Comparing Roe v. Wade to Alabama's heart beat abortion law (Page 57)

kittybobo34: Yep,, Republicans like to think they are the party of personal responcibility, and freedom, but want to dictate the behavior of others at the same time, they say they are conservatives, then spend trillions for the military when we are not at war.
3 years ago Report
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(Post deleted by Account Closed 3 years ago)
kittybobo34: Not only her record,, but she wrote an article that states that any and all means should be used to kill Row vs Wade
3 years ago Report
kittybobo34: She is a constitutionalist, and likely to get in anyway,, so we can expect some chipping of rights in this area, but I doubt they will actually end Row.
3 years ago Report
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(Post deleted by Account Closed 3 years ago)
kittybobo34: so much for separation of church and state huh.... Congress may have to make it the law of the land, then the supreme court will have no say
3 years ago Report
Blackshoes: I really love how those that love to use the word hypocrisy'. You would think they have not a mirror to look into, as they promote the death of innocent babies
(Edited by Blackshoes)
3 years ago Report
kittybobo34: No one is promoting the deaths of innocent babes,, What you don't get is that you have no right to tell someone else what they can or cannot do with their own body.. A much better way is to promote planned parenthood and its options so abortions are not necessary.
3 years ago Report
Blackshoes: Really! You defend the killing and genocide of innocent babies and claim that is in no way is promoting it. WOW
(Edited by Blackshoes)
3 years ago Report
kittybobo34: Since planned parenthood, the number of abortions has steadily dropped per unit of population.. When it was illegal it was still happening and the results were bad for both the babies and the mothers.
3 years ago Report
3 years ago Report
chronology: It is a distressing subject to debate. But blackie does have a strong point about murder. Up to three weeks the fetus has no independent blood circulation, so could be considered part of a woman's body. After three weeks of development blood is flowing in the fetus and the child can now be considered as a growing baby. Blackie seems to be shudderingly correct in calling this murder.

It is a depressing subject.
3 years ago Report
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(Post deleted by Account Closed 3 years ago)
kittybobo34: Personally I think a reasonable point would be when there is a brain wave pattern. Prior to that its flesh. They use the same method to determine of a person is brain dead,,, and there is no debate about turning that brain dead person life support off. The active brain wave starts at about 4.5 months. Some states use the viability factor,, can the fetus survive on its own or not,, that is about 5.5 months.
Most of the arguments about abortion are using absolutes.. I think a compromise that balances the womans rights vs the fetus's, is the way to go.
3 years ago Report
chronology: Women have a real problem. For 9 months of their lives they have to share their body's with another human being. There is no escaping this. Taking the decision to kill a human being they do not want to spend 9 months with is a pretty nasty thing to do.

There are times when abortion is justified, rape, child abuse etc. But killing a baby is a pretty savage act. Of
One way around this would be for all girls to be sterilised before puberty, then later if they want to unstrelise themselves they can have it done, on the understanding that abortion is not possible unless under certain circumstances. This should then end the problem.

A really shocking statistic at the moment is that more African American babies are aborted than are born. This is a shocking position for the Black community.
3 years ago Report
kittybobo34: This is what stopped the population growth of the black community, they have been at 13% of the total population of the USA for 50 years now.
3 years ago Report
chronology: Kitty the abortion rate for Black women is a scandal. Like blackie says we are talking about human beings being tragically killed. Black people deserve better, all races deserve better.

What are your thoughts on all girls being sterilised before puberty on the understanding that they can be unsterilised in future after agreeing to comply with Government regulations about being responsible for the pregnancy?
3 years ago Report
kittybobo34: My thought is no way would anything like that get passed. Can you imagine the cry at sending your daughter to the hospital to be sterilized... Only a dictator or a coummunist regime could get away with that one.
3 years ago Report
chronology: There is no need for people to be sent to hospital. Procedures can be done at schools in a few minutes. It would be as easy as the vaccines that get now. In a way it would just be another vaccine.

Sounds a great idea. Women like yourself who object to being forced to carry babies would never have to unless they choose to. Sounds perfect in fact. Parents who object can sign paper's making them fully responsible for their daughters pregnancies until they are 18 . After that the women have to sign responsibility paper's themselves.
3 years ago Report
Blackshoes: "Most of the arguments about abortion are using absolutes.. I think a compromise that balances the womans rights vs the fetus's, is the way to go."

The law deals in absolutes. Its either killing another human being or its not.

If the law and those that promote abortion could at least look at the rights of the babies as a human being', that would be the beginning of reason towards an honest and logical answer to end the genocide of so many innocents
3 years ago Report
chronology: As ever, wise words from Blackie. What shocks me is the disaster among the Black community of abortion. You can only wonder what those Black women are going through.
You just hope that those poor women receive the emotional support they need afterwards.
Personally I still think automatic sterilisation of all women before puberty is the way to go. It would end 90pc of all abortion. And liberate women from the problem of unwanted pregnancy.
3 years ago Report
3 years ago Report
3 years ago Report
kittybobo34: I think he should voluteer to fund the raising of these children
3 years ago Report