Do guns protect you, or simply cause violence? (Page 156)

ghostgeek: One day the sun is going to go ballistic and all there'll be left to sweep the streets will be zombies.
2 years ago Report
kittybobo34: At least we know how to deal with Zombies, all those training videos will have come in handy.
2 years ago Report
TheCovenant: America, It's good but it will cost you.
Bulgaria, It's not very good but at least its cheap.
Canada, It's all shit and it will cost you, and we will deduct it from your account in advance.
2 years ago Report
TheCovenant: you've got a 24 inch scar around your neck and your not allowed to carry a pencil. work backwards from that.
2 years ago Report
TheCovenant: Heinlein wrote an armed society is a polite that we have outlawed guns in Canada, the number. of assholes has grown exponentially. there simply isn't any consequence to being an asshole anymore, so assholes are flourishing up here.
2 years ago Report
ghostgeek: What about guns that think for themselves? Could be an interesting development.
2 years ago Report
kittybobo34: Not a bad idea, install an identity chip in every gun.
2 years ago Report
TheCovenant: Better to install a chip in everyone's brain.

The Covenant this is a democracy. Well why didn't you say so. Just tell me what to do and I'll do it.
2 years ago Report
TheCovenant: How does he know what flavor Maalox it is. He doesn't he just trusts them.
2 years ago Report
MovingOnNow: 80 million innocent gun owners who never intend to hurt anybody do not need a chip in their gun. The democrats who want to control weapons innocent people own need a kick in their ass.
2 years ago Report
uglycow10: Agreed....
2 years ago Report
kittybobo34: Tell that to the thousands that die each year needlessly because of idiots with guns
2 years ago Report
MovingOnNow: Tell that to the gunowners who had to defend themselves from countless idiots with guns.
2 years ago Report
MovingOnNow: Water is 100% responsible for all drowning deaths. What should we do about water? Everybody has it and they use it frequently, but water continues to kill people and people still keep it around.
2 years ago Report
TheCovenant: Anniversary of the Danforth shooting. 2 killed and 13 wounded. shooter commits suicide. currently being tortured in CC OPP compound in Ontario. Rendition to proceed to secret black site in Manitoba. Police determine that man was so guilty no trial was necessary as per section 1 of the Charter.

Doctors against suicide believe that suicide is the number one cause of escaping torture. More and better torture is possible in a gun free environment, it a quality of life issue.

The Covenant.

My grandfather committed suicide, my father committed suicide, and i committed suicide. My psychiatrist says it is a mental health issue. Strangely enough all these suicides were committed under police torture, so it could be genetic.(thats a joke)
(Edited by TheCovenant)
2 years ago Report
ghostgeek: The best defense against idiots with guns is to make sure there are no idiots with guns.
2 years ago Report
Sir Loin
Sir Loin: I have 8 rifles for various purposes, none of which is to defend myself. Even our cops are armed only with good manners. Time for USA to scrap all guns and start again? Maybe a better mental health system.
2 years ago Report
kittybobo34: Sir,, I think you hit the nail on the head, we have little to no mental health system.
2 years ago Report
MovingOnNow: That's the hard part, preventing idiots from having guns. Democrats want to ban everybody's to prevent idiots from having guns.
2 years ago Report
Sir Loin
Sir Loin: Is that why the streets are full of crazies in USA Kitty?
2 years ago Report
ghostgeek: Seeing as you can't with any accuracy predict who is going to be a psychotic nut job, all you can do is limit the harm such people can do to others. I guess that is one reason why poisons are now strictly controlled. So why not the same with guns?
2 years ago Report
chronology: Ghost. There was a gunshop owner who was really concerned at the number of suicides by people who bought his guns so he decided to install Cctv of a higher quality so staff could check after the sale if they had concerns they could pass on to police. In one week three people shot themselves with guns bought in the shop. When they checked the cctv to see if there were any signs in the customers they had missed, they were shocked to discover that there was nothing at all that indicated any of the 3 suicides were considering suicide. 'They just looked completely normal. But three of them shot themselves a week after buying the guns' said a staff member.
2 years ago Report
Fractured fairy tale
Fractured fairy tale: Don"t Worry every one The President on behalf of the White House Has Said There gonna Start Arresting Gun Shop Owners Throw them in Jail , Presumebly as a Deterrent To Others For Selling a Legal Product , Can"t Argue with logic like that Can you all the People Who Give Lavish Gushing Praise to what ever the White House does
2 years ago Report
Fractured fairy tale
Fractured fairy tale: are people That Neiave That The POTUS of the United States says Stuff like That , Are They That Neiave If That Ever Happend That a Gun Shop Owner got Arrested and or Jailed , Are They That Neiave That they Think it could Never Happen to Them , By Just saying Oh but there Not for Self deffence
2 years ago Report
ghostgeek: OK, time for a few stats:

Homicides in the U.S. are overwhelmingly committed using handguns. They were found to be the most common murder weapon for nearly half of all homicides in the United States in 2019. In England and Wales, in contrast, there were 32 homicide victims killed by shooting in the year ending March 2019 ( 5% of all homicides ). So why the difference? I'm guessing it's because gun access is controlled in the U.K. but much less so in America.
2 years ago Report