elvis Presley, Sammy Davis and James Parkways fault
They started it all at a night club in the Sahara desert sometime last December.
3 years ago Report
3 years ago Report