Is the Muslim Problem Real? (Page 12)

I K R: You know Saudi Arabia has oil it also has .......ummmm NOTHING else.....maybe egg timers but they need to sell their oil as much as we need to buy it.......So its bs to say we can be blackmailed or because our governments are bowing to islam.......This is our governments way of undermining all our human rights and getting Saudi to do their dirty work for them
6 years ago Report
Farouquddeen Mumtaz
Farouquddeen Mumtaz: Can you please name the dirty work of Saudi government?
6 years ago Report
briansmythe: Yeah pumping out money for Mosques and importing there wharbie ISLAM , into every western nation,
You know Infiltrate ,
(Edited by briansmythe)
6 years ago Report
Farouquddeen Mumtaz
Farouquddeen Mumtaz: 1) Building mosques is legal.

2) They don't import Wahhabies. People just follow it cause it's a great religion.

Funny you, an Australian, talk about invading/infiltrating. Did you forget that your ancestors stole Australia from its native population, and nearly exterminated them?

So yeah, complain about Muslims legally building Mosques, while your ancestors have stolen Australia by force.
6 years ago Report
briansmythe: Here we go back to 1770 , Yeah every muslim Hate preacher went to a Saudi Uni
thy don't hold a grudge there got land native title its thers , Funny how ISIS is wiping out people now way worse than the British empire did here , ISIS follow waharbie same as u prob
6 years ago Report
briansmythe: And no we don't make them pay the Jysia , only ppl like u come here and collect the dole and justify it as the Jyssia
6 years ago Report
briansmythe: Of coarse we should all bow down to people like you , go bash ur wife
6 years ago Report
Farouquddeen Mumtaz
Farouquddeen Mumtaz: I guess truth hurts. You're really hurt, aren't you? I see you're rolling now.

1) Saudi is OK. Their Sharia unies are fine. No hate speech.

2) ISIS is funded by USA.
6 years ago Report
briansmythe: Oh yeah people send there kids on sucide missions cos the USA pays them in the afterlife Tats wy u lot have so many kids, Martordom no greater honour hey
(Edited by briansmythe)
6 years ago Report
briansmythe: Your the one with the hurt feelings , does the USA pay them in Europe too
6 years ago Report
briansmythe: but there not ISIS I don't know what u call them moderate
Or just good Muslims doing allahs will, Kill them Infidels now
(Edited by briansmythe)
6 years ago Report
Farouquddeen Mumtaz
6 years ago Report
I K R: You will think its Saudi is ok.....because thats the approved standard opinion.....
6 years ago Report
Farouquddeen Mumtaz
Farouquddeen Mumtaz: No. Is it hard to understand that building mosques is legal?

Meanwhile, Brian's plans to bulldozer mosques is "illegal".

So tell me who is the terrorist.
6 years ago Report
I K R: why do you think your religion is so unpopular
6 years ago Report
calybonos: I've done some thinking about that.

A massive makeover is what Muhammad needs.

First, we drop the mad from the end of his name and just call him Muham, or better still, Moo-ham. That way, we'd win over the animal lovers.Everyone loves cows, Hell, the Hindus even worship those gassy pie machines. And let's face it, in these politically correct times, this age-old persecution of pigs is just sooo Old Testament. It's time to embrace our inner Wilbur.

Next, we get his scruffy ass into a barber shop and get rid of that beard. There's only one Religion that can pull the whole "whisker thing" off, and that's Jesus and his business partner, Santa Claus. And I'm sure that by now they've had that look trademark registered throughout the World.

Then of course, there's the little matter of his fashion choices.
If Muslims are going to compete in today's religious arena, they absolutely must win over the women's market. An area that they've neglected far too long.

Just like the old spiritual Gospel by ZZ Top prophesized ;

Clean shirt, new shoes
And I don't know where I am goin' to
Silk suit, black tie
I don't need a reason why
They come runnin' just as fast as they can
'Cause every girl crazy 'bout a sharp dressed Muham-man.
6 years ago Report
Sutter Cane
Sutter Cane: ^^lmao
6 years ago Report
jmiller99: F Mumtas, as i'm new here please can u tell me what your thoughts are of muslims and how they should act in england , and how we should act in an arab country.
6 years ago Report
(Edited by briansmythe)
6 years ago Report
mizzystar: I think the majority of Muslims are bad but still I don't trust them because of terrorism. In England Muslims feel comfortable living there than anywhere else in the world. In USA people feel very uncomfortable & I dont blame them.
6 years ago Report
constitution broken
constitution broken: Ok, brian, we all know you, like the rest of us are anti-muslin, but come-on...another vid clip?...Komm Damit Klat translates to Deal With It...and if you wanted us to know that AJ+ and Al Jazeera are both arms of the Royal Family of Qatar. who like the Saudi Arabians (those back stabbing lying terrorist in women's clothing) are fundamentalist Islamist and desire the downfall of Christianity (allot of whom also wear dresses) and the Wicked Western World...then just say so...stop with the long winded boring crap videos.
Dear me...they want you blood no matter how much they smile..ask the next Muslim you meet if he is Sunni, Shiite, or Wahhabi and if he dares answer you; go look-up his core won't like them...drm.
6 years ago Report
TheloniousSphereMonk: Y'all are paranoid fuckas....ahahahahahahahahahahahha.......
6 years ago Report
constitution broken
constitution broken: Well that was certainly an opinion...not sure exactly how to respond, except to ignore it...drm.
6 years ago Report
briansmythe: yes In case u missed the point DRM I left that there for Muntz but hes gone cos he wanted to turn it into a racial issue something Im dead agaist
6 years ago Report
constitution broken
constitution broken: I thought Farouq's whole agenda was spreading radical Islam: that's why none of us took him seriously. I mean the title of the forum is "Is the Muslim Problem Real; and it's one of his...really guy. Did you hit him with some...Aussie racist crap about humping a camel or something? I swear you guys are worse than a simple Texan like me...drm.
6 years ago Report