The Zenger Society: A Forum For Free Speech (Page 314)

chronology: Keith, never be complacent. All Democrats need to make sure they Vote and urge others to vote. Every vote counts.
3 years ago Report
murrayduan: 27 Million have voted already. That is 20% of the total votes cast in 2016.

Data so far says, 54% are Democratic votes and 32% are Republican. I think it is safe to assume some of the 32% are for Biden and 0% are for Trump. IMO
3 years ago Report
chronology: We can only hope so. The United States has been through stormy political times in the past. I remember Mr Nixon's last term. Personally I think he was a great man who did great things, but some of the street clashes and argument's were extremely bitter. Some of the labour disputes during President George W Bush presidency were also bitter as heck, people furious their Jobs had vanished because of NAFTA. Mr Trump is not much more unpopular than those President's in the past. But with one big difference, America has next to nothing to take it's mind off the arguing like in the past.
In Mr Nixon's day, Auto Worker's and Truck Driver's earned more than politicians in Europe. When Britain's Prime Minister Mr Heath visited the USA, doctors in the United States earned more than he did. Times have changed and many folks in the USA have nothing to take their mind's off all these arguments.
3 years ago Report
KeithJ: Looks more and more the BIG CRY is coming ,,more people are tired of a buffoon narcissist
financial crook ,,anyone no matter who will be better .
3 years ago Report
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murrayduan: Never thought there would be a President that made me think Bush wasn't so bad.
3 years ago Report

Its been a while since I posted anything here because, frankly, I think I'd simply run out of useful things to say. We are coming down to the wire now regarding the election and I think that many people are not just burnt out from trying to cope with the pandemic; the feeling of desolation and hopelessness after four years of Donald Trump is ubiquitous and there appears to be nobody who can escape it.

Nobody except Donald Trump himself. He LOVES what's going on. And the truly hideous thing about it is that we can see the leader of the free world living as though the pandemic is just an illusion, and as for the 225,000 dead on his watch? Well, Trump's attitude seems to be one of stupendous indifference. I could easily imagine Trump saying something like, "Well, let's hope that the majority of fatalities were Democrats."

You might think I'm exaggerating, but I'm being entirely truthful here. Its one thing to acknowledge that America's sworn enemies might wish us harm; that's just the way things are. Its something else, however, when that sort of maliciousness is coming from the President of the United States. Put plainly, Donald Trump doesn't give a DAMN how many people might die, just as long as HE is re-elected. Think about that for a moment: the man whose job it is to preserve, protect and defend our republic simply doesn't give a damn whether or not you live or die. Not at all.

I consider myself a fairly sophisticated individual but in my experience, I have never encountered such astounding callousness and cruelty but that just shows me that there are still some (unpleasant) surprises awaiting me. This, surely, is one of them.

By now, after months of lies, obfuscations, evasions, half-truths, insults, trash talk, distortions, misrepresentations, and BULLSHIT, perhaps the American people have had their fill. I doubt that there is ANYBODY who, by this time, is undecided on the election and if they are then must have been living under a rock for the last year. Otherwise, they are just like many Americans who have the attention span of a gnat and the intellectual wherewithal of a single celled amoeba. Still, as superficial and materialistic as many Americans are, they are not entirely without a clue when it comes to identifying a man with obvious pretensions to being a fascist, like Donald Trump.

I want to thank Gramma and murray for their recent posts because they have both been stressing certain things that really need to be emphasized. Gram, first, for stressing the need for people not to be too complacent about the election and moreover, for trying to explain to Fractured how misguided it is to judge the politics of the United States from a foreign and distorted perspective. She has a point and murray gets credit for showing how absurd it is to call Biden a "Socialist," all the more disconcerting because most people have no idea at all what the word "Socialism" actually MEANS. Moreover, he makes the excellent point that many of the things that Americans take for granted, like social security, Medicare, and dozens of other entitlements are NOT the fruits of a decadent and oppressive socialistic government; they are an integral part of our lives and proof that we have what is euphemistically referred to as a "mixed economy," a label that could easily be applied to dozens of other countries around the world.

One more of the many, many ridiculous LIES of which Trump has a seemingly endless supply. Sadly, there are thousands of similar examples.

There is one other thing that must be discussed and that is why so many people, most of them Trump supporters, simply do not take the pandemic seriously---and this includes any and all those benighted numbskulls who take him at his word when he tried to minimize the threat that the virus poses to us: why is this happening?

Well, the answer is simple: most people in this country have more faith in the Bible than they do in science and it might come as no surprise to you that Americans are dismally lacking when it comes to hard and verifiable scientific KNOWLEDGE. To me, that only indicates that people prefer the feeling of security that they get from the Bible rather than taking satisfaction in learning how the machinery of the world really operates. People prefer fairy tales that make them feel safe and which assuage their egos so that they can believe that we are "the crown of creation."

Well....if WE are the "crown of creation," then explain to me how Donald Trump fits into that concept!

As a teacher myself, I grew accustomed to hearing my colleagues in the science departments lament the dismal state of science education in general and I came to see that they were correct in their assumptions. Probably the best example of how wishful thinking has usurped rationality is the evolution/creationist controversy, a topic that is too well known to be reiterated here. This is the ONLY country on the planet where evolution is NOT accepted as verifiable scientific FACT. That alone should speak volumes but its just the tip of the iceberg. People seem to have an insatiable appetite for that sort of thing: the "lost" city of Atlantis or the Bermuda Triangle or UFO's: whatever the purveyors of "junk science" think is the coming thing. People, against their better judgment, eat that sort of thing up with the greatest enthusiasm. In fact, the colossal ignorance of the people who oppose vaccinations is just one more manifestation of this nonsense.

I suppose there's a market for that and its clearly popular but that doesn't excuse it: Americans are PROUD of their ignorance and their lack of intellectual curiosity; the rest of the world knows this and yet, that sort of naivete is, sadly, one of our defining national character traits. And now, its come back to bite us in the ass. Some of the most idiotic things that a person could say on the pandemic are generally said by Trump and the sycophants who surround him. Their ignorance of basic science is staggering and this is part of what my point here: some of the utterances by Trump supporters are so manifestly STUPID that its not even funny; late night comedians might disagree, however. The reason its NOT funny is because the contempt that many people feel for science and the suspicion with which they view it can be lethal: this is one time when stupidity CAN be fatal; Donald Trump has been proving it for months now, while thousands have died.

All I can say is that the most important reason why Trump must be defeated is because its finally become a matter of LIFE AND DEATH. Its true, and never has there been an election where the immediate consequences could be felt with such force and with such terror. People SHOULD be terrified because they have allowed themselves to become too complacent; too distracted; too burnt out and too demoralized. Its that simple.

Ignorance can kill and coupled with complacency, the results will be terrible. George Herbert, a 17th century English poet simply wrote, "The tragedy of ignorance is its complacency."

These are some of the reasons why its finally become a matter of life and death to defeat Donald Trump. Four more years of Trump WILL mean the demise, once and for all, of our cherished republic.

And if THAT isn't a tragedy, then I don't know what is.


(Edited by Echolegacy)
3 years ago Report
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I see that Obama was making a speech in which he said that Trump's indifference to the suffering and death of the pandemic is really a manifestation of his jealousy!

Imagine THAT: Trump is throwing a massive temper tantrum (disguised as "rallies" because, as Obama claims, he is jealous that the pandemic has gotten more attention than HE gets.

Now THAT is a pretty damning indictment, anyway you want to slice it, and this, too, demonstrates Trump's unfitness for the Presidency but then again, we already KNEW that....didn't we?

Of course we did! And we rewarded him with the presidency which was perhaps the worst electoral choice that we have made since the founding of the republic. They always say that people get the government they deserve, but tell me, what the hell we did we do to deserve THIS?

With a week to go to the election, I absolutely URGE EVERYONE to make a concerted effort to vote because polls tell us nothing useful, as Gram has rightly pointed out. The ONLY thing that counts now is voting and THAT is what will free the country from the terrible burden of having Donald Trump at the helm for four more years, God forbid.



(Edited by Echolegacy)
3 years ago Report

Thank you, Gram, for a very enlightening and much needed video clip. I want to return the favor by offering THIS clip which my brother set to me, having, as he does, an even lower opinion of Trump than I do.

This particular clip of a Trump supporter who claims that Trump was merely "trying to teach them a lesson" and so, she did not mind standing on a freezing Omaha airfield for hours waiting to hear him speak. Her reasoning and level of articulation are on the level of a demented child but just bear in mind that this numbskull has the power to VOTE and believe me, she's not alone.

I know that there were adults who are so gullible, so naïve, so unthinking and muddled in their thinking but this one really left me speechless.

Just imagine: first, after asserting that Trump merely "wanted to teach us a lesson," when the interviewer asked "What was that lesson?" her response was stunning. don't know but.......its not for ME to say," which left me speechless. Next, she claims that yes, it would have been nice to have cars and busses to pick us us; and then, segued into a short diatribe on Democrats and Tom Hanks who, she claimed, was in Greece being a pedophile!

To make matters even stranger, she claimed that, yes indeed, she would walk 750 miles, bare ass naked and barefoot, just for the privilege of hearing Trump speak in the bitter cold! At this point, I think the interviewer was convinced that there was no more point in talking to this idiot but I had to watch it three times (its not long) just to be certain that I'd heard her correctly.

Its like H.L. Mencken once wrote: "Nobody ever went broke underestimating the intelligence of the American people." This clip is indisputable proof that Mencken was right----with a vengeance!

Here is the clip:

That should speak for itself. Just watch the video; you will find it hard to believe your ears!


(Edited by Echolegacy)
3 years ago Report
Denmarkian: Echo you fool that is only an enactment from

Blaire Erskine


Comedian best known for definitely NOT being Costco Dan's wife, Brian Kemp's daughter, or a rapping MAGA teen. (I don't actually have an accent! So tell me if you want it! But don't make it weird!)
3 years ago Report

Nice try, but it won't wash. That was a REAL idiot of a Trump supporter and I can see why you might be embarrassed by it: the entire country has been putting up with arguably the WORST president that we have ever had the misfortune to elect---undoubtedly by mistake but, hey, that's our system. The very system that Donald Trump and his army of morons are trying so hard to dismantle.

Of course, it hardly matters that the video might just be a joke because it wonderfully captures the internal workings of the mind of the average Trump troglodyte. In that sense, the video is quite REAL because the level of idiocy that she is spouting EXACTLY the way that Trump and the idiots who worship him think. I say this because as the election approaches and the death count from the pandemic soars, all your idiot of a president can do is hold MORE RALLIES, with NO SOCIAL DISTANCING AND NO MASKS FOR THE SPEAKERS, so remember this: Donald Trump DOES NOT CARE IF YOU LIVE OR DIE.

Of course, your response will be to deny, evade and insult me but, hey, I can take it as long as this signals the end of his presidency and his accursed administration.

As Keith is so fond of saying , "The Big Cry" is on its way and there NOTHING that you or Donald Trump can do to steal the election, which, we hope, will not happen.

Actually, I thought I'd seen the last of you. But like a bad penny, you keep turning up.


(Edited by Echolegacy)
3 years ago Report
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Gram, I guess I already figured that out but my point was that this is EXACTLY the kind of muddled, moronic thinking that characterizes so many Trump supporters. Literally true it might not be but the inanity of her words, coupled with a supreme confidence in their "dear leader," makes this more than credible to me.

There is factual truth and then, there is emotional truth, which might be harder to define, but which is still a valid concept.

To me, what she said was truth---with qualification, but still the truth, because THIS is just how looney so many Trump supporters, with their hatred of the media and their infantile grasp of the physical sciences, sound when they open their mouths to blather on to people more educated then they are.

The joke is STILL on Trump---not me.


3 years ago Report
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I am not ashamed to admit that I was mistaken; the shame is still on Donald Trump if he had the intelligence to realize his own appalling and limitless stupidity. I am not the idiot who presided over a nation where 225,000 human beings have died from a lethal disease while doing nothing about it.

So what would I need to feel shame about anyway? Somebody sent me the clip and I just took it at face value. So you’re right; I have done it before but what I said about the clip being emotionally true still stands. What you said about learning from our mistakes is true; I must have said it to hundreds of students over the course of my career.

But what do you do with a man who NEVER admits a mistake and, consequently, learns NOTHING from them?

You get Donald Trump, who has taken this country to hell in a handbasket.

That’s more than enough reason to see him defeated and put on trial for a number of crimes. That would satisfy me.

(Edited by Echolegacy)
3 years ago Report
murrayduan: Yes it was a spoof that mimicked how Trump supporters and Trump himself think.

Echo realized it was a spoof after david informed him of the comedian, and he posted this:

"Of course, it hardly matters that the video might just be a joke because it wonderfully captures the internal workings of the mind of the average Trump troglodyte. In that sense, the video is quite REAL because the level of idiocy that she is spouting EXACTLY the way that Trump and the idiots who worship him think"

That is why to many it can be seen as a real Trump supporter.

Any hardship endured by Trumps actions is rationalized just as she depicted.

Trump got the virus, well it was a blessing from God to show that it isn't really that serious, I mean with finding out you are infected within minutes of contracting the virus and rushed by Helicopter to a Hospital and given $100,000. in treatment you too can beat this thing?

Can you not hear another supporter saying being stranded here is just a way for Trump to show us what we will be in for, should Biden be elected. Biden will leave us stranded just like this. Trump, thank you for showing us the consequences?

Or as Trump himself would say, if the Fake News would not have counted these people stranded, there would not have been any at all. Its the Medias fault not mine.

Echos initial belief of the video, demonstrates just how much a nut case Trump and his supporters are, to have this spoof so believable.

Just substitute Obama or even Bush into the equation and the video would have been laughable. With Trump Hmmm not so much.

How far this Nation and many of its people have fallen. Yikes.
3 years ago Report

Thank you, murray, for your explanation; it pretty much says what I was thinking in any case.
In essence, such a video clip becomes credible precisely because of WHO it mocks.

You picked up on this immediately, which is precisely what I was feeling on the matter.

(Edited by Echolegacy)
3 years ago Report
murrayduan: The most important point taken from the video is how in America can such a realistic video seem so applicable to our Leader?

I mean as soon as Rudy amazingly found and produced the Hunter information from a hard drive, even Fox Views turned it down as being unbelievable. Guess why? Giuliani.

When we hear about Obama spying on Trump as claimed by Trump he is scoffed at by Leslie Stahl. Guess why? Trump.

When we hear Joe has received millions from China, and Russia, no reasonable person believes it. Guess why? Trump said it.

But if we hear, he sexually assaulted over 25 women, he brags about being a sexual predator, he is a Racist, he supports White Supremacist's, his appointments in the administration are being convicted and sent to jail, he claims to earn millions and pays $750. in Taxes, he has gone bankrupt several times and had hundreds of millions of Dollars in loans forgiven because he couldn't pay them, he has lied over 2500 times while in Office, etc.

Guess why we believe it? Trump.

Get the Point?
3 years ago Report
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murrayduan: I am curious if there is a Conservative that really understands what Socialism actually is?

Of course even Fox Views knows but they also know how uninformed their audience is and gullible.

I hear this all the time, Socialism is coming, watch out of Biden is elected Socialism?

Can a righty who buys into this nonsense explain where you get that idea? Is it just Fox Views that convinced you or what?

Conservatives with half a brain know how receptive supporters are to misinformation or any information that supports their idiocies.

They put the word out there then backtrack, explain the mistakes or apologize. Too late the seed was implanted in the rotting mind.

Tell those same minds we have Socialism in our VA Health Care, Social Security, Medicare, Police, Fire Dept. Electrical Grid, Sanitation, Libraries, etc etc. They look at you dumbfounded?

The most intelligent response one can get is, Huh?
3 years ago Report
murrayduan: Actually, Echo did an edit after the fact...but whatever"

I do believe that is what this line in my post referred too:

"Echo realized it was a spoof after david informed him of the comedian, and he posted this:"
3 years ago Report