Kmamal Harris the hoe

jziegelbauer: The best question about this pig for last CNN is a lying cabel news Station everyone knows that, they are the Mouthpiece for the Democrat Party. HOE Harris banged Willie to get her Seat in the Senate, Willie also paid Diane Fiensteins campaign 5 million dollars to get her elected, Why do you support Democrats? CNN 24/7 Democrats when POTUS Trump has news conference they do not show it and whnen VP Pence was interview the usual lies and when John Breman could not get him tio lie about COVID 19 totals which are twice what is real they stopped the interview, BUT VP Pence ripped Bremans head off first
3 years ago Report
theHating: C'mon now, folks, this is America
3 years ago Report
theHating: When you're this famous, you can do anything you want
3 years ago Report
Sophie the Trophy
Sophie the Trophy: Is it mandatory for people who hold your views to have only a tentative grasp of English grammar and spelling?
3 years ago Report
theHating: That's not a complete sentence
3 years ago Report
The giant midget
The giant midget: What's wrong with his English grandmother??
3 years ago Report
theHating: Why are we electing gardening tools?
3 years ago Report
theHating: Bump
3 years ago Report
(Post deleted by staff 1 year ago)
theHating: Robert Byrd? The ex-white supremacist?

It's funny how the same people that are against police regulation forget that it's our right to regulate cops. (2nd amendment)
3 years ago Report
(Post deleted by staff 1 year ago)
theHating: So your argument is "don't vote for biden because an ex-racist..."?

But isn't that sort of like what a lot of folks were saying about trump?

So, like who do people vote for? Spongebob?

And isn't the constitution just made up by us anyway? It's not like it can't be replaced if it doesn't give us rights, lets cabals in to hijack it.

And as far as Adam Schiff and that whole "why he isn't being prosecuted" thing goes, I'm really not sure what your argument is there.
3 years ago Report
theHating: Has trump ever talked with a BLM protester?
3 years ago Report
Sophie the Trophy
Sophie the Trophy: vhhardtop: "Are the police allowed to defend themselves ( see constitution ) and shoot to kill everyone deemed a threat to their lives?" -- who determines the threat????? I am genuinely terrified and appalled by the road your country seems to be being led down.

And on the subject of blatantly lying to congress -- see your President and most of his administration.
3 years ago Report
(Post deleted by staff 1 year ago)
theHating: "ha ha still no answer to my questions"

I didn't realize you expected anyone to provide any answer to what you assume are questions worth asking.

Also, you answered them all yourself.

Seems like you're having a conversation with people inside your head that no one else is a part of.
3 years ago Report
3 years ago Report
theHating: "Lets pretend NOW YOUR IN the police station trying to be BURNT ALIVE by igniting fires at the ONLY EXITS by a rioting mob of hundreds. Who determines the threat, what an idiot."

I think I'm beginning to understand.

"Are the police allowed to defend themselves ( see constitution ) and shoot to kill everyone deemed a threat to their lives, when a brain dead mob of hundreds wielding weapon's DELIBERATELY yes DELIBERATELY ATTEMPTED TO MURDER VIA THE ILLEGAL ( see constitution ) ARSON OF ALL INNOCENT PEOPLE WITHIN A POLICE STATION."

I'm afraid I'm not familiar with this event, who was in the brain dead mob? I suspect you're arguing for a sort of justice. And some people see truth in "mob justice". Correct me if I'm wrong.

I think maybe some brain dead idiots reasoned burning a police station down was a just revenge? As a kind of "mob justice" these guys who are americans who feel wronged by cops with no restraint, these guys probably saw it fit to take 1,000 eyes for 1,000 eyes. Not to say that is justice, what even is being learned from that?

I get it, and I think most Americans won't get involved in the violent revolution that the cops and vigilantes want with BLM and social justice reform if violence is just gunna create more violence.

In fact, you guys often talk a big game about this "silent majority" of which I have never seen to be as loud and stupid as you. Stop.

In fact, I'm beginning to see you clearly now and you're just earwax. Stop.

And if it needed to be pummeled into your caveman cranium, with all due respect to cavemen, I think the real silent majority shares key pillars of belief, i.e. police should be reformed. And the fake-ass silent majority you wingnuts always drone on about, "Q" et al represent less than or barely a third of the actual american ideals for holding police accountable. That includes both sides of symbolic idiocy.

Fuck all of you. Full God damned stop.
3 years ago Report
theHating: Lol you guys, both extreme wings, represent only one-third COMBINED.

"58% of Americans say policing needs major changes; 6% say none are needed
Almost all support increased focus on accountability, community relations
About half support reducing police funding, with large gaps by race, political party"


(Edited by theHating)
3 years ago Report
theHating: Look, lol 6% of the respondents.....

3 years ago Report
theHating: Thats the "silent majority" q anon crowd presumably.
3 years ago Report
theHating: Whether Trump does it or the next president...

It is bound to happen. Rest on that, friend.
3 years ago Report
theHating: But, no.

I refuse to be a pawn in someone else's violent vendetta..

And so do my neighbors.

If you don't like it, move to a different country. Try Saudi Arabia.
3 years ago Report
Fractured fairy tale
Fractured fairy tale: Presumally what so you just assume do you
like say all germans guilty for voting for Hitler I suppose were they, What were they Mind readers
3 years ago Report
theHating: You're argument is that I have no reason to believe you wingnuts (especially you, brian, since you don't even know what American soil tastes like) are not a silent majority?

Do you have any argument at all?
3 years ago Report
theHating: I think you're loud as fuck.
3 years ago Report
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