The Robots are coming (Page 9)

ghostgeek: An even more scary thought would be where no human is operating the drone.
6 years ago Report
6 years ago Report
ghostgeek: At least it will keep the cost down of fighting future wars. Good for the tax payer.
6 years ago Report
chronology: A little creepy ghost is that for the first time the U.S.A. has become vulnerable to blockade. This has never been possible in the past due to simple geography and logistics. The first occasion America began to become vulnerable was with the invention of the airplane. But even then no nation could fly the distances to and from the U.S. to attack America, unless they were flying suicide missions. It became vital for U.S. Strategic defence to keep enemy air bases as far from the U.S. as possible. The closest anyone came to a blockade of America in modern times was Germany in WW2. Uboats stalked America river entrences and Ports attacking shipping. The American Media kept this out of the news, but it was a creepy situation. Ask folks in North Carolina about family stories of families being knocked out of their beds by the force of explosions from torpedoes striking American ships. ICBMs made it possible for nations to threaten the U.S. with mass destruction. But drones, lying permanently around the U.S. have made it possible to hedge America in for the first time in modern history. This is why the U.S. has to win the Drone War, otherwise they could be 'fenced in' with no air travel, trade, or anything in and out of the U.S. It would be a 'wall' so to speak, more effective than anything Mr Trump could build.
6 years ago Report
Sandra1957: Frankly a Robot would be much better than this asshole Trump
6 years ago Report
Sandra1957: I asked a family in NC about that and they said your nuts chrono
6 years ago Report
chronology: oh my goodness, Sandra, do you have no interest at all in the sacrifices and efforts of Americans in upholding democracy and freedom? look up 'Torpedo Alley' North Carolina on the web and you will see how the fine folks in that great State spent a lot of time burieing brave American sailors and clearing up after Uboat attacks.
For goodness sake, never take for granted the sacrifices of Americans in the past in keeping the world free.
6 years ago Report
Sandra1957: sir, I told you once before, and I will not say this again. My own father
was in the Army AirForce IN WW2 now please shut the hell up
6 years ago Report
Sandra1957: you are crazy as shit
6 years ago Report
Sandra1957: how dare you even talk about this country not knowing one damn thing about it
6 years ago Report
chronology: Well tell your dad thankyou for his service to world freedom and justice. But frankly you are delusional. I cannot discuss anything further with you.
6 years ago Report
Sandra1957: he passed away in 2007 at the age of 86, my mother passed away in
March 2018 at the age of 94, I shall put flowers on their grave which is in
one of the finest National Cemeteries in the Nation. Located In Annville
Pennsylvania. google that its called Indian town gap national cemetery.
you will also find my husbands father and uncle there. Keep your fat nose in your own
(Edited by Sandra1957)
6 years ago Report
Sandra1957: yes Im delusional alright fuck you
6 years ago Report
Sandra1957: and no you can not discuss a thing with me you are brain dead
6 years ago Report
kittybobo34: I remember reading about the Uboat attacks, took us a while to get on our feet in that war.
6 years ago Report
briansmythe: Dont worry they wont be Late for the next one , Theres Pleanty of Drill sargents like Chronno around to Brain Wash people into The Milatry line
6 years ago Report
Sandra1957: hes nuts
6 years ago Report
kittybobo34: they never see a war they dont want to get into an fight in, of course they aren't the ones enlisting.
6 years ago Report
chronology: brian, like I am tired of explaining to you, there were tens of thousands of U.S. Servicemen and women stuck on the boarder of Iraq from the liberation of Kuwait. Had not Mr Bush Liberated Iraq they would still be there now. United States Air Force Flights over Iraq amounted to 100.000 flight time when the U.S. liberated Iraq. 10.000. Iraqi's were dieing every year due to U.N. Sanctions, mostly old people and children. Grinding poverty was becoming entrenched in Iraq due to Sanctions. And you still think the U.S. was wrong to liberate that country. Also, name one war I have ever suggested the U.S. get involved in. Not one. The U.S. is doing a great job in Afghanistan at the moment, and we can only hope they stay there. The U.S. Navy is doing a great peacekeeping job in the Gulf and Pacific, we can only hope they stay there.

Sure, the U.S. could have just cut and run. But that would have left millions of people who depended on American Airforce flights to protect them at the mercy of a very hateful Government at that time.

As ever brian you just twist facts to suit your America hating agenda. And I challenge you again to name one war I have suggested America get involved in. And yes, I still praise Mr Bush and American servicemen and women for their great service to the world liberating Iraq.
6 years ago Report
briansmythe: Nth Korea V USA = China V USA
Vietnam V USA = China V USA
Syria V USA = Iran and the rest V USA
Santions enforsed the USA = if you cant starve them into submission , Bombs away
Like how you leave out all the Millions of Innocent people who have been killed , Nah no need to remember them , There Just Calateral damage
(Edited by briansmythe)
6 years ago Report
briansmythe: Why is there Millions of Terrorists around Its a Mystery
6 years ago Report
chronology: U.N. Sanctions were imposed by the U.N. brian as usual you just duck and dive and go off on an anti American rant.
6 years ago Report
ghostgeek: No one's perfect but of the three great powers in the world today the U.S. is by far the best. Russian and China don't look half as appealing.
6 years ago Report
kittybobo34: Never the less, it would be allot easier to tell who the bad guys are if we quit trying to be the world cop. Let those countries fight their own battles and learn their own lessons.
6 years ago Report
briansmythe: yeah good point , If Chroono had his way there would be Robo cops cruseing the world , wipeing out Non Americans , In the name of liberty and freedom
6 years ago Report