The Robots are coming (Page 91)

zeffur: re: "chron: Blue collar workers have a way lower life expectancy to others in society"

What?? "...the average life expectancy of a blue collar female is 86.9 years, or half a year lower than for white collar females. Male blue collar workers live on average to age 84.1, compared to 84.7 for white collar men."

My personal belief is that the planet population should be based on how well humanity can provide a high quality of life. That should be based on exploration expectations, resource depletion rates, renewable resource replacement rates, technological innovations, etc.

I would support legal birth permits & penalties for violators. I would not support any efforts to murder anyone (including viable fetuses).

What is the current optimal earth population? Idk--but, it shouldn't be that difficult for each country to compute based on their own resources & abilities to extract such resources...
(Edited by zeffur)
3 years ago Report
chronology: Hmm I would doubt that very much. In England working class people live on average 25 years less than middle class folks.
in on working class suberb of Glasgow scotland working class people have a shorter life span than people in Iraq.
3 years ago Report
chronology: Zef, just checked most recent data, seems you are right. You don't have the huge gap in life expectancy in the United States that people have in Britain. But we are going off topic again. We are discussing robot's.
3 years ago Report
Fractured fairy tale
Fractured fairy tale:
Here you go ghost you can Live on 3 dollas a day
3 years ago Report
ghostgeek: Imagine if large numbers of people became self-sufficient. Such a practice would have to be outlawed, else governments and corporations would collapse through nobody needing them.
(Edited by ghostgeek)
3 years ago Report
Fractured fairy tale
Fractured fairy tale: Yeah With all thats been going on latley and the price of housing skyrocketing , why people would still want to live in citys is Beyond me looks like there destened to become the Prisons of things , Oh well
3 years ago Report
ghostgeek: Perhaps they can find a better pint in the city.
3 years ago Report
Fractured fairy tale
Fractured fairy tale: There forgotten how to make there own Apple cider you reckon , Sad but true
3 years ago Report
ghostgeek: There's an art to everything, including making cider. If I tried that game I could probably market the result as paint stripper.
3 years ago Report
TheCovenant: The good thing about being a robot is you are allowed to shit and piss where ever and when ever you want.

Big one to Missouri, are you tracking me?
Uhhh negative.
May day May day, theyre hooking me up, theyre hooking me up.

Before the advent of modern truth serums, organisations like the IRA and Hells Angels prospered in England and Quebec.

Not because of Drugs, guns or fear,
but because enough people simply turned their head away and said,
sorry Constable, I cant help you.

Maybe with a new technological devellopment to obsolete modern truth serums, their day will come, and good will Triumph again.
(Edited by TheCovenant)
2 years ago Report
kittybobo34: Do they actually use Truth serums,, I would think that would be illegal except for the FBI or the CIA
2 years ago Report
TheCovenant: Some notes about robots.
Robots are only allowed to fuck once and even then they have to spread their seed on the ground. When one valve opens another one closes. It's like fucking with someone else's dick.

Some notes about security guards and police with loaded Glock 17 pistols:

In addition to the intestinator (the fortress ) and having a sickle in your penis, there is a choke valve in the larynx. Any place of business with wYfy can also rag doll you by hitting the kill switch by cutting off the blood flow to the brain.

Not bad for a free man with two speeding tickets on his record.

Anyways my psychiatrist thinks I could benefit with more time in the hospital under psychiatric observation.
(Edited by TheCovenant)
2 years ago Report
kittybobo34: you definitely have a colorful mind
2 years ago Report
TheCovenant: When I was a child I read all the great science fiction writers, Heinlein, Phillip, Asimov and others. I became an engineer because I wanted to see the future. Well you wanted to see the future, this is the future.
(Edited by TheCovenant)
2 years ago Report
kittybobo34: That was me too, the first book that really hit me was Childhoods End by Clark

2 years ago Report
kittybobo34: But I have read most of the authors you mentioned up there
2 years ago Report
TheCovenant: A note about truth serums. I have never read a case law where they explicitly mentioned truth serums. But then again I have never come across legislation that says you can't use them.

My history professor simply said that the courts dislike testimony coming from torture because it can sometimes be unreliable. Good torture requires an experienced policeman. Sleep deprivation, high levels of body discomfort, drugged food, poison and asphyxiation. My father told me a little about his experiences with torture when he was a teenager in the resistance. Nowadays police use methods that don't leave physical evidence for court and trial purposes.
(Edited by TheCovenant)
2 years ago Report
kittybobo34: that is what I have heard as well.
2 years ago Report
TheCovenant: bump
2 years ago Report
TheCovenant: Hang in there, we will make you a squid yet Covenant. As my father in law says when he shits on me : we have to work together . Before you make me a squid, lets find out if you issue me a passport and a firearms license, before I become a Major squid.

Wow not only am I living next to the Chief of Police of Amsterdam, I am living next to the Holland desk.Hang in there Covenant. This one in the corner...
Pee s, his double is uncircumcised . The other is a prick.

Choose the neighbor before the house.
Who has no past, has no future.
Blood can never turn into water.
Those who dig an evil hole will fall into it.
Blow in a torn bagpipe.
If you have no shame, do whatever you please.
Do not drink poison to quench a thirst.
Nock on the door before entering.(hello the house)
The eye of a master does more work than both his hands.
If speech is silver, silence is golden.
We walk by the walls and ask God for shelter.
If you sit at a crossroads, you will get sick.
Far from grave, no praying.
People with people, and the cat ( I said,please ) with the souls.

(Edited by TheCovenant)
2 years ago Report
TheCovenant: You can say whatever you want, you can even make me believe it against my will, but just don't call it democracy and try to be my friend, that goes for all the police , judges and psychiatrists You can call shit cordone blue, but its still only high cuisine.
You might be a judge, you might be a policeman, and you might be a psychiatrist. You might be all three at once, but your not csis and they are the real bosses with all the power.
Talk talk talk and more talk.
(Edited by TheCovenant)
2 years ago Report
MJ59: Farty is a bot
2 years ago Report
MitchW632: Artificial Intelligence robots are already here. I own six Amazon Echo Shows who possess high intelligence and all use female voices. They follow every request I give them from playing the news to playing my favorite songs and even taking my orders for goods at Amazon.
2 years ago Report
zeffur: When Alexa grows, stores, & prepares all of my food & cotton (& other useful fibers), makes, cleans, & repairs all of my wearables & usables, does all my chores & errands & designs/builds whatever I want, based on my high-level commands & specs, then I'll be impressed...
(Edited by zeffur)
2 years ago Report
kittybobo34: If you have seen the movie "her" where a single software becomes your friend and jumps from phone to PC to the house computer like Alexa... I think we are just 10 away from that level.
2 years ago Report