Is the West Rising or not?

davidk14: .

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The West is based on free speech and liberty and more people of different faiths are finding their way to the United States to start a new life.

We do not see that with Islamic countries or countries that support terrorism ie. Russian, Iran, NKorea, and of course, Syria. They do not practice free speech or the liberty of their citizens as a priority.

8 years ago Report
I K R: hahahaha I just bumped an old post of mine.....great minds
Well we know we are better...that's why we aren't afraid of debate
8 years ago Report
I K R: I will just post in here....this video is long but its summed up in the first 10 mins

We do not need lessons on morality from people who's idea of heaven resembles a cosmic brothel!!
8 years ago Report
I K R: The following was taken from an islamic website on why muslim women must veil.....As you can see it is clearly promoting the idea that western women and women who are not veiled can be assumed to be sex objects.....and that there may be "significant consequences" to not veiling...

"A Muslim woman must at least cover her hair and body in loose and unrevealing clothing, obscuring the details of her body from the public; some also choose to cover their face and hands. The wisdom behind this dress code is to minimize sexual enticement and degradation in society as much as possible for both men and women.
The message that the woman gives when she wears Islamic dress in society is this: “Respect me for who I am. I am not a sex object.” (*NOT RESPECT ALL WOMEN FOR THEY ARE NOT SEX OBJECTS)
Islam teaches that the consequences of immodesty fall not only on the individual but also upon the society that permits women and men to mingle freely, display themselves, and compete or allure one another through sexual attraction. These consequences are significant and cannot be ignored. To make women into sex objects for the pleasure of men is not liberation. In fact, it is a dehumanizing form of oppression rejected by Islam."

Yeah its f****d up
(Edited by I K R)
8 years ago Report
I K R:

"When I started school. My mother sat me down and told me that from then on I would have to walk my sister Neelo to school every day.
I grew to hate it. Every school day, for years, as the two of us walked toward Neelo’s school, men would stare at her, sizing up her body behind the dark clothes, whispering to each other, making signs with their hands, making catcalls, taunting her, and saying things like how pretty she was—even though the only thing you could see on my sister's body were her eyes.
The men who passed us on sidewalks would say demeaning things—things sexual in nature that I was too young to understand. My mom and dad wanted me to walk her to school because if I wasn’t with her, who knew what these men would do? I grew up hearing stories about women being groped, punched, even abducted—all while wearing hijabs. The perpetrators were from all ethnic groups and were both Pakistanis and, like us, refugees.
The experience left me angry, helpless, and traumatized. We never talked about it. What she didn’t know was that I knew she was emotionally and psychologically hurt. I didn't need her to tell me she was not being protected by her hijab. The tears behind her veil were enough.

"was not being protected by her hijab" *ding ding ding.... Because that is what it is supposed to do....n if that's not bs enough that a society will force a CHILD to conceal her sexuality so she can protect herself from the sexual advances of grown men.....But that the so called men are comfortable enough to stand in the open with their friends and shout obscenities at a child .... without any fear retribution from anyone.....Because its socially accepted by all.
I believe in religious freedom....but not when it comes at the expense of anyone's personal safety.
8 years ago Report
lori100: I think donations should be collected to send cattle prods to all girls and women in those countries to teach the males some manners..
8 years ago Report
8 years ago Report
8 years ago Report
mistermills357: The hijab doesn't protect a woman from anything, unless she packs a .357 underneath it, and that is my advice for any chick that needs protection.
My very username has that number in it, and there is for a reason for that, I have carried and used them.
(Edited by mistermills357)
8 years ago Report
8 years ago Report
calybonos: Will I be deported for smuggling hashish into this thread?
8 years ago Report
chronology: I have touched on this on my Trivia Blog, the biggest influence on the West in the next few decades will be 'Robots' not Muslims. People still laugh when you mention 'Robots' they think of cartoon characters or Sci Fi characters, but Robots are real, and they entering the workplace and Military faster than any Muslims.
Some factories being built in California are completely automated, zero workers apart from support staff for the machines. most Freeway driving in the U.S. in the years ahead will be in 'auto drive' mode as all cars soon will have Freeway driving capacity on autodrive.

The character of the West will change completely in a few decades when Robots handle everything from health care to prisons to immigration and customs. Robots like 'Ed 209' from the Movie Robo Cop will handle all riots and civil disturbance, not with his machine guns, but with rubber bullets and CS gas and 'arrest nets' fired at rioters.

The most radical change however will come when Robots have 'Quantum CPUs' these CPUs are vastly faster and more flexible than the current 'Classical computer CPU' . A team of 'Ed 209' will make up their own 'minds' how best to resolve a riot.

All this will reduce the number of fatalities of people who insist on provoking and threatening Police Officers today. Instead of being shot, most the people crazy enough to attack Ed 209 will be blasted with Mase then restrained with 'arrest nets' fired at them.

Most Robots dealing with the public in America will talk any language know, so Hindi, Urdu, Arabic, Yiddish, will be no problem for them.

What is there not to like at Americas new minority? Robots.
(Edited by chronology)
8 years ago Report
I K R: well id rather take the robots,
8 years ago Report
briansmythe: What happens if Muslims program the robots?
8 years ago Report
davidk14: .

the Israeli's will create an anti-virus and eliminate the program...

8 years ago Report
8 years ago Report
I K R: The Western media, police and governments are all failing to tell the truth about islam......this is another lie.from an article about honour violence......

"This type of domestic violence happens within communities of all faiths - however, a recent documentary highlighted the issue among the Muslim community." .

....It may happen within other cutures and faiths elsewhere idk...but not in Britain....its a mulsim issue...If the media had been able to find other groups doing it... they would of jumped all over it to prove it happened outside of islam. If all the muslims left Britain we would not need a special division of the police just to deal with honour violence, becasue it is dealt with separately to domestic violence.

Its true that there is a massive problem with honour violence and killings in Britain, but the way its reported suggests that its a British problem. Not only is that a lie but its also an insult to the rest of us. There's only one group doing this.. N we all know that its the muslims....They are the ones who call it "honour", so why dont they have the balls to own it, instead of hiding behind the rest of us? And until the finger of shame is pointed at them and their dumb islam they will carry on doing it ...its pathetic!

Its the same as when they report that British teens have gone off to join isis....they don't identify themselves as British they call themselves muslim first ....then, Pakistani or where ever their parents are from second.

If islam is so peaceful and great why they so afraid of reporting it truthfully....hmm well that will be because all the muslims will kick off if they did ?

Chronology is living in dream land if he can sit here and say with straight face that robots are more of an issue in Britain.....Do robots rape? Do they commit honour violence? Do they flood the country with heroin? Are they programmed to have a shitty/hateful attitude towards all other British people and minorities? Robots may well be entering the military and the workplace faster than any muslims....but that's not surprising....So is everyone else!! . .. 80% of the muslim immigrants are claiming benefits and given the choice they would rather fight against our military than join it.

8 years ago Report
I K R: And if you notice the only time they make any real protest about innocent muslims being killed is when its done by a non muslim.....becasue that is an insult to islam....there is no honour in being killed by a non muslim
8 years ago Report
briansmythe: Its discrasefull Call it an Honour Killing or Honour violence and that's supposed to make it ok what is Honourable about that?
, Happens here too not as bad as the UK
Terrorism is spreading here always payback, For something, Always islam
(Edited by briansmythe)
8 years ago Report
davidk14: .

Just read the article brian, which unfortunately is just one of numerous of its type which is not about republicans or democrats, capitalism or communism, Judaism, Christianity or any other religion...but one. Walls will not keep this type of culture at bay.

8 years ago Report
chronology: david, I understand your love and concern for Israel but really, the world is changing faster than you can ever imagine. The religion that unsettles you so much will have zero influence on Artificial Intelligence and Robotic machines, and these innovations are the most significant game changers at the moment. You will not see 'Suicide Bus Drivers Robots' or 'Suicide Pilot Robots' or 'Suicide anything Robots' . In a few decades most of the ways crazed followers of any mad religion will have few opportunities to hijack anything.

Advances in Robotics will have tremendous impact on Israelis as fewer and fewer young men and women in Israel will be needed for National Service. It will be mostly mechanics servicing the machines. Take a look how many Robots now protect South Korea's borders.

Israel is unlikely to afford the Robot Sentries but the U.S. may install them and maintain them if Americans agree to such aid. Once a Robot Peacekeeping commitment is in place Israelis and Palestinians will all enjoy an atmosphere where Israeli families do not have to worry about their children in the Services any more, and Palestinians will never have to complain about guards taking pot shots at them for no reason.

So cheer up david, a new era of Peace may be arriving in the Israel Palestine Districts courtesy of shiny new Sentries from Factories in California. A win win situation.

It will also give the Girls and Boys in the U.S. Services a much needed break from the sacrifices they have had to make in Peace Keeping operations overseas.
8 years ago Report
davidk14: .

When robots can fly get fighters, when robots can drive tanks, when robots can operate combat vessels, war will break out overnight. What keeps war away, is the loss of life. When life is taken out of the equations, wars will happen often. Suicde bombers will still blow up busses and restaurants. And when robots are pressed into service as suicide bombers, terrorists will no longer need to draft human suicide bombers any longer. I beleive the cell phone has helped the terrorists out tremendously....a form of robot triggering device.

As in the Terminator movies...

8 years ago Report
chronology: david, Robots have been able to do everything you list above for years, but it will be a while before they are in place.

david 'self aware' Robots are not here, or even close to being here. They need Quantum computers to be able to run their numerous Programmes, and even Quantum computers have yet to be made, despite the claims of some people who say they have them.

'Ed 209' type Robots are at least 20 or 30 years in the future, but 'security' type Robots that can make Israeli roads safe and it's boarders have been here for ten years. But they are way out of the reach of Israeli budgets. The U.S. could provide Peace securing Robots, probably operated by Craft International along West Bank Highways. Israeli families would feel much safer so would Palestinians, and young Israelis would not have to do National Service, or very little of it.

It all depends on whether U.S. Congress men and women can vote the money needed for the Peace securing Robots. Again, we are not talking about 'Ed 209' we are just talking about intelligent machines that can prevent IEDs and roadside snipers and hijackings.

Young Israelis can forget about long walks at night to cold observation posts in the middle of nowhere to keep watch through long cold nights, instead, while they relax in the sunshine on the beach with a cold beer, a machine run from California can keep everyone safe. What is there not to like.
8 years ago Report
7 years ago Report
I K R: I'll just post this here for now i want to ask Al Absurd why he feels the need to lie
n i dont want it to get lost in grouch n sloppys waffle

: Al Absurd: This is what the Qur'an says about killing...Surah Al-Ma'idah 5:32
"whoever kills a soul unless for a soul or for corruption done in the land - it is as if he had slain mankind entirely. And whoever saves one - it is as if he had saved mankind entirely."

(Now here's the second part to that passage he conveniently omitted to write).....
And our messengers had certainly come to them with clear proofs. Then indeed many of them, [even] after that, throughout the land, were transgressors.

5:33 goes on to explain how to deal with the transgressors.....

Indeed, the penalty for those who wage war against Allah and His Messenger and strive upon earth [to cause] corruption is none but that they be killed or crucified or that their hands and feet be cut off from opposite sides or that they be exiled from the land. That is for them a disgrace in this world; and for them in the Hereafter is a great punishment,

Basically, what it is saying is that providing a person is following allahs muslims should not commit murder....or put simply... they cant kill other muslims

Al Absurd if you cannot tell the whole truth about what your religion teaches, then YOU know yourself it is wrong....You should try to convince yourself that your religion is peaceful before anyone else If it was really a peaceful religion u wouldn't need to keep telling people it was. N you wouldnt feel the need to lie about it.

Here's a Christian saying for you muslims to learn from : TELL THE TRUTH AND SHAME THE DEVIL....
7 years ago Report