Lioness55: I have been posting on my wall trying to get ppl to listen to what is happening in the United States but I am not getting anywhere.
Should I be shocked?....Maybe not because even the congress and high officials are not talking. What are we to do?

We have to take a stand and get involved. We have to get off our butts and start to research what is happening. This link is about what is happening and please...listen to this. its very important. This link will bring you to more links.and the TRUTH of what is now happening that soo many aren't aware of.

When the attacks on the WTC happened in 2001 we had an out-poor of patriotism. We need that back because the anniversary is coming and we are not prepared. Lots of life will be lost and our country is over as we no it.
8 years ago Report
SWlNE: *outpour

An outpour of patriotism or an outpour of hysteria and blind support for unnecessary warfare?

First 2 minutes: "And if you go back... the whole world changed in 1979 when Iran took our hostages and the real war began and set off everything in the Middle East."

Nonsense. Everything the beginning of that tension was long before the hostage situation. The US and the UK have a long history of being meddlers and this is what causes tension.

Don't panic. You're safe. Certain things never ceases to amaze me.
8 years ago Report
Outbackjack: When I read that we need an "out poor" of patriotism I realised there was very little point reading on let alone trying to watch that video.

Patriotism-The last refuge of the scoundrel.
8 years ago Report
SWlNE: Yes, it appeals to emotion and a tribal-like response based on nothing but an emotional attachment to national emblems and nationalism. There's no reasoning. It's a dangerous thing too.
8 years ago Report
Lioness55: Ok, well I have just started this. I have been under "The Spell" since birth and now I see the whole picture. Shame on me. I wish I would've listened to my dad, my brother and many others who tried to tell me what was up. I now understand what they meant by the whole thing is nothing but a flippn lie. And the fiat system is where I found out how bad we have been taken.

NOW....debunk this! Tell me I have nothing to worry about.....
8 years ago Report
Outbackjack: I got as far as the two minute mark.

It says this show is a crystal ball into the future and how to educate yourself in the biggest money transfer in history so you are on the "right" side of this money transfer like the Wall street rich?

So we should all sell our homes,cars,children and use that money to bet on the stock market through short selling and derivatives?

If you can't beat them join them?

The 2008 Global Financial Crisis clearly debunks that.

8 years ago Report
Lioness55: lol......ok too funny
8 years ago Report
Lioness55: 2 min...simply AMAZING!!!
8 years ago Report
Outbackjack: I had to stop at the two minute mark when some snake oil salesman claimed that the show was a crystal ball into a better financial future.

But don't let me pee on your parade if you are gullible enough to swallow that claptrap.
(Edited by Outbackjack)
8 years ago Report
Lioness55: Gold and silver have been the money of long ago. If that isn't true...why are the countries hoarding it? We have fiat currency along w/all the world. They are notes thats all...worthless pieces of paper...nothing backing the notes....This world is based on credit and it shall cave upon itself... just research and you will see....simple.....
In the age of technology....ignorance is a choice!!!!
8 years ago Report
In the age of technology, it is a wise to assess the sources of the information and take things with a pinch of salt. Information can also be false. A youtube video with special effects and a man in a deep voice narrating can also be pure bs. You have to find out who is the person behind the video and their credentials as well as persons who oppose his/her ideas and debunk it.
On a side note, I hope you don't transfer any money to anyone you don't know online.
8 years ago Report
Lioness55: lol...This video actually made me think...so I researched the history of fiat currency...seems you should do the same.
8 years ago Report
(Post deleted by Lioness55 8 years ago)
8 years ago Report
BERNY xP: Anything precious (assuming there is some form of banking exchange comerce) will always have a value. Now, the problem arises in total econimic colapse at which time a chicken is worth more than a bucket of gold. The simple fact is in extreme situations gold, cannot be eaten, build a shelter or used to protect self.

Though we can see a financial failure on a smaller scale and having ones asets in gold or rubies or silver or whatever precious metal or stone would be better than cash or credit. My thought strangely always goes back to if the worlds banks colapse, what will I do with my gold bars ? Will my local farmer want them ?

On the other hand...
Look at Greece and their economical failure. If a Greek has a brick of gold, the rest of Europe wants to buy it, so that would be better than having cash. Well technically not, the issue for the Greek was having or getting cash from the bank. If he had Euros burried in his back yard they still have value.

It seems people want a fail safe. I would say become Amish and create a cummunity that can at least eat and survive if economical systems collapse. If one can protect their produce from others raiding it, a farmer is far better off than a precious metal collector or banker if the economy colapses. The simpler more self reliant one lives, the less dependant on the outside world, the less likely major exonomics collapse affects them.

In most cases the extreme rich will get through, the extreme poor will notice little change. The middle will suffer greatly. Think the French Revolution, the starving begger was still starving and just had more company. The highly affluent still had bread and honey.
8 years ago Report
Lioness55: Well said...
8 years ago Report
Lioness55: But....I still believe in buying precious metals than keeping my cash in the banks..thats my savings plan...jmo
8 years ago Report
BERNY xP: I agree banks are not nearly as secure as most believe. Greece is a great example of that. The Euro did not lose all value. Yet, to save the economy banks were closed and transactions limited. I can not say how affective the tactic was but will say I would not enjoy my governmemt saying how much of my own money can access.

Investing seems always wise. For one thing 10€ is not going to gain value in my pocket. But a precious metal will. Since I can not literally survive a complete economical collapse Gold, Silver and the other investments seem better.

I am not expert but would think a little diversifization is wise. Maybe some metals and gems and then place money in other areas also. Looking at America's Great Depression it would be hard to say that having gold instead of cash when Wall Street fell would have been anything other than a benefit. I am European so may misunderstand the events.

In short Lioness I agree you are wise to invest in precious metals. Quite simply the interests banks give to savings is the worst payoff of ones assets. There may be an exception if one has extremely large balances but for normal people banks make money off us, we do not profit off them.
8 years ago Report
Lioness55: Yes..true to what you said. I did purchase silver. I feel even if this fixes itself...which I don't see that happening..I still have my silver. And..its the first time I have ever seen, held and felt it. Its a very nice metal and very heavy. Like I said. I am poor....used to be middle class but that went away so the only thing left for me to do...to make me feel safe is to purchase a variety of silver. Precious gems are difficult as well for the poor to purchase. I just need to do more research on the matter. If I need the cash...I can always turn it in at market value and take a $5 loss. Its worth it to me to have comfort.
8 years ago Report
BERNY xP: I think it is wise and comfort is important. I am also poor but try not to have what little I do sitting in the bank. I have some of my money in silver coins. Ones that are actually silver. Hopefully, things get better but the world economy is definately scary.

Where are you ? The USA I assume because you stated $.

I am in Germany, we have a decent job market but pay is not great in many areas. In my opinion the EU is not stable and I would not keep all my money as cash or in the bank. If I was wealthier I would deversify more but it is difficult with few assets.

I support what you are doing and wanted to offer that since I saw some critisizing it. Also, the information you shared was very appreciated.

You will not have to take the $5 loss long. Silver will go up in time then maybe drop a little and then go up. Plus that is not a substantial enough amount to matter in the big picture. I bet it does feel nice andI am glad it makes you feel more secure. My friends make fun of me for worrying on this sort of thing. But I think more young people should try to be aware. Maybe we can improve the world if we see what could go wrong.
8 years ago Report
Lioness55: Thank you Berny. Yes I am in Michigan, USA.

I just started to become aware of this situation and it kinda freaks me out. I wonder if not knowing is better. I talked to my son who has a bachelors degree in finances and he stated this has been going on for yrs. I know this its just when stuff does go bad..
It sure sucks to be in poverty...I guess I can't complain a whole lots. The little currency I do have allows me to pay my bills and keep my head afloat. I was trying to see what ppl thought and how much concern they have.

I know its a global thing. But...lemme tell you actually having silver is kinda cool. Like I said I never even saw real silver and if I did...duh??...lol. I will be buying a little bit as I can and if nothing I can leave it for my grand daughter so she has something of value and history. Silver n gold used to be the money for yrs way back but it sadly went to this fiat currency and the US took all the gold standard off the dollar so we have nothing backing up this currency so now its just a piece of paper, which is not good imo.

But, I am not keeping my currency in my bank. Only enough to pay the bills and the rest stays w/me. Sure,,, they say its not good to keep cash, well I don't have more than a few hundred anyway. Not lots by any means.

What upsets me is when someone gets suspicious of some wrong doing in the gov. and you try to speak of it, right away you are the crazy one. Well...I am far from crazy and I am doing what I was asked to do since I don't have the means to support this mission. I do believe 911 was a false flag and really...who doesn't, well then so be it. I know what I have read from many places and I truly believe since our gov is the most corrupt in the world. The more I read the more its proven.

Its nice to see so many young ppl aware of the world today. When I was growing up I didn't care about politics or anything. My dad tried to tell me lots but didn't want to hear it. Keep your ears open and your eyes. Alot of things are important and to go blind in life is not a good thing.

I am a Veteran of the US Navy and it so hurts to see what my gov has done and is doing. I have no faith in the gov so I must do what i can.

Have a great day/nite and would love to continue our talks...)
8 years ago Report
Lioness55: Berny, you are very wise and yes...can silver feed me...No...I can not eat it. lol. Thats the hard part on what to decide. How to barter for a peice of bread so not to go hungry. Or living in the North....how would I keep from freezing?. Like you said...survival is best and I should think about that more than precious metals. I just don't want to be ousted from the little currency I do have. The ppl were taken by surprise and a flood of ppl wanted their money out of the banks and this was too much for the banks to bare so they delt it out the way THEY saw fit. I guess when you leave ur money in an institution you think you have the right to that money. Well...unfortunately we don't have that right. So...that being said .. I am gonna keep dollar bills which is the smallest besides the fiat change that is here as well. Having little denominations is wise as well.

I am learning and I thank you for you're input. It sure helps. I am not wise at all and its my fault for that. I won't be blinded again. Our gov insists things are ok,,,but to live in this no one can convince me otherwise that the US and the world...since the US needs to be in everyone's business is in danger and it saddens me. Words that you bring are comfort...you are much wiser at you're age than I am at mine and I am ashamed of my ignorance.
8 years ago Report
Lioness55: Well, it seems I should just be quiet for my lack of knowledge. Sure, my words are not of a scholar, and I don't pretend to be one. I will just sit back and listen. Keep to myself while I learn. Guess being inquisitive is not a good thing anymore. SO many "know it alls" out there. I am honest....and when I post stuff I get bashed cos my sources aren't up to others. If my sources aren't up to standards...thats when it would be nice for someone to steer me to a better direction and not bash me. But, I guess thats the way humans are...always think they are right and you are wrong. SO...that being said...I will stay silent and read and will be continuing my research and keeping my opinions to myself.
Ty for all you're input.
8 years ago Report
BERNY xP: Lioness,

I found a lot of information in your posts and hope you keep sharing. There will always be cynics but you have a lot to offer. Do not let the nay sayers get to you.

Your handling of the knowledge you have and have shared is to me all anyone can do. Like you I try to keep some currency accessable and not in the bank. I also do thesilver thing.

I do not think we can be prepared for absolute system failure. In other words, yes we can not eat the silver but there is nothing more we can do than prepare ourselves the best we can. Think of it this way, had our grandparents left us silver we would be pretty wealthy. I like you live in a cold place and there is only so much I can do about securing food and warmth. We are basically doing what we can to prepare for tragedy. I can like you get some silver and have cash on me incase the banks fail. And it would mostly be a failure on a smaller scale and what you have done will see you through.

Thank you for sharing so much insight. I also enjoyeed learning about things like that dollars used to be backed by gold. I was not aware of that at all.

Never hesitate to share what you know. I will read it and value it. Those who do not should not stop us from sharing.

By the way everything I shared is just my opinion. I do not have any authority on the topic. Ithink we see things similar but do not hesitate to disagree with me. You have more life experience and that can not be dismissed. I admire you and have learned a lot from this thread.

I am in Köln Germany, glad to have met you.

How do you get your silver ?
(Edited by BERNY xP)
8 years ago Report
BERNY xP: Again please do not keep your opinions to yourself. I am a young woman and just trying to gain as much understanding as I can.

Thank you also for your service in your nation's Navy. Your military service and the service of your countrymen have benefitted all of us world wide.
(Edited by BERNY xP)
8 years ago Report
Outbackjack: Yeah just ask the Iraqis.
8 years ago Report
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