Why equality is bad for women (Page 3)

davidk14: .

Fake news comes from the media especially when the media is in bed with the government. The US government had the US media bent over and was just ramming it home and the media was in love..if you know what I mean. And now, the Trump administration refuses to be in bed with the media....and the media just does not feel the love anymore. A jilted lover.

7 years ago Report
Stephen2020Vision: It's a very difficult topic to talk about, as there's very judgemental people on both sides.

Politics has become so divisive that it's impossible to get a balanced perspective.

See a lot of women I talk to actually believe they have MORE rights than men these days...however mainstream media is like no, no, the Trump vote, was RACIST, SEXIST and everything else...
7 years ago Report
(Post deleted by Farouquddeen Mumtaz 7 years ago)
(Post deleted by Farouquddeen Mumtaz 7 years ago)
(Post deleted by Farouquddeen Mumtaz 7 years ago)
(Post deleted by Farouquddeen Mumtaz 7 years ago)
Farouquddeen Mumtaz
Farouquddeen Mumtaz: Dear males, kindly stick on topic. If you wish to discuss Trump, create a new topic and discuss it.
7 years ago Report
(Post deleted by Farouquddeen Mumtaz 7 years ago)
Stephen2020Vision: Sorry Mr Mumtaz we were talking about Trump as his election to me was relevant to the discussion, that there is a bit of a backlash against some aspects of feminism at the moment.

Most people I think are happy with equity, but yes a lot of women I talk to do say that they feel more depressed than ever, and I think you're absolutely right, that the role of women has been slowly changing. Women no longer have a fixed role in society, and while it's true that women have more jobs and opportunities and all of that sort of thing, there are also a lot of women that are very frustrated that they are being pressured to still look for work when they would much sooner be raising children.

My view is that women should be allowed to stay at home to raise the kids if they choose to, the problem is that many people on the Right side of politics are of the view that women are CHOOSING to live off the taxpayer as a single mother, rather than be with a man. That's the real reason why the Right side of politics wants to cut back on welfare, so mothers are not choosing to rely on the State to provide for them.

The problem is when you have women being told that men throughout history have all been bastards, and horrible horrible people, and that marriage is an institution to oppress women into slavery, I think people are starting to realise that actually hang on a minute not EVERY guy is like that, some men just want a girl to love...
7 years ago Report
Idonthaveausername: Some men do want some good ole' lovin!!! They can just come to me!!! *makes creepy smile* lol
(Edited by Idonthaveausername)
7 years ago Report
Stephen2020Vision: I think one point I would like to also make is about suicide rates in general...

Male suicide rates are on the rise too. In fact, globally, death by suicide occurs 1.8 times more among men then females. This isn't to deny that women commit suicide too, to me there are logical explanations for this, that males have historically been the more violent sex that was willing to fight all the wars and stuff so it makes sense that they are more likely to commit violent acts towards themselves.

If you want to discussion on the suicide rates themselves Mr Mumtaz, there are two groups at high risk of suicide rates among women. The age between 45-64 is found to be at higher risk...to me, that's partly due to the fact that it is around this age group that girls start to laid off from work, start to retire etc...so it's not surprising that many of them get depressed.

I can't speak for where ever you live, but in Australia the amount of suicide among YOUNG women has increased too. There were still much more than killed themselves, but the result was still increasing among women like you say. The problem is, the researchers say "we don't know why this is occurring" and then they go onto say "we need more government research as to why this is happening!" In fact, suicide is the leading cause of death among Australians age 15-44. The LEADING cause.

I'm only going to offer my own opinion on this, and why this is happening, I am not going to say that my views are FACTUAL but maybe, just MAYBE these could be some of the reasons...

1-The government is not the solution to the problem, it is PART of the problem. If the government wants to do 'research' well I would give the give the government a mirror. Big government is telling both men and women WORK WORK WORK FOR THE SYSTEM, DUMP YOUR KIDS IN DAYCARE SO THE STATE CAN RAISE THEM, LET THE STATE LOOK AFTER YOUR KIDS.

How do you think people are going to respond to this kind of modern pressure? Do we really think that separating mothers from their kids at an earlier and earlier age is somehow not going to have a negative impact on the health of their child or the health of the lady? Are we really that stupid that we couldn't see this coming?

2-The mother that chooses to stay home, especially the single mother is no longer considered someone that's doing a necessary duty for society, she is considered a 'sponge sucking off the taxpayer'. How do you honestly expect women are going to respond when they are talked to like that, do you really think this is good for their well-being?

People call me anti-feminist, but my view is that women should be treated with respect regardless of whether they want to stay at home and raise children, but if they want to go out have a career they can do that too.

To conclude, what I am saying is that the Big Government wants both men and women working and contributing to the System as much as possible. And not only that, I don't know what the situation is in America, but here in Australia it's INCESSANTLY about more and more and MORE control of the State.

When people have Big Brother watching them constantly and increasingly, do we really think this is going to be good for a lot of people's mental health?

Of course this is just an opinion.
7 years ago Report
Farouquddeen Mumtaz
Farouquddeen Mumtaz: David please learn civilization, and understand the concept of 'topic'.

As for USA's support for female rights, did you know that out of 100,000 females in USA, 20 of them get killed every year?

If that doesn't look bad enough (cause you shoot many others in your free time), then did you know that this rate of 20 per 100,000 is about that of Afghanistan's?

So please, learn civilization and female rights from Iran. Yep, you need to start there. Then slowly climb up the ladder. Then lecture us.

But for now, you are just like Afghanistan, so starting from Iran is your next milestone.

Good luck, cause you need it.
7 years ago Report
Farouquddeen Mumtaz
(Post deleted by Farouquddeen Mumtaz 7 years ago)
Farouquddeen Mumtaz
Farouquddeen Mumtaz: stephen2017 - I think they ripped it into discussing Trump for sake of Trump, as opposed to discussing it in the light of true equal rights.
7 years ago Report
Halfapintdoll: Added to that, in the UK two women a week are murdered by a current or ex partner. TWO a WEEK!..... I'll just leave that there.
7 years ago Report
Stephen2020Vision: Are you from Iran Mr Mumtaz? Sorry if that's off-topic, but I am concerned for Iran at the moment.

You do make a valid point, that we constantly criticise Muslim countries for bad treating of women, but I actually agree with you, we are hardly innocent in the West ourselves.
7 years ago Report
davidk14: .

You're a jerk for editing free speech which of course is why you support the terrorists. By deleting this post, you will support my notion. Go for it.


7 years ago Report
S W l N E
S W l N E:
The data shows that in the UK the male suicide rate increased while the female rates remained relatively constant but much lower than for men. [1] Following your line of reasoning, is it that we as men are to also have inequality in order to lower our suicide rates?

Even if you look at Afghanistan's male suicide rates it is lower than the males of the US as well [2] both genders are lower. This is good but it dismisses the premise that it is a gender issue or favours a gender based on how that gender is treated in their respective country.

What is interesting is that the suicides that happen in Afghanistan among women stem from psychological pressure and many commit suicide after being forced into an arranged marriage [3]. While the suicides of those in the UK/US happen for a different reason.

Clearly gender isn't playing a factor. Somehow I sense the issue is more than inequality/equality or gender related.
Each country should assess their situation and get to the root of the issue. What works in the US may not work for Afghanistan and vice versa.

[1] https://www.theguardian.com/society/2015/feb/19/number-of-suicides-uk-increases-2013-male-rate-highest-2001
[2] http://apps.who.int/gho/data/node.main.MHSUICIDE?lang=en
[3] http://www.dw.com/en/afghan-women-escape-marriage-through-suicide/a-16750044
7 years ago Report
Stephen2020Vision: David, who supports terrorists? There's a difference between supporting a Muslim country and supporting terrorists
7 years ago Report
Farouquddeen Mumtaz
Farouquddeen Mumtaz: S W I N E: wrong. Read this https://www.ons.gov.uk/peoplepopulationandcommunity/birthsdeathsandmarriages/deaths/bulletins/suicidesintheunitedkingdom/2015registrations

Which says:

``UK male suicide rate decreases whilst female suicide rate increases to its highest rate in a decade

In 2015, the suicide rate in the UK rose slightly to 10.9 deaths per 100,000 population, up from 10.8 in 2014 (see Figure 1). This was made up of a decrease in the male suicide rate from 16.8 to 16.6 deaths per 100,000 population and an increase in the female rate from 5.2 to 5.4 deaths per 100,000, the highest female suicide rate since 2005.''
7 years ago Report
S W l N E
S W l N E: It looks like your data is from a more recent year 2015. A slight decrease from 16.8 to 16.6 with females raising from 5.2 to 5.4 in UK.

It still remains that the rate of suicide is higher for males than females. Your source state that males still account for three quarters of all suicides.
Also that there have been a continued increase in suicides for males under the age of 30.

That still leaves the statement: following your line of reasoning, is it that we as men are to also have inequality in order to lower our suicide rates?
(In addition to all the other points made.)
(Edited by S W l N E)
7 years ago Report
Farouquddeen Mumtaz
Farouquddeen Mumtaz: Irrelevant. You are ignoring the increase in female suicide rate when more equality is added. The news item I linked literally pointed out that it is due to work/monetary pressures.

Now you ask why men suicide more often? Well, one obvious reason is work pressure. We -men- are the mountains that take heavy loads. Almost every great achievement of mankind is made by men. We surely have more load atop our shoulders.

You are making me repeat myself. Not cool. I really dislike repeating my words. Please read carefully next time.

I am also disappointed that some woman told me once that maybe I'm your 2nd account. I was really disappointed, cause I think I am way better than you.
7 years ago Report
S W l N E
S W l N E: Relevant. You're proposing that the increase in female suicide rates is due to additional gender rights being granted (choice to work, dress, vote, etc).
These same rights are experienced by males and behold the suicide rates is high there too.
Assessing the suicide rates in Afghanistan the male rates are lower than that of those of the men in the UK. Then clearly there is more the issue.

The obvious reason why both gender has high suicide rate is due to the pressures of society. As that society changes so too the suicide rates. The problem isn't 'gender rights' but it is inability to cope with modern problems.
The choice for women can remain but they should be taught (as with men) on how to deal with the fast pace world and life in a 1st world country.

I don't know what you're talking about. I don't know you or what additional accounts you might be in possession of. Stick to the topic.
7 years ago Report
Farouquddeen Mumtaz
Farouquddeen Mumtaz: Well Afghanistan is a whole new story. Generally, Islamic countries have amazingly low suicide rates. Generally low hoicide. You should really convert.

When we talk about non-Muslims, the pattern is clear: the more they are loaded with work (some call it "more rights" pfft), the more they suicide.

Recently in UK, the more load was shifted on females, the more they started to suicide, and the less men started to suicide.
7 years ago Report
S W l N E
S W l N E:
You also neglect that prior 2015 the suicide rates of men increased while that of the females decreased. What new rights was taken away from women women in the years female suicide rates decreased? and What rights in 2015 was given to them which cased an increase in their suicide rates?

Stating that rights is a factor isn't adding up logically.

The suicide rates of women raised in 2015 as your data suggests but it decreased in 2013 as my data suggests. Which shows that the suicide rates isn't plateauing. There isn't any new rights being added between 2013 to 2015. The main rights (to vote, education, entering the workforce) have already been added years ago.


Let me draw it even simpler:

X (female) + Y (rights eg. right to vote, career, education) = S (suicide rate increase)

The above is your proposal in a nutshell.

But data is showing that S (suicide rate of women) fluctuates even when Y is constant. It is fluctuating regardless of legislation towards more rights.
7 years ago Report