Lost in a Lost World (Page 17)

ghostgeek: The ability to multi-task is a false badge of honor.

Task switching has a severe cost.

Your concentration suffers when you multitask.

It compromises how much actual time you spend doing productive work, because you’re continually unloading and reloading the hippocampus/short term memory.

Research shows that task switching actually burns more calories and fatigues your brain – reducing your overall capacity for productive thought and work.

Commit to completing one task at a time.

[ https://getpocket.com/explore/item/want-to-reduce-brain-fog-and-improve-clear-thinking-give-up-these-things-immediately?utm_source=pocket-newtab-global-en-GB ]
3 years ago Report
ghostgeek: Comfort provides a state of mental security.

When you’re comfortable and life is good, your brain can release chemicals like dopamine and serotonin, which lead to happy feelings.

But in the long-term, comfort is bad for your brain.

Without mental stimulation dendrites, connections between brain neurons that keep information flowing, shrink or disappear altogether.

An active life increases dendrite networks and also increase the brain’s regenerating capacity, known as plasticity.

“Neglect of intense learning leads plasticity systems to waste away,” says Norman Doidge in his book, The Brain That Changes Itself.

[ https://getpocket.com/explore/item/want-to-reduce-brain-fog-and-improve-clear-thinking-give-up-these-things-immediately?utm_source=pocket-newtab-global-en-GB ]
3 years ago Report
ghostgeek: Sitting still all day, every day, is dangerous.

Love it or hate it, physical activity can have potent effects on your brain and mood.

The brain is often described as being “like a muscle”. Its needs to be exercised for better performance.

Research shows that moving your body can improve your cognitive function.

30–45 minutes of brisk walking, three times a week, can help fend off the mental wear and tear.

What you do with your body impinges on your mental faculties.

Find something you enjoy, then get up and do it. And most importantly, make it a habit.

[ https://getpocket.com/explore/item/want-to-reduce-brain-fog-and-improve-clear-thinking-give-up-these-things-immediately?utm_source=pocket-newtab-global-en-GB ]
3 years ago Report
ghostgeek: It’s extremely easy to consume content.

You are passive. Even relaxed.

But for each piece of unlimited content you consume, it stops a piece of content you could have created.

Limit your mass media consumption.

Embrace the creation habit.

[ https://getpocket.com/explore/item/want-to-reduce-brain-fog-and-improve-clear-thinking-give-up-these-things-immediately?utm_source=pocket-newtab-global-en-GB ]
3 years ago Report
Zanjan: I'd like to give up Chinooks - they make my body sore and my brain turns to jello. Thankfully, it only lasts for 2 days of self-recrimination for having zero motivation.

At my age, intense learning is a great sleep inducer; opening a book makes me nod off. I'm trying to improve that by including a few friends. They tend to keep me awake by speaking loudly and saying something stupid. I love them.
(Edited by Zanjan)
3 years ago Report
ghostgeek: Chinooks? You go flying about in a helicopter?
3 years ago Report
chronology: Ghost. Had a 'Chinook moment' a few months back in the summer. I was videoing Speed Boats on the North Sea from the hills in Scarborough. A Chinook came swinging around a Hill corner and filled my camcorder screen with both its blades and body. They were surveying the surfe line or something.
Am surprised the old things are still flying.
3 years ago Report
Zanjan: Ghost, a Chinook is a very warm, strong wind, barrelling down the leeward side the mountains, creating an arch cloud across the whole sky; it raises winter temps by many degrees. It could be -25 C then a couple hours later, it's a spring-like + 15 C . The word means "snow-eater".

Most people look forward to them as it makes winter more bearable. There's only one other place in the world that has them but not quite as powerful.
3 years ago Report
Zanjan: Chron, surprisingly that helicopter isn't named after our wind - it's named for the indigenous Chinook people in Washington.
3 years ago Report
ghostgeek: Plenty of old planes still flying. Taiwan, for instance has about 180 F-5E/F fighters which are about forty years old.
3 years ago Report
ghostgeek: Probably need a bit of a wind blowing to get airborne.
3 years ago Report
ghostgeek: I was wondering, does that Chinook wind smell different to the normal breeze?
3 years ago Report
Zanjan: I don't recall smelling a Chinook wind. Some of them are short and stealthy, having arrived quietly overnight. Most often, it's a roaring daytime wind, gusting 80 - 100 klms; who smells wind at that speed?

Smart folks stay inside (to avoid flying debris) and watch their windows being sucked in and out. That stage can last about 6- 9 hours. After that, there isn't usually a breeze but the air is warm and dry.

So, if you live in the city, the wind has blown away the stench of pollution; if you live in the countryside, it smells like spring. The warmth will last another day or two, maybe a week or longer if there's another Chinook on its heels.
3 years ago Report
chronology: Zan. Folks who have visited Canada in the winter say you Guys have really got things sorted well in the cities. They say the buildings are colossal in size and connected by walkway tunnels. Even in the worst weather folks in Canadian cities live comfortably am told.
This Covid lockdown is causing havoc with millions of people in England who always spend Christmas and New Year in warm climates with lot's of sun. They are not happy at all being forced to stay here.
3 years ago Report
ghostgeek: It's one of the joys of living in the UK; moaning about the weather because it's always wrong.
3 years ago Report
AretoNyx: I suggest walking any weather at times. Looking up about self care there are many ways one can find time for themselves. Self care is important.
3 years ago Report
AretoNyx: Covid is getting worse in the US and do many do not wash hands. I mean it is known they do not properly wash.
3 years ago Report
Zanjan: Vaccines are now available; Russia has been inoculating for the last month and England has just begun distribution for immediate inoculation to the most vulnerable sectors. Canada and the US will follow within the next month or two. However, it's going to take a long time to see the curve flatten directly because of inoculations.

I wonder about those defiant ones who haven't been following Covid protocols - will they be in the lineup for vaccination? Some people still think it's a hoax, some still think they have a right to normal freedoms. Will they follow their right to refuse vaccination?
3 years ago Report
ghostgeek: Before pushing for a place in the queue, remember that the vaccine to be distributed in the UK comes deep-frozen. It'll be colder than a penguin's backside. And it'll only start working after the second shot.
3 years ago Report
ghostgeek: Plenty of people are munching their sandwiches on the street without, I'm sure, washing their hands first. Should be a bug's Christmas, as usual.
3 years ago Report
Zanjan: Ghost, they're not going to be pounding vaccine cubes into your muscle. Rest assured, it will be thawed to room temp for your enjoyment. Both times.

I don't mind going back the second time, it's better than getting the smallpox vaccine. That one was on a disk, set with pins; they pushed and scraped deep into the skin, leaving a round scar for life. Man that hurt, and I'm pretty tough. I know what a USB cable connector feels like.
(Edited by Zanjan)
3 years ago Report
ghostgeek: I hear they're going to be rushing it into care homes. Could be somebody's not quite certain about the side effects.
3 years ago Report
Fractured fairy tale
Fractured fairy tale: They haven"t Even released the Full report on the efectiveness of Trials yet , Just press releases So people wont Short the Stock market , but I suppose thats more important
3 years ago Report
ghostgeek: Maybe it'll rejuvenate stiffs? That would get the stock market buzzing.
3 years ago Report
Fractured fairy tale
Fractured fairy tale: LOL that Mark Zuckerberg would love that, He already looks like he gets rolled along some Convayer belt Monty Burns Style
3 years ago Report