Why Trump won, a message! (Page 52)

kittybobo34: At the time most people in the nation were convinced that war with the Soviet Union was inevitable, the results of that technology is what made the gulf war an easy win.
2 years ago Report
tularcitas: Interesting.
2 years ago Report
kittybobo34: Although with all the wars we have been in we still don't seem to learn our lessons
2 years ago Report
The giant midget
The giant midget: It's all a farce in my opinion
The Americans always go into theses country's to fight for democracy to fight terrorism and all,the little puppies in NATO go along with it
The USA just destroy but never rebuild anything
Why would the afghans fight alongside the Americans and its allies fighting their brothers and sisters
Now the Chinese communist government will go in their and build roads , communities,infrastructure in exchange for natural resources
Like some Chinese government official said in early July
If we make the afghan people work for dusk to dawn they will never have anytime to thing of terrorism
The current administration could have simply with a stroke of a pen extend the timeline for another month to allow the afghan people that help the USA and its allies

2 years ago Report
The giant midget
The giant midget: Kitty let's remember that the technology advances in military weapons was gained by the expertise of the ww2 from the Germans
Those experts were divided between the USA and the Russians
Both nations with their newfound rocket scientists were the groundwork for rockets to the moon , the missiles loaded with nuclear tips
The rest is history
2 years ago Report
The giant midget
The giant midget: The war with the Russians started soon after the end of the ww2
Vietnam came way , way , way after that
2 years ago Report
Fractured fairy tale
Fractured fairy tale: Thats exactly Right midjet The rocket techknolgy for both USA and Soviets Came from Whats Called NATZIE war Criminals , The USA version was even hailed a National hero , but the population is Clueless of that fact , No Use with people who have been "Educated" or repeat what there momorized from the Propaganda Machine , The Internet Was Hailed As the Great information Super highway too bring information too the Masses , Pitty people don't Use it and Just rely on what they were Fed and regurite it
2 years ago Report
Fractured fairy tale
Fractured fairy tale: The Problem Is if you don"t follow The Propaganda Machienes line , your relegated to a
"consparicy Therorist" Ive got too hand it too them There not Bad at Manipulating the Masses Kida put the old Soviet Union too shame
2 years ago Report
Kitty, I think one of the reasons they did not have a direct war was because neither would have won. They also had a population that they may not have been able to justify an all out attack.
Both will end in heavy loses too.
Perhaps why they had a cold war. To move first to gain more strategic partnerships globally from various countries. Undermining each other’s backed-governments through proxy war and funding guerrilla units. It meant too their civilian population did not feel a war but other countries certainly did.

2 years ago Report
tularcitas: Do you think trump will ever be indicted and convicted of any crininal liability by the State of New York, or will it be tied up in courts indefinitely?
2 years ago Report
tularcitas: If trump were to be convicted do you think it would be a clarion call for all the QANON, Proud Boys et alia to try to start a civil war? Might be a possible reason that trump will never be convicted for State AND Federal crimes.
2 years ago Report
Doctor_Ontario: Trump should just go into hiding with Rudy The Rude and Mr Pillow.
2 years ago Report
The giant midget
The giant midget: Valid points Commante makes
Regarding funding guerrilla units and undermining puppet governments ,that a little too much of a stretch specially for the USA
The USA always made sure that it was all about the freedom and democracy, fight terrorism and rebels before all else.
That's all propaganda and conspiracies that the Russians tossed around about the Americans

2 years ago Report
The giant midget
The giant midget: Trump needs to be hooked up to a lying detection machine and asked about everything that he is being accused of ,but also ask the same questions to all government employees, senator's and congressman/woman.
Let's all see if their are those worse and equal to Trump
2 years ago Report
Blackshoes: Now that would be interesting. Wouldn't be wonderful if a reliable true serum was available to give to both accusers and defendants
2 years ago Report
The giant midget
The giant midget: Yes indeed Blackshoes
Just imagine the time and money it would save the taxpayers
Do you thing it should be applied also to those seeking office at every level of government
What about the bureaucratic community in government?
Should they get the same application?
2 years ago Report
Nicotina: How many "scandals" do there have to be, where the US props up some dictator or oppressor to further the US interests before the people in the US get pissed off? Let's not forget the gun running and drug dealing.
2 years ago Report
The giant midget
The giant midget: Omg
Nicotina, please don't come on here I spewing propaganda and conspicuous act against the USA
2 years ago Report
Nicotina: It's not propaganda. Try reading some history books.
Operation Cyclone.
Operation Urgent Fury.
(Edited by Nicotina)
2 years ago Report
The giant midget
The giant midget: Read some history books ????
Seriously I am to lazy to do that
History has 3 sides to every event
There's the version of west ,there's the version of the east that is taught in their education system and than there's the independent version that is majority of the time the most correct
Look no further than the Canadian education system, it teaches nearly 70% of American history 20 % of world history and 10% of Canadian history to our children
Wtf with that
In the world of the USA, the only country in the world its 100% American history in their schools
(Edited by The giant midget)
2 years ago Report
Nicotina: So you don't know. Fair enough.
2 years ago Report
The giant midget
The giant midget: You are assuming that I don't know
Not going to argue about that
No worth my time anyway
2 years ago Report
2 years ago Report
Not sure if The giant midget is being sarcastic or genuine tbh haa either way, to each their own.

Coming from outside the US, I like to think my historical view is less bias than coming from within the US or Russia or China.

I know all too well of the propping up of dictators and supporting shady sides. All under the cloak of ‘greater good’.

2 years ago Report
The giant midget
The giant midget: Yeah relax
A very ancient Cree saying
Look closely into your own tippee before you look at your enemies horse
2 years ago Report