The Robots are coming (Page 10)

briansmythe: Mabye the Robots could be models of the Statue of liberty , But Instead of a torch it could have one of his super guns
6 years ago Report
ghostgeek: The trouble with stepping back and letting others fight their own battles is that sometimes you get dragged in anyway, but end up at a greater disadvantage than if you'd stepped in early. The Second World War didn't start with a bang. It began with baby steps that got bigger as the aggressors gained in confidence.
6 years ago Report
chronology: Maybe they just cannot defend themselves. America has always been on the side of 'the little Guy against the big Guy' . One of the problems of just washing it's hands of the Middle East and going home after winning the Gulf War was that many people were left with Saddams fury and anger aimed at them. If the Pentagon just went home, the blood would have soaked the fields of Iraq for months afterwards. The U.S. was also keeping order among the Gulf nations as it sat on Iraqs boarder, no one wanted 10 dollar a gallon Gas, which it would have been if the region exploded into war.

So there was no option to 'step back and let them fight it out' . Hopefully the U.S. can continue with assistance to Iraq, America does have a 'sobering effect' on situations. Iran would never have tried to topple Saddam or got involved in a War with Iraq if the U.S. had Service personell in the country. The U.S. would have knocked heads together and insisted the fighting stop. Millions of lives would have been saved. But when the last American helicopters flew out of Iran, all hell broke loos a few years later.
6 years ago Report
Sandra1957: what does this have to do with robots?
6 years ago Report
briansmythe: Yeah the second world war was a continuation of the first the great empires giving it one last go .we all know which empire came out on top .the others ghost that I said were skirmishes between empires . And the US lost them all
Who knows what wil happen when the machines are In control
6 years ago Report
briansmythe: Iraq tho might of started the deth knell of the empire
6 years ago Report
kittybobo34: Chronology: that is what I meant by letting them learn their own lessons. If we had stepped in early in WW2, yes we could have stopped Hitler, and we would have been called the bad guys for decades afterward, Europe would not have united, and no one would have stood up to the Soviets. My point is ether way people die, but it doesnt have to be our guys.
6 years ago Report
briansmythe: Heee you will never convince chronno that there stured up a hornets nest not even the robots can concor
6 years ago Report
chronology: brian, really Old Chap, the U.S. never stirred up any hornets nest. The whirlwind of misery in that region began as U.S. helicopters flew out of Iran after the Islamic revolution there. From that moment on there was tensions and war in the region. Saddam became convinced the 'Mad Clerics' were trying to overthrow him and he attacked Iran. With America out of the region he later took the opportunity to settle his argument with Kuwait by invading the place.

Who knows brian? maybe these Guys are all right? maybe the voice of God was talking to the Muslim Holy men who sent people into Iraq to establish God's kingdom on earth, maybe Iraq was the rightful owner of Kuwait, maybe Saddam was right to launch a full on war against Iran. endless blood and misery. But unless you want to pay 30 dollars a gallon for Gas you can only hope Washington can reason with these people to try and at least get along peacefully together if not like each other.

You just cannot leave these people to their own devices. When you do that you see the results. America needs to be trying to keep them round the table and negotiating.
6 years ago Report
briansmythe: No There unleashed the Diablo
6 years ago Report
chronology: brian, really. They used to say all that stuff about Britain and the British Empire in the 1930s. They blamed London for all the trouble and strife in India, 'divide and rule' same with the Irish, and Africa, and Europe. Guess what, the British Empire has been gone for 40 years, and most of those folks still cannot get along. The U.S. could leave these people to their fate, and guess what? they would still be fighting.
6 years ago Report
6 years ago Report
ghostgeek: I guess any time travelling Roman would take one look at the present day world and sigh. "Not a lot has changed," he'd say, "except the names."
6 years ago Report
kittybobo34: The Romans thought all these people were crazy. The Hebrews were even given a dispensation on taxes, (the only people that didn't have to tithe to the Gods) I think the Romans were right.
6 years ago Report
ghostgeek: Being sane gets you some ways down the road, but being bat shit crazy might just get you to the end.
6 years ago Report
ghostgeek: The voices of millions of taxpayers have been analysed and stored by HM Revenue and Customs (HMRC) without consent, privacy campaigners say.

Big Brother Watch says HMRC's Voice ID system has collected 5.1 million audio signatures and accuses the department of creating "biometric ID cards by the back door".

The Information Commissioner's Office (ICO) says it is following up complaints about the service.

HMRC says the data is held securely.

It also emphasised that callers could choose not to use Voice ID.

The Voice ID scheme, which was launched last year, asks callers to repeat the phrase "my voice is my password" to register.

Once this task is complete, they can use the phrase to confirm their identity when managing their taxes.

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6 years ago Report
briansmythe: Yeah the Crusades brought us some reprieve for awhile , Chronno would never say what he says if he had ever run Into a devout Muslim ,They Hate us and some would gladly kill and think there doing Allas will
6 years ago Report
kittybobo34: They love to hate over there, and say Death to ______. Still think we should let them figure out their own system of government and borders. And, find a better fuel source than their oil.
6 years ago Report
briansmythe: Teliban are back nearly controlling Afgainistan , Yeah its craxy to think just by getting rid of there Government who ever it may be , there Just going to Change
6 years ago Report
briansmythe: The problem is the US gave them all the Rights over the oil let them Nationalise it , after it was the west that set up all the infrestructure , If they hadn"t of done that Who knows they might of had some bargaining power
6 years ago Report
freedomfirst1797: One thing is certain. The world is changing again. Just like it changed before with the Agricultural Revolution, the Industrial Revolution, and the Information Revolution.

I suppose we could call this one the "Robotic Revolution," because in the future we will have more machines replacing humans as they drive trucks, deliver packages, and even provide personal services like cutting hair, moving grass or even being sexual partners.

This time the robots will not be assisting us, they will be replacing us. And this creates a huge risk that humans may become unnecessary and redundant. No longer an asset, a large human population becomes a liability that must be fed, housed and entertained.

Can we cope with this? I believe we can, because we have managed to cope with every other seismic change that occurred before. But life will certainly be different. And it will be worth a lot less in the future, as robots will be cheaper, more efficient, and easier to manage than humans are.

This could be a great time to be in the ruling elite, and a very bad time to be anyone else.I suppose time will tell. Fortunately, I probably won't live long enough to see it.
6 years ago Report
ghostgeek: Why not just accept it. We are in the process of siring our replacements.
6 years ago Report
ghostgeek: Google’s robotic calling service, which can speak to humans to make a reservation or appointment, is to get its first small-scale public trial.

A few businesses will be receiving calls from the system in the next few weeks, the company said.

Google would not be more specific about how many firms would be involved.

First shown at the tech giant’s developers’ conference in May, Duplex has become one of the most talked about demos of the year so far.

At that event, we heard the robot voice book a table at a restaurant by calling it up, speaking to a human member of staff, and confirming the details.

What startled people was that the voice, while synthesised, was incredibly lifelike - even adding its own “uh-huh” and “mm” to the flow of conversation.

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6 years ago Report
kittybobo34: Just a matter of time,,, we better improve ourselves or get left behind.
6 years ago Report
TheCovenant: This google robotic calling service, could it have applications for screening out telemarketers and politely stringing them along for hours only to give them the finger.
6 years ago Report