The Muslim Problem is Good -- Here is Why

Farouquddeen Mumtaz
Farouquddeen Mumtaz: The so called "Muslim problem" effectively unites fierce enemies of the world. Without the Muslim problem, the currently-allied nations will be no longer allied, and will --instead-- fight each other.

I am not saying that the Muslim problem is real. It is in my view just a baseless fear. But regardless of its nature, it is nonetheless a good thing to unite the otherwise forceful enemies of the world.

This is essentially similar to the food chain. E.g. getting rid of cockroaches will raise worse problems.

Remember that before there was a "Muslim problem", there was a "Jew problem". And once the Jew problem was supposedly fixed, there appeared to be the Muslim problem.

I suspect that after the Muslim problem is fixed, there will be either a Russian problem, or a Chinese problem. Both of which are extremely nasty with immense nuclear powers and space technologies.

Guys, think wisely before you are driven by hatred against Muslims. There are fierce enemies awaiting ahead, and will be unleashed against you as soon as you fix what's called "Muslim problem", and it will not be nice.
7 years ago Report
briansmythe: But turkey is a muslim nation and part of nato so is Saudi no one is at war with them which Muslim problem do you speak of, Syria or ISIS
7 years ago Report
Farouquddeen Mumtaz
Farouquddeen Mumtaz: I am not talking about Turkey nor Saudi. I am general: Muslim problem. You need it for your own safety to remain united with far worse enemies.
7 years ago Report
briansmythe: I don't think 99% of the population see it as a problem , Its just mass migration that hasn't been handled properly , that's the way I see it, If u mean Trumps ban on them Countrys and that
7 years ago Report
Farouquddeen Mumtaz
7 years ago Report
briansmythe: dude whatever ISIS are up to have to wait and see I don't hate muslims , I kinda think there just as much of victims, Like I said to you awile ago it seems to be the younger generation of muslims that get targeted or caught up in it , I donno
(Edited by briansmythe)
7 years ago Report
briansmythe: Victims as in they know exactly what there doing but they pretend they don't , Shock horror
7 years ago Report
Farouquddeen Mumtaz
Farouquddeen Mumtaz: I disagree.
7 years ago Report
I K R: check your facts farouqu
....civilian attacks whites on muslims
civilian attacks muslims on whites
I dont think most Europeans are blaming the muslims for whats going on in Europe, they blame the bastards in charge for encouraging it....We know who the enemy is you?
7 years ago Report
I K R: Muslims may not be to blame but they certainly will not fight in our corner either....that's why they are being brought/driven over have no concern for us....All you care about is there wont be a backlash against muslims for all the violent crimes muslims commit whilst the rest sit and turn a blind eye...
Maybe you should read up on some European history cuz this is gonna go up like a chippy at some point and this time we wont be fighting each other
7 years ago Report
briansmythe: Its gotta come down to it sooner or later, I mean were welcomed them with open arms and they treat us like crap, As per ISLAM commands muslims , There has never been any attacks against them personally, Its all the other way around and always in the name of Allah, I reckon the first job of a government is to look after its Citizens, and there failed In Europe, Why do some Muslims scream may allah bomb Denmark, What have they done
7 years ago Report
I K R: Yeah n after every major terror attack all they care about is that there wont be a backlash.....there has never been a backlash....they never acknowledge that though
7 years ago Report
briansmythe: That's exactly right that's what happened here , The next day muslims with stupid hash tags ride with me im scared, Its all a load of garbage from the religion of peace , And the amount of people who fall for it, There just the masters of pitty seeking , even Mantenez does it accuses people of death threats on all muslims
7 years ago Report
I K R: N the terrorist attacks....well they are a backlash against our governments for attacking their countries..You could accept that argument if they actually attacked governments rather than civilians. The hypocrisy is laughable.!
7 years ago Report
(Post deleted by I K R 7 years ago)
briansmythe: Yeah its good to have Brussels all the others isis on the loose no problem at all cos its not a problem to muslims that is why
(Edited by briansmythe)
7 years ago Report
Farouquddeen Mumtaz
Farouquddeen Mumtaz: Well.. then I guess you don't want our trolling services to unite you (Europeans) against us..

In this circumstance I can't force you to use our trolling service . You can enjoy a Muslim-free Europe, and kick us all out.

I am sure you will be all happy right? Like no fierce wars between you and your neighbors. Everyone knows Europe was more peaceful 70 years ago, before they decided to use the Muslim trolling services.

Srsly though, the moment you stop using our trolling services, is exactly the moment you will have a fierce war in Europe.

This is why I am so chill about it. Cause it is fair. The moment you will be a dick to us, you will be also a dick to each other and punish yourselves by yourselves .
7 years ago Report
briansmythe: Dude why think its just Europeans were got soft goverments that tolerate muslims
China dude would never put up with what they get away with in Europe, Check it out or do you want the links
7 years ago Report
Farouquddeen Mumtaz
Farouquddeen Mumtaz: I am done. Nature will teach you the rest. *unfollows*.
7 years ago Report
briansmythe: have fun don't need nature you will find out who Allah really is lol
(Edited by briansmythe)
7 years ago Report
I K R: Its not trolling its called rape of women and children for being non muslim aka (rape jihad....or coward jihad)....n no we dont want it
(Edited by I K R)
7 years ago Report
briansmythe: No we don't want but our Goverments are so soft ATM as you know they would rather pander to them, and Ignore it ,
7 years ago Report
Farouquddeen Mumtaz
Farouquddeen Mumtaz: Fine. Fix the Muslim problem then. I hope you will live happily ever after along with your European peers
7 years ago Report
Farouquddeen Mumtaz
Farouquddeen Mumtaz: Apparently wire fllowed me back? J.e.e.z. I am sure I unfollowed.

So now that wire followed me back, I'll stick around for a while.
7 years ago Report
dave3974: THE muslim cult is a curse
7 years ago Report
briansmythe: well this summed it up for me will it get deleted again

In the Western world, almost 15 years after the 9/11 attacks, and after many thousands of other terrorist attacks by Muslims, why are Western publics still so ill-informed about Islam?

One reason has to do with the way people now find out, not only about Islam, but about so much else. The Internet has helped foster the Age of Distraction, of Triviality, of Hectic Vacancy. We are all now victims of heedless ephemerality, which gets in the way not only of learning about Islam, but of learning about anything. Think of the passing parade of online stories, where the Insects of An Hour take up so much of our attention — how many billions of man-hours are spent clicking on sites that the whirligig of time proffers: something about Jennifer Aniston today, and something about Jennifer Lawrence tomorrow; an invitation to take a gander and gawk at the photographs showing us just how breathtakingly beautiful George Clooney’s house in Italy is, or that of John Krasinski and Emily Blunt in the Hollywood Hills. And surely you need to know what John Travolta tweeted yesterday, or Shaquille O’Neal the day before that, on the subject of racism at the Oscars. And then there are Dr. Oz’s miracle creams, which have done so much for Cher, and Demi Moore, and Meryl Streep – you mustn’t miss that. And then there are the indispensable lists, for which you click and click away: the fifty richest people in the world; the ten most livable cities for retirees in America; the fourteen favorite hobbies of Heisman Trophy winners; the six most tried-and-true recipes for pumpkin pie; and so on, and so idiotically forth. How much time do you have left to find out about Islam?
Along with Distraction, life throws up the obstacle of Boredom. Islam is a tremendous challenge for Unbelievers, not because it is objectively hard, but because it is simply not very interesting for those who do not share the fanatical faith. It takes great mental stamina for non-Muslims to engage with all the sacred rigmarole of Islam — just to follow the isnad-chain of a single hadith can be exhausting. And the plot and the dramatis personae of Islam are not attractive. Islam’s history is bloody, and one is not riveted, but repelled, by that bloody history. You can only take so much.j

Another reason for the widespread refusal to recognize the nature of Islam is that so many of us – especially our leaders, those who are supposed to protect and instruct us — just don’t know what would follow from that recognition, that is, what would be demanded of them. Better to keep repeating the same vapid assurances, hoping that somehow things will work out. But just look at Europe today, or just look at the stories put up at Jihad Watch for the last week. What could you, Angela Merkel or David Cameron, do at this point? Can you publicly admit you have been so wrong for so long, and that you have put in danger the people you were elected to protect? You long ago committed yourself to a soothing narrative, in which Muslim behavior is disconnected from Islam itself. Whatever explains the mass-groping in Cologne or mass-gang-raping of girls in Rotherham, in your telling those attacks certainly had nothing to do with Islam. And whatever the Islamic State’s spokesmen insist on, about scrupulously following the dictates of the Qur’an and the example of Muhammad, we Infidels know better – again, we are told by our leaders, or tell ourselves, this all has nothing to do with Islam. Why, just the other day, Tom Foreman of CNN solemnly sought the historical antecedents of the Islamic State not in the earliest Muslim conquerors (whom ISIS forthrightly claims as its model) but in the Vikings and Vlad the Impaler. (David Wood’s evisceration – Robert Spencer’s mot juste — of Foreman can be found here.) You have every right to feel you are living through a Vast Absurdity.

If you keep your wits about you, and finally conclude that something is very wrong with how our leaders approach the subject of Islam, their public pronouncements after each new Muslim outrage either pollyannish or pusillanimous, you may well undertake on your own to study Islamic doctrine, and to find out how that doctrine explains the practice, as shown by the history of Islamic conquest, of many different non-Muslim peoples, in time over the past 1350 years, in space from the Iberian Peninsula to the East Indies. Don’t expect institutions of higher learning to help you; when it comes to Islam, they have been thoroughly corrupted, by money, or by the desire of professors not to offend but to parrot the party line.j

But you keep at it. You read, you visit certain websites (as the one you are reading now). And if you do that, then the Jihad News of the day will not confuse you; you will be able to fit it into the larger history of Islam. And you will know why, when some high-ranking Christian cleric, as part of his Interfaith Outreach, offers this slippery solipsism — All religions are a force for good. Islam is a religion. Therefore, Islam is a force for good. — he is wrong, and you will be able to adduce the textual support for your conclusion. You might even begin to ask some delicate questions: who is to decide what is a “religion” and what distinguishes a “religion” from a “cult”– and is it possible that we call Islam a “religion” only because we don’t know what else to call it?

But then what? After you have achieved such knowledge, what forgiveness for those non-Muslims who continue to refuse to see Islam steadily and whole? You have a perfect right to be downcast, even despairing, at news of what is happening in Germany, in Sweden, in France, but you also have a duty – owed to yourself and to your own, imperiled, Western civilization — not to give in but to keep trying to inform and enlighten others. You have no Munich to point to, no single Grand Appeasement. Rather, there are a hundred sundry appeasements. It can be the Bishop of London calling on fellow clerics to “grow beards” in order to put Muslims at ease. It can be the prayer rooms in schools, halal food in prisons and schools, single-sex hours at the municipal pools. You can make your own list.

We are living in a time, because of Islam, of mass disorientation and topsy-turvydom. You have to keep your wits about you. You are suavely told that Europeans simply must not oppose Muslim migration. Why not? Why can’t we ask that question? What duty do we have to those whose entire history has been one of hostility toward, and conquest of, non-Muslims? And hasn’t the West already tried to be as accommodating as it can? Point out that there are already tens of millions of Muslims living in Europe, in lands they have been taught to regard as Dar al-Harb. They are there to take advantage of well-run and prosperous societies, to pocket all that they can – the free or subsidized housing, health care, education, and even family allowances – but not to jettison Islam. They are not there to “integrate” into non-Muslim societies, but instead are obligated to engage, using whatever means are available and effective, in the Jihad or struggle to ensure the ultimate triumph and dominance of Islam, and rule by Muslims.

Non-Muslims find this a fantastic goal, but a large part of the globe succumbed to Muslim rule in this way a long time ago. A million Muslims settled, last year, in Germany alone; millions more are on the way to Europe; among these migrants are many who, it has been reluctantly conceded by the authorities, have already been involved in attacks on non-Muslims; no Western politician of the mainstream dares to discuss the significance of the Muslim division of the world between Dar al-Harb and Dar al-Islam, and between Believer and Unbeliever; those in public life who call for a halt to Muslim migration – what is assuredly the most obvious measure of self-protection — are immediately demonized for that commonsensical suggestion and politically placed beyond the pale. <<<along came Trump he never did any thing different than Obama in calling for a tempery ban on some Countrys
Difference is he Called ISLAM for what it really is and not like Obamas ISLAM IS THE RELIGION OF PEACE , ISLAM should be known for what it is and what it is not, Shame on you Americans who wont even give him a go

So share what you’ve learned; go to those mosque open-houses and spoil the proceedings with a Qur’anic quotation or two that will upset your hosts but which they will be unable to deny; call into those talk-shows with similar material, write those letters to the papers, engage in guerrilla warfare on the blogs. When you learned about Islam, you did not make the world any easier for yourself, just easier to comprehend. And in so learning about Islam, you should recognize that you now have a responsibility to share that knowledge with others, many of whom have shown they will be willfully resistant to it. But you have taken on this task. If not you — who?

 Tags: Denial, Islam, West
(Edited by briansmythe)
7 years ago Report
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