what about the war? how can win the war? (Page 2)

SWlNE: And what am I ranting about in your opinion? You seem upset that I pointed out that the contributions to WWII were a joint effort by the Allies and the Soviets. You wanted to speak about who contributed more and I pointed out that the Soviets did in terms of strategic military fighting points and perhaps the UK with more the mental (reference to the men and women who had to break the codes and carry out espionage). Or are you upset that I pointed Agent Orange as being more a 'blood lust' event? You see the difference between persons who are not from the US and those who are from the US, Europe has within its history mentioned the dark side of the war. Germany has not swept it under the carpet. They've not sought out to justify any killings on civilians as Agent Orange and list wrong doings as a 'necessity'.

Supply comes from demand. Perhaps you can preach to your millions of junkies. Looks more to me like a fat, greedy kid complaining to a cake maker. You're in no position to talk about the drug trade, in fact by the looks of it you're in no position to talk about WWII even. In comparison to the US of A, Colombia is a Mother Teresa. We can talk about the rapes by the US soldiers, your Agent Oranges, your drones...the list is very long. You'd not want to go there. I'd hate to tarnish your bright-eyed childish view of the world.

(Edited by SWlNE)
8 years ago Report
chronology: piggldy. I still cannot believe the arrogance and hypocrisy of your posts here. Sat one of the worlds longest standing and biggest suppliers of hard narcotics you rant and rave against the U.S.A.

I have no disrespect at all for the nation of Colombia, I simply cannot believe you have the bald faced arrogance to sit in front of a computer ranting against the U.S.A. while every day of the week death and misery is shipped out of your country to innocent Americans.

There is no point in following this discussion any further, other than to say I respect the sacrifice of all service persons in WW2 of all nations,

Again no disrespect at all to the nation of Colombia, we all have our faults and failings, but all you see is 'America' 'America' 'America' whenever you pass judgement on the past.

Again I will not be reading anymore of your Posts here, frankly I just cannot believe you expect to be taken seriously. .
8 years ago Report
SWlNE: You should begin by asking whether I am from Colombia or not. If you have anything to oppose what I have stated then may I suggest you present it instead of giving a whine.

Your feelings towards the nation of Colombia is not my concern. If you have issues with the drug trade then perhaps you should voice it with the cartels. They might be less incline to listen but then again, so am I. The drug trade is one of supply and demand. No one is forcing drug users, I've not read of the Colombian cartels grabbing persons from the US and forcing them to take cocaine. Maybe instead of blaming an entire country for the drug-users of your country, you should do a self-analysis. Like I said, it is as a fat, greedy kid blaming a baker. The simplest way to stop the drug trade is to close the demand for it. It shouldn't be difficult seeing that it's all 'innocent Americans'. These 'innocent Americans' also make a hefty sum of cash by being part of the drug trade. Taking part in some of their own. Colombia is a small country, do you really believe that the cartels are the only ones involved in the drug trade and possess no help from those in the US? Again, more naive thinking.

You should've made that statement from the beginning. I am glad that you have accepted the correction.

Again, I don't care about your feelings about Colombia. Sorry to ruin that bright-eyed view you had of the world. The US (as other countries) is just not that great and holy as you thought it was. There are equally dark deeds done in its 'blood lust' (just quoting you).
(Edited by SWlNE)
8 years ago Report
dennygringo56: What war? Get it? Think hard and then let me know what you think I mean.
8 years ago Report
ghostgeek: Sure don't know what war the bloke who started this thread is on about. Perhaps he's gearing up to take on Taiwan.
8 years ago Report