What is Donald Trump's Greatest Failure? (Page 478)

rmclark: JC No I'm not. But last I knew he was being investigated for that When was he convicted? Are you talking about the same thing the DA Alvin Bragg brought against him? The one that several in the DA's office resigned over.? When thee things happen, they are normally called "Witch Hunts" If its something else JC let me know but I have not heard of any convictions. WHen people convict others without a trial that is kind of like being the same as a" Hitler thing". Isn't it?
1 year ago Report
rmclark: Continued from Yesterday. So how do you feel about the massive increase in crime in inner cities? Do you think letting felons out early and defund the police makes it better or worse. Is it a great thing that we abort 620,000 a year? Do you think that the green politics has anything to do with higher fuel costs? Do you think that its possible that because of the we have higher utilities and food costs? One thing we might have a mutual interest in is, I might consider that we could have a program to pay for JR College or Vo Tech schools at a low rate. But we shouldn't be paying for ANY Ivy League schools or higher institutions education They should be making enough money to pay for it them selves. Why are we paying for rich or soon to be rich kids education?
1 year ago Report
rmclark: What could go wrong with this So Joe is coming up with a "Disinformation Governance Board". Wouldn't this look like a Totalitarian type of government? Even Trump didn't try this.
1 year ago Report
rmclark: Take Schiff for example. He's opening his mouth about this and about Twitter. The left might know him on here. He was going to bring forward evidence of Trump and Russian collusion. Has he brought it out yet? No. ANd they wanted to shut off Rand Paul about his statement about the effectiveness and when it came out later he was spot on
1 year ago Report
rmclark: Thats effectiveness of masks on Rand
1 year ago Report
rmclark: Ech and how do you feel about Black Lives matters and antifa. Are they good guys or bad?
1 year ago Report
rmclark: Opps can I still say "Guys" anymore? or did it hurt your feelings
1 year ago Report
jcolive7up: Trump's greatest failure was not being able to overthrow our government and stay in the White House
1 year ago Report
SandeeLgs: rm is a fat dumbass
1 year ago Report
KeithJ: rmcluck
1 year ago Report
rmclark: Well Sandee Some think so and some not so much. I am trying to lose about 10 -15 lbs. But good day and have a good weekend to you
1 year ago Report
rmclark: So Sandeelgs Apparently I said something that upset you What specifically was it The Hunter Biden things that are coming out or the Durham investigation that is coming out? What is it? Can't I ask how people feel about pertinent Issues on how they feel without being called names? Apparently not. I'll ask one more. There is a report that forecasts that there could be a world wide food shortage in the next couple of years. Russia and Ukraine will not export any wheat this year. That's why wheat prices and future markets are at an all time high. Last year I sold wheat at $7.00 locally. Last week I contracted some for $11.00. I purchased and applied fertilizer last fall but now its doubled and that's even if you can find it. Now one ingredient in fertilizer is natural gas. Do you think that Joe made it easier or harder for us to get fertilizer and thus raise better crops by decreasing natural gas in this country? Sorry if thats a dumbass question
1 year ago Report
rmclark: Correction I'm not sorry if you think that is a dumbass question.
1 year ago Report
Sir Loin
Sir Loin: rm, some things are more important than money. The lives of people in Ukraine are FAR more important than whether you can grow more wheat. Anyway, why not try organic fertiliser? It's way better for the soil than chemical ones. You'll get a better price for organic grain than poisoned grain.
If you want to lose 10-15lb, try cutting out your evening meal, have lunch as your main meal before 3pm. That way you go to bed on an empty stomach so your body doesn't use food to store more fat (when sleeping your body doesn't use food for energy)
1 year ago Report
rmclark: Sir I couldn't agree with you more on the money and the lives On the Ukraine thing. I understand that Russia bombed their ports so nothing will go out for a while I don't know what their crop looks like anyway. I guess Russia is looking for a short crop Those are 2 of the biggest 5 wheat exporters. But the reports are expecting a longer problem. I understand what you are saying about organic fertilizer. I do use manure when I can get it. But it isn't always available. You do realize that there is no way that we could use all organic fert to fertilize all the farm ground don't you. Most of that is manure and fish and animal products and there is only so much of that. Thanks for the wight loss advise. So far I've stepped up my exercise and portion control I'll get there. Its basically winter fat and I'm saying a little Covid non activity
1 year ago Report
rmclark: With no replies it appears that "the Bots" have been shut down. hmm
1 year ago Report
rmclark: Your boys over at CNN report that peoples wages have declined 3.7% adjusted for inflation in March. Is that a good thing?
1 year ago Report
chowomanishere: mclark get some work done on that farm instead of worrying about CNN ....
1 year ago Report
rmclark: I need to. We recently got some much need rain and it needs to dry a little bit before I can plant corn
1 year ago Report
rmclark: I understand that Jill B sold 250 books the first 2 days it went on sale. Does anyone know how many $million she was paid by the publisher for that blockbuster?
1 year ago Report
rmclark: I see where the great democrat Stacy Abrams is worth more than $3 million more than she was in 2018 Where that is no crime It does beg the question as to HOW " I'm not accusing, just asking"
1 year ago Report

rmquisling Posted This:

I do use manure when I can get it. But it isn't always available.

That explains why you're so proficient at spouting bullshit. Even if the supply of manure runs out, you're certain to have no problem creating more of your own. I couldn't have put it better myself because its not often that you hear a pathological LIAR confess that they've been lying all along.



(Edited by Echolegacy)
1 year ago Report

More Bullshit From rmquisling:

I don't support Trumps antics as I've said several times on here.

Bullshit, you're not only an idiot, you're also a liar, believed by not even yourself. You support voter suppression, INSURRECTION, you're anti-science, you support crackbrained conspiracy theories, and you also seem to favor authoritarianism. Nice going, asshole!

.....and that's the LEAST of what you believe.


(Edited by Echolegacy)
1 year ago Report
SandeeLgs: oh rmclark, I dont get on here enough for u to demand answers
from me. It was just a general comment by the crap ( no pun intended,
do the the manure) you post
1 year ago Report
rmclark: Sandy I thought this was a discussion site. You don't have to answer anything. But I just wondered how the left on here thought about these issues. Isn't crime an issue? Isn't Joe shutting down gas and oil production and the effects that it has on our economy an issue? AS I said I think all those things I mentioned are issues that effect most Americans. I normally answer questions asked by the left on here. You may not like my answer. You people are quick to criticize republicans when they are in power and when you are in power, you don't make anything better. If so name a few things. And if you were honest you would admit a few failures on your side. ( You don't have to lgs) It just goes to show that the left has no answers, only calling other names and making empty comments from the "Peanut section" You folks "HAVE NOTHING" Have you noticed all the stuff coming out of the Durham investigation? It looks like the biggest scam in history "Could" come to light in the US history. I'm sure there is some exaggeration in some of the reporting. We will have to wait and see.
1 year ago Report