Trump's Major Legislative Accomplishments (Page 5)

jims33123: Benita, I agree, and I donate lots of things to Salvation Army. As for woman's outfits, typically, they are in good shape, but out of style.
6 years ago Report
SandeeLee2: well since you know this woman so well, why don't you take her shopping?
6 years ago Report
The giant midget
The giant midget: not many pet shops have fashion accessories for her kinda
6 years ago Report
jims33123: Benita, you're defending her. You take her!!!! I wish you were aware of her terrible psychosis.
6 years ago Report
The giant midget
The giant midget: is Benita and sandee the same person
6 years ago Report
jims33123: Who knows. It's possible. I've blocked 14 of Sandee's user names now.
6 years ago Report
SandeeLee2: Look what happens when Mommy lets the boys home alone.
6 years ago Report
jims33123: So far, DOW at 26,000 is a great accomplishment!!! BLACK unemployment at a 30 year low.
6 years ago Report
davidk14: .

According to CNN, the economy sucks and Trump is a racist so how is it possible black AND Latino unemployment is down and the stock market is over 26k?

6 years ago Report
The giant midget
The giant midget: maybe government statistics and data is fake news
6 years ago Report
davidk14: .

I understand your comment and the left is considering the good news.....fake. Have you watched a WH Press conference lately? I watch every day they have one.

6 years ago Report
jims33123: The Left keeps trying to hurt President Trump with lies. The Fire & Fury author was discovered to be a fraud, and notice how he's no longer on any news shows. Main Stream Media has even dumped that guy.
Now the truth comes out that Dicky Durbin lied about President Trump saying "Sh*t Hole" countries, and that's vanished from the news. WHY DO THE DEMOCRATS keep lying to try to hurt this President???
6 years ago Report
davidk14: .

Why? Because Hillary lost even though they absolutely for sure though 110% that Hillary was gonna win. They just can't believe that their candidate was actually a crooked at she was.
6 years ago Report
The giant midget
The giant midget: a co-worker that's American came over to work in Canada back in 2008 when the construction industry went to shit in the USA him being a die hard democrat, always saying that Obama was going to save the world (that being the USA) and Hilary was going to be the best ever president.the man was devastated When Donald who won the election
the man vowed to denounce his American citizenship and to never return the USA as long Trump was in power
wirh Donald as president according to my coworker the country would become worse than a 3rd world nation and crime would increase with Trump supporters kill everyone that was a foreign and ethnic cleansing and every democrat
earlier this morning we got word that he is returning back to the USA (Virginia) as of Wednesday because as explained to the company owners was that the American economy was doing extremely well and lots of work
I called him a couple hours ago we chatted awhile about his returning to the USA he tells me that Trump not that bad after all and doing good things so far
6 years ago Report
jims33123: Trump is kicking butt, and amazing!!!! Even Liberal Media is starting to recognize it.
6 years ago Report
chronology: Midgit, there will always be stops and starts in the U.S. Economy, no matter who is running it. You need to reflect on the long term picture. The U.S. was the Nation that initiated the workable and successful model to get the world economy out of the Great Depression back in the 1930s. What the U.S. enjoyed then was steady and rising living standards that lasted until the election of Ronald Reagan with the new era of 'Casino Capitalism' which America has doggedly been addicted to for the last 40 years. Wall Street since 19980 has staggered from one scandle to another since 1980 that has seen over a hundred billion dollars evaporate fro stock values, unemployment has grown and remained high, wages of working Americans have remained virtually stagnant and in real terms have dropped. Governments, both State and Federal have been reduced to borrowing any money they can to stay afloat, some towns and cities have gone bankrupt for lack of income.

Honestly, an brief sunny day in the construction industry is no indicator that America is improving. Since Ronald Reagan, there has only been two years where living standards improved for working Americans and that was during Bill Clinton's time in the White House.

President F.D. Roosevelt gave the world an outstanding model in how to set an economy on the road to success, since Mr Reagan America has been an example of how not to run an economy.
6 years ago Report
The giant midget
The giant midget: Crono I do understand all that fully but the question is with all the negativity and the fear placed during the Trump campaign from all the media and intellectuals around the USA if Trump was to become the president the world would collapse
I am not seing any of that
Trump never held a political position and that made him a underdog.
so far the world hasn't ended
6 years ago Report
LiptonCambell: Lmao and that's the standard of success...we haven't all died yet...
6 years ago Report
The giant midget
The giant midget: Yes it's laughable to liptoncampbell,but I don't see what our Canadian PM.doing to make the nation great again in creating new jobs in manufacturing.
What has the PM done for you lately???
She clearly hasn't done anything for me except increase taxes
(Edited by The giant midget)
6 years ago Report
SandeeLee2: wow one year in office and we have no Government. Way to go Donald Dufus
6 years ago Report
davidk14: .

You're an idiot Sandee just like Shumer and Pelosi. Trump called the bluff of the Democrats and the Democrats LOST BIG TIME. Here's why Sandee.

The budget pays for the US Government which is for the CITIZENS of the United States. The budget pays for the brave folks of the military and basically first responders as well as other CITIZENS that are on the government payroll. Notice I said CITIZENS a few times. Let me say it once more....The government is funded for the CITIZENS of the United States.

The Democrats decided not to vote to pay CITIZENS of the United States. The Democrats decided to side with the ILLEGAL ALIENS. Some call these folks the 'Dreamers' who are ILLEGAL.

So, the Democrats decided not to vote for the CITIZENS of the United States but for the ILLEGAL Aliens.

And what is really fucked up about this is that there was no DACA Bill to vote on anyway. Also, the current DACA bill won't expire until March. That is what is really messed up.

The Democrats will pay for this political blunder. They are in serious legal hot water because of the false and fake Russian connection, the improper use of Hillary's e-mails and the Obama FBI and DOJ.

They lost the White House, the Congress, and now the American people. Good bye Sandee.

Trump for 2020.

6 years ago Report
SandeeLee2: Good bye David, you deserve no response from me
6 years ago Report
briansmythe: Are you off to the women's March
6 years ago Report
SandeeLee2: no, getting ready for the Philadelphia Eagles to Kick some ass tomorrow............
(Edited by SandeeLee2)
6 years ago Report
briansmythe: I herd that's where the Coal Mines are , that there starting to hire peoples again
6 years ago Report