The Zenger Society: A Forum For Free Speech (Page 361)

KeithJ: The Bucking troll Z is ,,,,,well you know
2 years ago Report
KeithJ: Also it is funny how HE supports a Nazi idealist like cluck who thinks Jan 6th insurrectionist with Nazi's in which Nazi's would have sent himself to death in a gas chamber even by the way he looks and "is"
2 years ago Report
Fractured fairy tale
(Post deleted by Echolegacy 2 years ago)
KeithJ: what a BUCKING idiot fairy pants is . he must be the biggest brain washed BUCKING idiot in AU .
2 years ago Report

Looks to me like Zhynathan has become drunk on his power as a "moderator," so for now, I will post here. Let's see if he decides to ban me from THIS web site, too. Maybe the fact that I started this thread will make some difference to him.


2 years ago Report
Fractured fairy tale
(Post deleted by Echolegacy 2 years ago)
KeithJ: shut the phuck up and use real English instead of slum language fairy phuck .
2 years ago Report
Fractured fairy tale
(Post deleted by Echolegacy 2 years ago)
KeithJ: And a "mate " is something in zoo animals or cow breeding stupid .
2 years ago Report
Fractured fairy tale
(Post deleted by Echolegacy 2 years ago)
Fractured fairy tale
(Post deleted by Echolegacy 2 years ago)
Fractured fairy tale
(Post deleted by Echolegacy 2 years ago)
KeithJ: Echo ,,, walking 4 miles to get a powerball ticket on the way back I found a Taurus 40 cal
pistol so I stopped at at tire shop to have them call the police to let them have it and check it out ,,was not stolen the cop said but you never know what ,,it looked to me where I found it someone was trying to throw it in the creek driving by also along the bridge over the creek was a huge knife and a sheathe but I did not pic it up but told the cop about that too but the cop did not go back to the bridge to get the knife .
2 years ago Report

To Fractured Skull:

As the creator of this thread, I've come to the conclusion that your presence here is nothing more than a distraction, an aberration and a perversion of all that is right, humane and decent. Therefore, I exercise the right granted to me by Wire Club to simply delete any and all posts that you offer up here because, frankly, I'm sick of you and unless "Big Brother" in the form of Zhynathan decides to censor ME (something that could very easily happen), you're history, pal, and nobody will object, I am certain.

You can insult me all you like elsewhere, but on THIS thread, you twerp, you are PERSONA NON GRATA which is Latin for "GET LOST" and THAT is my final word on the subject.

I am sick of your posts that read like you were in the throes of an epileptic seizure; sick of your crudeness, your obscene rantings, your blistering HATRED of the United States and its citizenry; your gross, appalling ignorance and your xenophobia. Frankly, I'm amazed that I didn't do this sooner and if you DO decide to post here, I WILL DELETE IT and I don't give a tinker's damn who knows it.

Bye-bye, Fractured's hoping you get well soon but if you don't--well, who the hell really cares anyway?

Good riddance.


PS; Note to Zhynatahn: You already know what I think of censorship; a privilege which you have exercised, in my opinion, without discretion, common sense or fairness at all. You may have the POWER to censor me but that does not mean that you have the RIGHT. I said NOTHING in this post that could possibly justify censoring it and given the arbitrary standards by which YOU operate, and which can in no way be construed as being fair or evenhanded, its unclear as to what your reaction will be. Such is the nature of ALL censors and to you and those who think as you do, I will leave you with a quote from Cicero, who knew a few things about the abuse of power. He once wrote: Omnia quae dicenda sunt, libere dicam, which means, "Everything which must be said, I will say freely" and I don't give a damn what you or anybody else might think about it. Learn to live with the things that YOU find offensive and you might just learn something important but I won't hold my breath. My experience in the past has led me to conclude that the censor NEVER relinquishes power because, in many cases, that's all he has of any value aside from insufferable arrogance and misplaced delusions of grandeur.

Think about it, Zhynathan.

(Edited by Echolegacy)
2 years ago Report
Fractured fairy tale
(Post deleted by Echolegacy 2 years ago)

To Fractured Skull:

Whatever you post here, I promise you that I WILL delete it and there's not a God damned thing you can do about it. In fact, I just did it and you know what? It felt GREAT and I propose to do it to you whenever I can.

Boy, some people will NEVER learn and I guess you're one of them. Keep posting, you schmuck, like I said, I WILL delete it and I will LAUGH whenever I do.

(Edited by Echolegacy)
2 years ago Report
KeithJ: Echo I'll laugh along with you when you delete fractured phuched up too !
2 years ago Report

This is Something That A Friend Sent Me. It Still Resonates; Even Now:

Fuck You, Donald Trump

Fuck you for being a hypersensitive, grossly plump caricature of a human being; a squirming mass of cockroaches lurking under a skinsuit veneer.

Fuck your wanton plundering of our social fabric, your willingness to tear down the structure that allows you to exist, your glorification of the worst parts of humanity, all in the name of your own insatiable greed and depravity.

Fuck your race baiting, fearmongering, Nazi-enabling rhetoric that allows the darkest and most destructive corners of our collective zeitgeist free reign to terrorize the rest.

Fuck your ignorant paucity of intellect, your narcissistic belief in your own ego, your inability to recognize your own descent into fascism.

Fuck your promotions of white supremacists to positions of power, of science denying crackpots to oversee our future, of bootlicking toadies to oversee your transition.

Fuck your misogynistic views on women’s rights, fuck your archaic beliefs on the freedom of press and religion, and fuck your idiotic venality when it comes to the destruction of a country that, while not always achieving freedom for all of its citizens, has done the best to get there in the entirety of recorded human history.

Fuck you, Melania Trump.

Fuck you for being willing to support this disgusting slime mold because it means you can live a life of privilege and luxury, never mind the hardships that will befall women across this nation due to your husband’s philistinish views.

Fuck you for posing for puff pieces in entertainment magazines while the cabal of shitgoblins your partner is assembling gets ready to reverse everything that has allowed you to possess even the most moderate amount of power.

Fuck you for taking the easy choice, the choice to suck the dick of a loathsome troll in order to wear Hugo Boss dresses, instead of taking a stand in order to protect the fifty percent of our population who shares your gender.

Fuck you for smiling and waving at the cameras when your husband is on record as saying, “Grab them (women) by the pussy. Once you've done that, you can do anything.”

Fuck your betrayal of everything Susan B. Anthony and other suffragettes fought for, fuck your tacit acceptance that a woman should be an accessory to a man, fuck your self-centered interest in insuring your own well-being over the well-being of the country that allows you such a lifestyle.

Fuck you, Ivanka, Eric, and Donald Trump Jr.

Fuck you for being willing lackeys of this pusillanimous ape, for carrying his water on television and in media interviews.

Fuck you for clinging to his hairy teat, for not finding the courage to strike out on your own, for not recognizing that even though you can’t choose your parents, you can certainly choose your own path in life.

Fuck you for normalizing this piece of shit wannabe-Hitler, for treating his wretched series of business enterprises as anything other than the fraudulent snake-oil jobs that they are, for bowing beneath the lash instead of standing tall and making your own way, despite the loss it might incur.

Fuck you for the hate and pain you will inflict on hundreds of thousands of American citizens because you couldn’t muster the courage to say, “No, this isn’t right, and even though I’m related to you by blood, I refuse to proceed with this abhorrent state of affairs.”

Fuck your greasy, slimy, frat-house words and beliefs, your ideals that would tear us apart, your craven unworthiness to occupy a public space that you achieved through no merit of your own, one which you have no idea what to do with other than to cause hurt.

Fuck you, Jared Kushner.

Fuck your anti-Semitism.

Fuck your quisling compliance, your willingness to see those like you tortured and degraded in order to further your own lot in life.

Fuck your manipulation of our media through your financial control of the Observer, fuck your sheltered life of wanton privilege, fuck your inability to understand the arc of history.

Fuck everything you do to uphold a wretched lout who would suffer no qualms in ordering you in front of the firing squad if it meant he might live another day.

Fuck you, Republicans who refuse to disown this bloated leech.

Fuck your cowardice, your disavowal of the solemn duties of your office — keeping this country safe from tyrants and demagogues.

Fuck you for meekly bending the knee in compliance, instead of speaking truth to power.

Fuck you for choosing political expediency over courage, fuck you for sacrificing the poor and the sick, fuck you for dragging our government into a hole from which it may never recover.

Fuck you, members of the media.

Fuck your constant pursuit of ratings, of quarterly profits, of giving this tin pot cum dumpster a platform with which he can influence a large part of our country

Fuck you for buying into the idea that racism should be afforded an equal platform with equality, for calling a Nazi anything other than a Nazi.

Fuck your smarmy think pieces attempting to normalize a new hegemony, fuck your cowardice in the face of totalitarianism, fuck your CEOs and VPs and executive producers who are willing to feed the innocent to the depraved in order to forestall their own demise.

Fuck you for not doing your job.

Fuck you, Trump supporters.

Fuck you for your willing ignorance, your inability to understand that a fascist is telling you exactly what he wants to do to you.

Fuck you for tearing apart the rule of law, and bringing back the rule of force.

Fuck you for not caring, for believing the easy lies you read instead of using your brain to find the truth.

Fuck you for putting your petty hatreds and squabbles ahead of everything that once made this country great, and fuck you for unwittingly causing it to fall.

Fuck you everyone who refuses to take a stand against this man.

Fuck your inability to understand history.

Fuck your selfish interests that ignore the fact that if one of us isn’t free, none of us is free.

Fuck your willingness to normalize this dictator, your filthy desire for more lucre, your inability to fight for your fellow citizens and everything this country once stood for. The Founders would be ashamed of you.

Fuck your blind optimism that things will somehow magically turn out okay, fuck your American exceptionalism draped in the corpses of communities of color, fuck your overwhelming ignorance that could be solved if you simply wished to learn and ask ‘why.’

Above all, fuck your cowardice, your self-loathing hypocrisy, your myopic blinders keeping you from identifying the single greatest threat our republic has faced since we took up arms against the British, because if someone other than you suffers, somehow that makes it just fine.

Fuck you, Donald Trump, for turning my country into something that it never should have become, for turning it into something no country should ever become.

Fuck you, Donald Trump, for driving us into conflict, one that will most likely end in violence.

Fuck you, Donald Trump.

2 years ago Report
KeithJ: Exactly !! Fuck Them ,,,and like a old Italian guy I knew once Gus Pinchetti would say
"Twice Even " !!!!!

2 years ago Report
KeithJ: Well well I guess I was right ,,even more DAMNING EVIDENCE on Humpty Dumpty is surfacing and it IS NOW from archived White House recordings and documents .
I say draw and quarter the son of a bitch or at least give him 25 years in prison because we all know the fat ass won't live that long with out a heart attack from eating artery clogging food all his fat ass life .
2 years ago Report
Fractured fairy tale
(Post deleted by Echolegacy 2 years ago)

I don't know why Fractured Skull insists on posting here when he knows perfectly well that I will delete it, an act which never fails to bring a smile to my face. So, keep posting, you asshole, because as long as you persist in this madness, you can expect the same reaction from me. Best of all, "Zhynathan," or "Big Brother" as I have come to know him, has not done one thing about this so I guess I'm home free, provided I don't malign his lord and master, Donald Trump.

(Edited by Echolegacy)
2 years ago Report
KeithJ: Echo we all know empty skull is a racist right wing nut job of the AU version that is illiterate and types in slum language . sure I myself make a gramatical mistake once in a great while but DAMN LOOK AT HIM LOL
2 years ago Report

rmcluck Posted This:

The new official song of the Republican Party is " The Horst Wessel Song," a Nazi anthem commemorating the death of a Storm Trooper who was killed in a street brawl in the 1930's. Nice one, rm, which proves, quite nicely, the fascist pretensions of your corrupt "Party" and your own idiotic allegiance to this band of criminals. I never expected anything else.

Our resident blockhead (rmcluck) came up with THIS bit of rank stupidity and posted:

"A lot of finger pointing going on. I see where Donald Trump is blaming n****rs and the Jews to for Tuesday's loss. You go girl!"

One girlyman to another, eh, rm?


Oh, and here's a shoutout for our Wire Club censor, and devotee of Donald Trump, Zhynathan:

How do you like THEM apples, Zhynathan? Feel like censoring me yet? No matter; I posted this on the thread I started: The Zenger Society.

Have a great day, boys!


(Edited by Echolegacy)
2 years ago Report

To rmcluck:

Typical bullshit from one truly dumb cluck......the Democrats just passed a historic piece of legislation, no thanks to the assholes, insurrectionists and criminals who comprise Trump's loyal base of scumbags, which they most certainly are. Here, I'm talking about schmucks like Ted Cruz, Marjorie Taylor Greene, Matt Gaetz, and Josh Hawley. Moreover, how can ANYBODY take this sort of thing seriously when you have clowns and boobs like Mike Lindell, Rudy Giuliani trying to push "THE BIG LIE," but I guess rmcluck doesn't think this is important. What's more, for the first time in the history of the republic, we can no longer expect free and honest elections because it is manifestly clear that the Republicans are doing their best to make that an impossibility. They really do not believe in the democratic process and rule of law. rmcluck's silence on this matter is deafening and on the basis of THAT, I want to suggest that rmcluck just leave the country all together since he no longer thinks its necessary to participate in the electoral process, unfettered and untainted by corruption and double dealing. The question really ought to be: why the FUCK do you even want to go on living here, you blind, stupid, naïve sonofabitch????

You see, if they lose then the first thing they'll do is scream "The election was fixed!" because they no longer believe in acknowledging the will of the people. This makes the Republican Party a crypto-fascist clique of millionaires who think the country can best be served by piling up more wealth, and doing it in a flagrantly corrupt and freewheeling style that they learned from none other than Donald Trump; bravo, you pigs, you really are congenital IDIOTS for permitting such a state of affairs to arise in the first place.

You are hopeless, hopeless, hopeless and certainly do not deserve the privilege' of living in a country that so desperately needs to be rid, once and for al,l of morons and world class SCHMUCKS like you.

For once, your IDIOCY leaves me speechless. How in the WORLD did somebody like you EVER get to be the age you are with such a staggeringly tragic handicap; RANK STUPIDITY?

I am done with you---thank God such rank stupidity isn't contagious; already, I feel like I've lost points off my IQ just having to deal with somebody as obtuse and dumb as you.


(Edited by Echolegacy)
2 years ago Report