Can A Country Protect Their Citizens By Building A Wall or Fences? (Page 75)

Zanjan: Blue skies, clear water that's a natural colour. For the first time, the Himalayan mountains can be seen from the ground. Birds can be heard singing in downtown cities.

Isolated people meet live on-line in large groups, holding gatherings - is free and saves on gas and time. No need to locate and book a venue. Yes, religious services do it that way now. Since many can work from home, a lot of businesses no longer need to rent such large office space; they can pass the savings on to customers. No lineups and crowded shopping - less noisy and faster.

Individuals practice better conservation and do more in-home recycling - less waste. They spend more time with their families and pets. No expense laid out, cooking for large parties.
(Edited by Zanjan)
4 years ago Report
The giant midget
The giant midget: the overrated Hollywood celebrities are no longer in demand nor are the socalled professional athletes, general wages will decrease immense , inflation will hit the roof and beyond, Goverments will collapse worldwide , social assistance nonexistent, underground economy will dominate , pension funds will vanish , real estate on its knees , poverty will prevail, looting widespread,
Civil rights and liberties will be ignored
It sure will the a different world out there
the strong and armed will survive
(Edited by The giant midget)
4 years ago Report
Zanjan: "the strong and armed will survive"

They're already being crushed under the weight of their distrust, self-centeredness and paranoia, clinging to what they had before. Survival belongs to the most adaptable - the intelligent, happy and virtuously armored will survive.

When governments collapse, they're always replaced by a new government. Personally, I'm transitioning to the barter system. That way, I'm getting rid of all my junk without lifting it.
(Edited by Zanjan)
4 years ago Report
NYC master  plumber
NYC master plumber: Clinton was the first to say "we need a wall" so did Bush and the OBUMMA but only one person who is a "builder" managed to do it

In spite of the road blocks the demented pelosi set up
3 years ago Report
prairwarur: Speaking of the border ....
Now we can see because of the Chinese Wuhan virus, borders are protective....
Yet this is only one aspect of having secure borders and check points, and I find it odd that many cannot see what happens when there are none in place. I have to admit that I am one of the most naive when it comes to evil, and deep within I hope for the good in all people, but we have to be realistic.
It was not until I began checking statistics on things like human trafficking that I became so alarmed. I learned that small children are trafficked more across the Mexican border than in other ways, and this can only happen when security is lax, and there are open entry points into the USA where no security exists at all.
As difficult as it is to see, as difficult as it is to do and understand, we must save these children at all costs! A moment's inconvenience, or even separation that takes place for weeks, is worth the outcome when one life is saved.
Read up on this terrible crime! Little children have disappeared for decades and the criminals only had to walk across the border, in some cases, many cases, to collect their cash from the pedophiles and hand over one, little life lost forever. It breaks my heart and it's time to stop looking away from this horrific crime and finally do something real about it. A border wall is one reliant means to put a stop to the human trafficking!
The other issue at hand, and a huge money maker for criminals that occurs with an open border is the drug trade.

I say save the kids first!
Yes! Build the wall!
Shalom, Prair

3 years ago Report
Zanjan: They built border camps and saved the children by jailing them inside them where they'll grow up because their parents didn't come to claim them. Nobody knows what will happen to these kids when they reach adulthood.

The USA put pressure on Mexico to prevent people coming through its southern border. The Covid Virus seems to be containing most migrant souls. Walls have become imaginary.
3 years ago Report
NYC master  plumber
NYC master plumber: Does a DOOR on a house help keep the people inside safer? Does a WALL around a prison help maintain control? Does a fence help protect children from drowsing in a pool? I cannot imagine any reason to allow invaders in a country and then feed then, give them housing and money and food and then wonder why they dont bother looking for a job?
3 years ago Report
NYC master  plumber
NYC master plumber: Warsaw Ghetto had a wall Concentration camps had fences The problem is liberatds have no clue what these mongrels are going to do once they have 20% of their fellow invaders in a country
3 years ago Report
prairwarur: Save the children! Trafficking is a giant problem that's been overlooked for far too long. One reason it has been so lucrative is because it's so easy to grab kids in Mexico and sell them over the border. We can stop that, or bring it to a minimum, at least.
3 years ago Report
NYC master  plumber
NYC master plumber: If you stop child trafficking the democrap politicians will die
3 years ago Report
jzuma1: Why should we be any different? People also tend to forget...other nations are not like ours! I'm not against Immigration....done legally! I am against people crossing our borders under the cover of darkness...without being vetted first! A lot of these countries people are not have the vaccination systems in place we do, Which means they could be carrying diseases
3 years ago Report
NYC master  plumber
NYC master plumber: Very well said BRAVO
3 years ago Report
Zanjan: "A lot of these countries people are not have the vaccination systems in place we do, Which means they could be carrying diseases "

If we follow the vaccination system, then we're immune to whatever they're carrying. I have no sympathy for anti-vaxers.

Although our borders are closed due to Covid-19, people can still legally travel across the border if they have citizenship. The problem is they're refusing to self-isolate for 14 days after arriving, according to the law.

This was discovered because in provinces where there's no convenient border entry, Covid-19 numbers are extremely low. The government executed active monitoring- they began with 22 followups, visiting each residence of quarantined individuals without notice. Only one person was home!

Untrustworthy folks wreck things for everybody else.
(Edited by Zanjan)
3 years ago Report
NYC master  plumber
NYC master plumber:
Well in my case I do not have the luxury to tell my employees to stay home.

Because of the moron NY has for a governor a lot of the nursing homes we service have many people dying and because of over crowding the plumbing systems are being used and abused

We are working 7 days a week just handling emergency calls

The guys are getting double time even for regular work week as it is hazardous duty pay

NY because being so congested and so many illegals here I do not see an end to the spreading happening in the near future
3 years ago Report
Zanjan: Our nursing homes took big hits too - on the bright side, Covid got the government to respond to perennial complaints about conditions.

Canada called in the army to take care of business - the soldiers are well- trained medics and had nothing else to do while getting paid. They cleaned up where regular staff had failed and are now Covid free.

Maybe they got paid better than regular staff? It's a shame when the pay grade dictates the quality of service.
3 years ago Report
Zanjan: Oddly, nobody thinks about plumbing during a pandemic but I get where you're coming from. I hear there's a new vaccine ready for testing in the next phase in both countries - we only have to get through this until human trials are completed.

Then they can turn their attention back to the wall, eh
(Edited by Zanjan)
3 years ago Report
NYC master  plumber
NYC master plumber: The problem is they let criminals out of jail and the ones who are sick they place in these homes .

They should test it on the prison population first like they did in W W 2
3 years ago Report
Zanjan: I'm all for that, except criminals have constitutional rights now so, you have to bribe them first.
3 years ago Report
Sir Loin
Sir Loin: Here almost all cases of Covid 19 can be traced back to one person refusing to abide by quaratine rules then being in close contact with a nursing home resident. Stupid things like holding a stag party in a bar or having a wedding with guests arriving from other countries and refusing to isolate. Also a few tourists travelling throughout NZ without first quarantining. The vast majority of the 21 deaths have been elderly resthome residents.
Quarantining is no hardship; due to a shortage of facilities it has been done at the Govts expense in 5 star hotels.
Now, thanks to these irresponsible morons it has become necessary to close the border to everyone but citizens.
(Edited by Sir Loin)
3 years ago Report
Zanjan: I think they should quarantine them in army barracks right after stepping off the plane/crossing the border. The majority can't be trusted. Maybe they'd think twice before they traveled.
3 years ago Report
The giant midget
The giant midget: That was the original plan to quarantine anybody stepping on Canadian soil ,by land sea or air
Things got derailed by federal government as to not violate human rights , individual freedom of movement

People will cheat on their taxes , their spouses
why would the government trust people into self isolating
Just bad choices the whole lot of baboons of health experts and government officials

Some shithead from USA government and its ontourage greeted our gutless PM , they did the asskissing butt licking just minutes after ,,, arriving in the capital only to fly out to Edmonton and Vancouver and to land in Halifax a day later where a face to face deplomatic meeting was tobe conducted , 2 days later the Yankee flight out
What happened with the rule if self insulation
(Edited by The giant midget)
3 years ago Report
MJ59: Don'll do it!
Don can do anything
3 years ago Report
NYC master  plumber
NYC master plumber: If walls dont keep savages out then why have locks on your doors?
3 years ago Report
Zanjan: Locks are better than guards because they can't be bribed. Apparently, locks slow the offender down long enough for you to run and get your gun; unfortunately, not long enough for the police to arrive and shoot them for you.
3 years ago Report
Zanjan: It's all about the advertising. Dont send up flags to criminals that you've got anything valuable. When you put bars on your windows and walk around claiming America is great, a lot of people might believe there's something worth stealing there.
3 years ago Report